You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Brother, smoke a cigarette!"

Gu Qingyuan took out a Huazi, pulled out one, and handed it to Huang Mao.

Huang Mao's eyes lit up, and while receiving the cigarette, he looked up and down Gu Qingyuan again, and found that this person's clothes were also very ordinary, smoking a Huazi, could it be a pretense?

"Gu Qingyuan, what do you call brother?"

Gu Qingyuan lit a cigarette for himself, and asked a little.

"Shi Yong!"

The yellow-haired young man named Shi Yong leaned against the wall and sipped his cigarettes. Seeing the appearance, he could recognize the old smoker.

"The dude who looked dumbfounded just now is a little boyish and a bit slow to react. I hope you can help him more in the future."

With that, Gu Qingyuan took out two unopened packages of Huazi and stuffed them into Shi Yong's pocket.

"Yeah, no!"

Shi Yong reached into his pocket, trying to get the cigarette out, but Gu Qingyuan stubbornly held it on.

"I will be classmates from now on, so this is not appropriate."

Shi Yong smiled and said.

"My brother is too real, worried that he will be bullied. If you can, help me out more."

"That's not necessary!"

"Okay, take it!"

After Gu Qingyuan patted Shi Yong's arm, he turned and walked back to the dormitory.

Hao Ji worked very neatly. After Gu Qingyuan spoke for a while, all the sheets and bedding were laid.

"It seems to hear your mother say that you are a little afraid of heights, can you sleep on the bunk?"

Gu Qingyuan patted Hao Ji who was pouting his butt to clean up the bed and asked.

"Huh? It works."

Hao Ji smirked with big white teeth, and got down from the upper bunk on the escalator, wiped the sweat stains on his forehead, and said, "What a big deal, tie two ropes to it!"

Gu Qingyuan took a puff of cigarette, but this guy was a person who didn't dare to walk outside when walking up the stairs.

"Come to live with me, we will change positions."

Shi Yong walked over and said, and pointed to his own position. It was in the lower bunk of the first entrance, and the position was very good.

"Ah, need it."

Hao Ji grabbed his hair and looked at Shi Yong with some embarrassment.

"Thank you, brother."

Gu Qingyuan agreed for Haoji, and after patted Shi Yong on the shoulder, he began to change beds.

Before leaving, Gu Qingyuan nodded to Shi Yong and said goodbye to Shi Yong, and found that this yellow-haired boy was very good at coming.

"I will give it to you!"

Hao Ji put down the washbasin in his hand and followed Gu Qingyuan out of the bedroom.

As soon as Hao Ji left the door, there was a strange sound of Yin and Yang in the bedroom.

"That fat man with big ears, isn't he a fool? He looks dumb."

A young man sitting in the upper bunk of Hao Ji smoked a cigarette, said something loudly, knocked off the ashes on the iron bars, and all fell on the sheets Hao Ji had just laid.

"It's absolutely silly to look like that!"

On the opposite bed, a gorgeously dressed young man said, curled his lips, and said contemptuously: "There is still a stinky smell on the goods. I don't know where the poor goods came from."

"That is to say, that half sleeve is a little yellow!"

Several roommates discussed, Shi Yong didn't say a word during the whole process, just smiled faintly, nodded to cooperate with them, he had a hunch that he always felt that the young man named Gu Qingyuan was very unusual.

"Qingyuan, you must visit me often."

Hao Ji put his arms around Gu Qingyuan's shoulders, looked at him and asked seriously.

"One... definitely."

Gu Qingyuan nodded, how did he feel that Hao Ji was so sticky after sleeping in the same bed with Hao Ji.

"After you settle down, remember to call your mother." Gu Qingyuan exhorted.Yanyan e-book

"By the way, call my mom."

Hao Ji sweated heavily on his head, and then he began to search his pockets, and after finding a sticky note, he hurriedly opened it and found that the landline number of the small shop on it was blurred. clear.

"What...what should I do?"

Hao Ji looked at Gu Qingyuan and asked in a panic.

"What is this lump in your hand? Nose?"

Looking at the lump of paper in Hao Ji's hand, Gu Qingyuan pulled his hand aside and asked contemptuously.

After all, this guy is a man who wipes his nose directly with his clothes cuff!


Hao Ji cried and said, "This is the phone of the small shop. I can't see it clearly. What should I do!"

"This matter!"

Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly, "I remember the phone number from the small shop."

When Gu Qingyuan spoke the phone number of the small shop fluently, he was shocked. He watched Hao Ji take out the pen, remembering the number just said from his mouth, and sweating down Gu Qingyuan’s temples. Flowed down.


In the taxi, Gu Qingyuan sat in the back row without saying a word, thinking carefully about how he knew the phone number of the small shop.

Stretching out his fingers, Gu Qingyuan knocked on the door gently, rhythmically, trying to remember, so that the front row driver frowned without hearing the reminder.

"When did you know?"

Gu Qingyuan's memory is like a picture, scene after scene being played back.

In his mind, such a scene appeared.

When Ma Hao copied Hao Ji's phone number from the small shop, she read it as she wrote it, and at that time, Gu Qingyuan happened to pass by her, and the number seemed to be engraved in her mind.


Gu Qingyuan murmured, stopping his finger knocking on the door, and his whole body was soaked.

Just the intermediate level of the proficient level, the development of the brain has reached such a magical place, it is hard to imagine that it will be upgraded in the future!

"10 million, hurry up and earn it!"

Gu Qingyuan whispered to himself, and the driver in the front row smiled disdainfully.

Back in the streets and alleys, Gu Qingyuan went straight to the Internet cafe. As expected, Li Huzheng's goods were also in the Internet cafe, and in small Internet cafes, it was all his shouts.

After Gu Qingyuan opened the internet ticket, he sat next to him.

"Stop howling!"

Gu Qingyuan patted Li Huzheng's swollen belly.

Li Huzheng frowned and looked over and grinned again when he saw that it was Empress Gu Qingyuan.


Li Hu was stretching out two fat fingers.

Gu Qingyuan didn't bother to talk to him either. While downloading the software for stock trading, he took out a pack of Huazi from his pocket and threw it on the table of the Internet cafe.

"Brother Yuan is domineering, he will also be Huazi."

After Li Hu was lighting the cigarette, he asked, "Two?"


Gu Qingyuan took a deep breath, frowned and said something, looked at the lingering loading bar, stood up and shouted.

"Who TM secretly downloaded the movie, shut it down for Lao Tzu, and got stuck!"

In the corner, a few spooky children looked up at Gu Qingyuan and then quickly lowered their heads. One of the children stood up to block the computer screen, and the other hurriedly clicked the mouse to operate.

In less than half a minute, Gu Qingyuan's download progress bar finally moved.

"What's the matter, I said why I nodded my head inaccurately, it turned out to be a network card!"

Hao Ji was smoking a cigarette and said sadly.

"Point out your face, yours is a local area network, you are stuck!"

Gu Qingyuan curled his lips and found that Li Huzheng's mind was too naive. After playing CS for so long, he was still a B technique.

After downloading the software, Gu Qingyuan hurriedly opened the new third board. At this time, his temperament was like a different person!

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