You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Street alley!

Until the end of the night the next day, Gu Qingyuan sat straight in the Internet cafe.

"Still playing, don't you want to go?"

Li Hu was stretching his waist and stood up, yawning and asking Gu Qingyuan.

Gu Qingyuan shook his head, tiredness was written on his thin cheeks, and opened the new three-board handicap, and the trading time was about to arrive in less than an hour.

"It's really crazy. I've been staring at that shit all night, and the game won't even come."

After Li Huzheng said something, he walked out of the Internet cafe.

Gu Qingyuan was unmoved, didn't hear anything, and didn't even look back at Li Huzheng.

Of course, this kind of mental concentration can only be achieved in this world by Gu Qingyuan, who has a chip implanted in his brain.

In the morning, Dashan did not send out any explosive news, and naturally it did not stop trading.

Since yesterday's daily limit, today is indeed a low opening and sideways trading, and the trading volume is even more terribly low. There are also dozens of purchases in one morning.

The performance of the handicap was very different from Gu Qingyuan's expectations.

Gu Qingyuan opened the trading volume page and carefully stared at the purchase number on it. He was waiting, waiting for the purchase number of 4399 lots to appear.

According to the previous rules, that special transaction number will appear within half an hour of the afternoon trading suspension, but worrying about some omissions, Gu Qingyuan is still staring at the transaction volume page all day.

Until the half an hour when trading was about to be suspended in the afternoon, the performance of Dashan shares was very flat, and Gu Qingyuan had been sitting next to the computer without taking a step.

At this time, Gu Qingyuan looked more focused, frowning, pointing his finger at the purchase number that appeared on the screen, and he was waiting for the number to appear.

The trading was stopped in less than five minutes, and the special number of purchases still did not appear. A bead of sweat slid down Gu Qingyuan's cheek onto the keyboard.

Gu Qingyuan felt nervous and became nervous.

It is precisely because of various uncertainties that when there is a little data change that does not conform to my conjecture, I become nervous.

This time, Gu Qingyuan became a capitalist with only profit in his eyes. Of course, the probability of gain is much higher than the probability of loss, so he will be desperate.

Finally, when the trading was suspended for less than one minute, a number of 52,788 appeared. The purchase of super-large lots was exactly 12 multiples of 4399, which was in line with my own calculation rules.

The purchase of this large lot size has pushed Dashan shares to a point where they rose.

Gu Qingyuan sighed and lay heavily on the seat with a smile on his lips.

After a while, Gu Qingyuan supported the seat with both hands and stood up slowly. For a while, he became dizzy.

After gentle fingers on his temples for a while, Gu Qingyuan slowly left the Internet cafe. At this time, he was already exhausted.


For the next half month, Gu Qingyuan was basically at the Internet cafe.

On this day of Friday, until the end of the suspension, after the special number appeared, Gu Qingyuan lay directly on the table in the Internet cafe and fell asleep.

Only when it got dark outside did someone push Gu Qingyuan's back.

"I said this stuff is here, it's been crazy during this time."

Li Huzheng's voice sounded behind him, wearing a checkered long-sleeved shirt, like a street gangster.

"Wake up and see who is back."

Li Huzheng pushed hard again.


Gu Qingyuan turned his head and looked over, his eyes were bloodshot, his cheeks were thin and he looked very haggard.

"Xiaoyong, when did you come back?"

Gu Qingyuan squeezed a smile and stood up slowly, and found that behind Kang Xiaoyong, there was a girl standing, carefully looking at herself.

"Yeah, your kid has such a good life, this girl is pretty good."

Gu Qingyuan smiled and said something, scornful, took out a cigarette, and then threw it at Li Huzheng.

Hearing this, Kang Xiaoyong looked embarrassed, worried that Edamame was angry, but a clear laugh came out behind him.

"Hehehe..." Keyuan Novel

Edamame pursed his lips and smiled. For nothing else, he was very happy when he heard that he was good-looking.

"Qingyuan, this...this is my college classmate, called Maodoudou."

Kang Xiaoyong introduced, there was a blush on his cheeks.

"Hello there."

Gu Qingyuan smiled at her and nodded, "Let's go, it's time to have some food."

After walking out of the Internet cafe, a few people came to Du Yuchuan's small shop and saw him lying on the rocking chair, frowning and crying.

"What's the matter with you, the whole face looks like a ran away wife."

Gu Qingyuan leaned on the glass cabinet and teased Du Yuchuan with a smile.

Over the past half month, this product has been accompanied by himself in the Internet cafe, muttering for a long time beside Gu Qingyuan with a sad face, and when he saw him leaving without a word, he sighed.

The most important thing is that Yang Daming came to give Du Yuchuan cruel words almost every day, and this period of time has made him feel restless.

Du Yuchuan glared at the hippy smiling Gu Qingyuan, without saying a word, and leaned to one side.

"have you eaten?"

Gu Qingyuan asked again.

Du Yuchuan still ignored him, just glanced at him.

"Don't eat it, Xiaoyong is back, ready to take you to open the meat."

After Gu Qingyuan said something, he turned and left.

Hearing this, Du Yuchuan stood up all of a sudden, and really found that Kang Xiaoyong was smiling and waving at him.

After turning his head and walking into the curtain to greet, he hurriedly got out of the small door.

Du Yuchuan ran quickly behind Gu Qingyuan and kicked his ass.

"You bastard, I've been hurt by you this time."

Du Yuchuan yelled.


Gu Qingyuan laughed loudly and walked ahead with his arms around Du Yuchuan's shoulders.

"You old man, don't worry. I borrowed the money. Even if something really goes wrong, I will fight it alone."

"go away!"

Du Yuchuan stared at Gu Qingyuan with bell-like eyes!

"Is the surname Yang someone who reasoned with you? You are not on it, or you are looking for Laozi to vent your anger, you can't squeeze oil out of your dry bones, you are a fate."

"Fuck you, I will run away tomorrow."

Gu Qingyuan smiled and snorted coldly.

"Fuck you, I'll just die in front of you now."

Du Yuchuan glared wide with anger, his face flushed with suffocation, and stared at Gu Qingyuan.

"Okay, old man, you calm down, knowing that you owe you, and when you make a profit, my buddies will share some of your money."

"Ten thousand!"

Du Yuchuan stretched out a fat finger, "I will be divided into ten thousand at that time."

Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly, and did not continue to talk. If Dashan shares meets expectations, he is going to distribute 100,000 to Du Yuchuan. After all, he has taken the corresponding risk in this matter.

When they reached the entrance of the alley, a few people took a taxi and then walked into the city. Along the way, Kang Xiaoyong always emphasized that he would treat guests and just eat a bite in his store. Du Yuchuan stared coldly when he heard these words. He is no fewer than dozens of times.

In the taxi, Mao Doudou sat in the front row, while Gu Qingyuan and the four crowded into the back row.

After the car started and set off, Gu Qingyuan smiled and joked: "How can I bring my girlfriend back to eat something casually? Brothers invited me this time."

After speaking, Gu Qingyuan looked at Li Huzheng and Du Yuchuan, and they lowered their heads tacitly.

And the edamame in the front row was not angry, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, like Gu Qingyuan and the others teasing each other.

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