You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!On the last day of September, the weather in Shengzheng is still fresh, but you need to add some clothes in the morning and evening, otherwise you will feel a little cool.

It has been almost a month since Gu Qingyuan borrowed money, but Dashan shares of the New Third Board are still in a sideways state, and there is no news, as if the same lake is dead.

But the regular number of purchases will still appear in the late trading.

In the afternoon, Gu Qingyuan, Li Huzheng and Du Yuchuan were all sitting in the Internet cafe.

Li Huzheng on the side was watching TV series happily. He recently became obsessed with a court love drama. The delicate emotional drama of his children's affection and his burly figure are particularly incompatible.

Du Yuchuan was sitting beside Gu Qingyuan with a sad face, and Yang Daming's person was still sitting in his small shop.

"Old Gu, you fucking say something, in the past few days, the surname Yang has sent several people to eat at my house every day."

Du Yuchuan snarled. Gu Qingyuan didn't even look at him. He still frowned and stared at the computer screen.

"Okay, Lao Du, don't howl, you can scream at him, I wonder if Lao Gu is crazy."

Li Huzheng smiled and said something, and continued to watch TV.

With a sigh, Du Yuchuan climbed onto the table and looked at Gu Qingyuan weakly.

After a while, Kang Xiaoyong also came to the Internet cafe, and with him was edamame.

"Yeah, Doudou is here too."

Li Huzheng said cheerfully, and took off the headset to say hello.I go to Kang Xiaoyong to mix bowls of noodles almost every day, and he is naturally very kind to him.

"Hmm, fat man, come for a game?"

Edamame said with a big smile and shook the internet note in his hand.

Every weekend, Mao Doudou will follow Kang Xiaoyong to the streets and alleys, and slowly get acquainted with a few people.

"Come here."

After Li Huzheng turned off the computer, he quickly logged in to CS. This edamame is an absolute god. I didn't expect her to play the game so well.


After logging in to the game, Edamame took another look at Gu Qingyuan, "Gu, don't you play?"

"Leave him alone, let's play."

Li Huzheng curled his lips and said, Gu Qingyuan still frowned at this time. He didn't even greet Mao Doudou, just like an air person.

Mao Doudou approached Kang Xiaoyong and asked in a low voice, "Xiaoyong, what does Lao Gu look at? A bunch of numbers, and he looks so devoted."

"I...I don't know."

Kang Xiaoyong shook his head. He always felt that Gu Qingyuan was particularly mysterious. Even if he had known each other for so long, he still felt that he was covered with a veil of mystery.

For example, for some new things, don't look at his lazy expression, but unexpectedly, Gu Qingyuan seems to have a good understanding of those things and can give a reasonable explanation.

How did he know those things?

Seeing Gu Qingyuan's concentrated expression, Kang Xiaoyong became confused for a moment.

"Then... what about Uncle Du, why does he look like he is crying every time he visits Gu Qingyuan?"

Edamame pouted and asked again, looking very cute.

"I don't know what they two are doing."

Kang Xiaoyong asked gently, looking at edamame with extremely gentle eyes.

"Well, it looks mysterious."

Mao Doudou blinked at Kang Xiaoyong, and the two of them looked at each other for a moment, then laughed again.

Tomorrow is National Day. At this time, the Internet cafe is full of students. There are even three or four students playing in turns on a machine, and the noise is constant.

Gu Qingyuan stayed out of the incident, as if he had entered an independent space. The noise around him could not be heard at all. He didn't even know that Mao Doudou and Kang Xiaoyong had come to the Internet cafe.

Today, the turnover rate of Dashan shares has hit a new low. Even if it is a stock's limit, he will have some purchases to test the water. At this time, its turnover rate is close to zero.

Since the market opened in the morning to now, there have been three purchases.

"Why is it so strange."

Gu Qingyuan whispered quietly.

Dashan shares feels like a stock that others have forgotten, no one trades, and the stock price has been in a sideways stage.

In thinking, Dashan shares were like a flood of floodgates, with a straight line limit, and the trading volume was only a few more transactions.

But the backlog of the handicap is not too much, only tens of thousands of hands.

"How come you hit the limit so easily!" 19th Floor Literature

Gu Qingyuan knocked down on the computer desk and turned his head quickly.

After another hour, less than ten minutes before the market was suspended, Dashan's order pressure still did not increase much, and the purchase volume was so absurd that there was no order.

Suddenly, Gu Qingyuan's body trembled, and the legs under the table couldn't stop shaking.

"Could it be that in this stock, shareholders and institutions are holding shares, and all the retail investors are left with these?"

Gu Qingyuan said in his heart that he suspected that the order at the limit price of Dashan Shares was the only retail investor among the cheques.

"Buy it all! Buy it all! Buy it all..."

Gu Qingyuan shouted rhythmically, his voice getting louder and louder, and Du Yuchuan a few people beside him could hear clearly.

"Old...Old Gu?"

Du Yuchuan shook his shoulders, Gu Qingyuan remained unmoved, staring at the screen and shouting, as if he was crazy.

"In... In the evil?"

Li Huzheng shouted, took off the headset, and looked at Du Yuchuan worriedly.

"Did you stay in front of the computer for a long time and have hallucinations."

Edamame analyzed.

"Possibly, let's take him to the hospital first."

After Kang Xiaoyong said something, several people stood up and gathered around Gu Qingyuan, preparing to lift him up.

Li Hu posed his body, Du Yuchuan and Kang Xiaoyong took his arm and lifted Gu Qingyuan up.

"Don't move me!"

Gu Qingyuan shouted aloud, his tone was cold, and several people were shocked.

"Qingyuan? What's wrong with you."

Kang Xiaoyong asked worriedly, looking at Gu Qingyuan's bloodshot eyes, and he became even more panicked.

"It must be an evil! Otherwise, how could he be so angry!"

Li Huzhen rubbed his chin and said affirmatively, "It really doesn't work. I'll look for a young man in our village. He seems to know how to get rid of evil."

During the conversation between several people, Gu Qingyuan actually grinned, the more he laughed, the louder and louder, the voice filled the entire Internet cafe, making everyone look over.

Du Yuchuan swallowed hard and spit, clutching Gu Qingyuan's arm tightly, big beads of sweat popped out from his forehead, if he was crazy, he would be over, how could Yang Daming let him go.

Gu Qingyuan's previous guesses are all correct!

Most of the bargaining chips of Dashen shares are held in the hands of institutions and new shareholders. In the end, even if there is no trading volume, it can easily hit the limit price.

And the last sell orders that hit the limit are the only retail investors left on this plate. Just a second, these sell orders were eaten up.

Gu Qingyuan became excited. He may be one of the few lucky ones, who survived this war of attrition to the end.

Just after trading was suspended, Dashan shares bounced up a message, which clearly stated that the news of the company's restructuring and some major issues will be announced soon!

"Hahaha... when it was dark before dawn, I couldn't resist it and sold them all. You are really pitiful."

Gu Qingyuan said to himself.

As soon as the voice fell, Gu Qingyuan felt that he was being carried and walked out of the Internet cafe.


Gu Qingyuan took a look and found that Li Huzheng had carried him on his shoulders, striding forward.

"Yeah! Doudou is here."

Gu Qingyuan smiled and waved, saying hello.

"Come... here."

Mao Doudou waved his hand, replied, and gave Kang Xiaoyong a meaningful look. On weekdays, Xiaoyong almost praised Gu Qingyuan, but he saw him several times, and not once was normal.

No matter when, Gu Qingyuan stared at the computer screen in a dazed manner.

"Fatty, what are you doing, let me down."

Gu Qingyuan slapped Li Huzheng, and the latter grinned, with strong hands. After throwing Gu Qingyuan to the ground, he rubbed his back.

"You fucking do it lightly."


Gu Qingyuan smiled, and put his arms around Du Yuchuan's shoulders, and said as he walked, "Go, take you to enjoy yourself today, and find a few girls to pinch your back."

The edamame behind him cast a sharp look at Kang Xiaoyong!I hate Gu Qingyuan more and more in my heart, this person is simply a scumbag!

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