You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Back in the room, He Chaoran turned on his mobile phone and alarm clock respectively, worried that he had accidentally slept, and tomorrow...he had to follow the plan to take care of Qingyuan.

However, He Chaoran thought too much. He Chaoran didn't have a single glance all night. The biggest problem tomorrow is that before Father He reads the account, Gu Qingyuan has done it well and bought the same shares.

And there can be no slight mistake in the amount, which is almost impossible!


The more he thought about it, the more afraid he became. He Chaoran called Gu Qingyuan's phone.

No answer for the first time.

Of course He Chaoran will not stop and continue to fight.

"Hello? What happened to the fat man?"

Gu Qingyuan finally connected, and said dimly.

"Old Gu, I'm scared!"

"go away!"


He Chaoran didn't sleep the whole night. At 6 o'clock in the morning, He Chaoran came to the switch of the He family villa.

It is a dark room, and generally few people come here.

When the market opens on 9.30, Mr. He usually wakes up at 7 o'clock. After exercise, he eats breakfast at 8.00, and then reads the news...

When he looks at the market, it should be around 8.30.

In the dark and small dark room, He Chaoran looked resolutely, clenching his gums, and still holding Father He's mobile phone in his hand.

A beating is inevitable.

Time ran away minute by minute, and then a layer of fine sweat appeared on He Chao's back, and big beads of sweat poured out from his forehead.

At breakfast, He Chaoran's seat was vacant.

"Rich country, how about detachment?"

He asked with an unhappy expression.


He Fuguo looked up and realized that He Chaoran was not there.

"Master, I saw He Shao go out early."

The servant standing behind replied for He Fuguo.

"Why don't you come back now?" He Chaoran frowned and said displeasedly: "Go, take my phone in my study, I will give him that phone, doesn't he know that he is going to operate the stock today?"

In Master He’s plan, He Chaoran wants to learn more about financial stocks, so as to provoke a leader in this area in the future.

"Hehe, don't look at who gave birth."

Kong Qiulian, He Fuguo's wife, said something strangely.

"Qiulian, don't say this. After all, this is also the seed of the He family, and his family business must have his share."

His family business has his share.

Hearing this, He Chaoqun's hands holding the knife and fork tightened, and then looked at Kong Qiulian, a vicious flash flashed across their faces.

"Old...Master, your phone is no longer in the ladder."

The servant frowned and walked hurriedly, talking as he walked.


He stood up suddenly, patted the table hard, and glanced at He Fuguo: "Quickly, call He Chaoran."

At this time, He Chaoqun and Kong Ailian smiled at each other.

Time went back to half an hour ago.

Gu Qingyuan also came to the Internet cafe early, opened the securities account, frowned and calculated.

For the allotment of 7 stocks, Gu Qingyuan accurately calculated their lower limit purchase price, and then subtracted the difference, the online bank account can directly transfer 6,733,400,007 yuan and 3 points.

With an actuarial calculation, Gu Qingyuan calculated it in a flash.

After the calculation was completed, Gu Qingyuan began to transfer the money. Within 10 minutes, He Chaoran received the amount transferred out of the text message on the He family's old man's phone, accurate to the point.Little Snail Chinese Website

At the same time, I also received the same amount of text messages on my mobile phone.


He Chaoran hurriedly responded with a text message, and at the same time his breathing became rapid, his heart full of doubts.

Gu Qingyuan, why does he transfer money now?And are all counted?Did he calculate all these?Is this too exaggerated?

"Gu Qingyuan, don't pit Laozi."

He Chaoran cursed secretly, quickly deleted the text message, and the traces were completely removed, leaving only the rights to buy the original 7 stocks.

However, all of these premises require that Gu Qingyuan's calculations are not a bit wrong.

"But that product, when I was watching the rights issue, I just glanced at it and sold it in a hurry. Can he remember the number of rights issue?"

Thinking of this, He Chaoran's breathing became rapid, and in the dark and narrow room, he could still hear his heart beating.


He Chaoran shook his hand, and his phone fell to the ground. It was just a text message, and he was so nervous.

When I picked it up, it was sent by Gu Qingyuan.

"Return the old man He's phone, then cut the circuit, and leave the rest to me, speed!"

He Chaoran chose to trust Gu Qingyuan again, cut the circuit, and hurriedly left the darkroom.


"Grandpa, you call me."

He Chaoran was wearing a sports suit and ran over smilingly.

"Where have you been?"

Master He's brows stretched slightly.

"Grandpa, I went for a run. This is not because my brother is in good shape and I want to lose weight."

With that said, He Chaoran sat down on the dining chair with a towel around his neck, picked it up and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He Chaoran's expression was relaxed, no one would have thought that he was very nervous at this time, and the sweat he wiped out was only because of nervousness.

Appearing in sportswear, this is a good concealment. I have to say that He Chaoran has the potential to become a national first-class actor.

"Where is my phone?"

He asked again, his tone was not good.

"Grandpa, I have put your study cabinet in the secret compartment. Isn't this phone more important? When I cleaned the study that day, I took the initiative to put it away and forgot to tell you."

He Chaoran said lightly, and at the same time picked up the milk in front of him and drank guts.

Everyone thought he was thirsty for exercise. In fact, this fat man used a big mouth to drink milk to cover his trembling legs.

"Really?" Old man He showed a smile and sat down again. He Chaoran was careful, and he didn't worry too much.

Upon seeing this, the servant hurriedly turned and left, and after a while, he walked over with his mobile phone.

He didn't check the phone after receiving it, he just put the phone aside without any doubt.

He Chaoran ate the bread again and took a long breath.

After breakfast, everyone accompanied Mr. He to the study. When they were about to turn on the computer, they found that the computer had not responded.

"What's the matter? No battery?"

He Chaoran looked puzzled, turned his head to look at a servant, glanced at the wall clock on the wall, it was only 8.30, and there was still an hour before the market transaction.

"Gu Qingyuan, fuck you!" He Chaoran couldn't help cursing inwardly.

"Let an electrician go over it for repairs, and pull a generator if the power goes out."

Father He sat on the sofa and didn't worry, after all, there was still an hour left.

"Okay, I'll go hello."

He Chaoran said, and when he walked out of the room, he heard an instruction from Mr. He again: "Try to hurry up, buy with big chips today. If you miss the opening time, you may not be able to get in the car."

Mr. He still trusts the judgment of those friends in the financial circle very much, saying that it is hard to buy money back, so that countless retail investors continue to invest in the stock market.

He Chaoran lightly hung the study door, already sweating profusely.

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