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He Chaoran frowned and stood in front of the darkroom, shouting at a worker who was repairing the circuit, looking very anxious.

"Can't you fix it?"

"This...this seems to be a broken line?" the electrician said hesitantly.


He Chaoran shouted loudly, covering up his inner tension with a high-pitched voice.

"When can it be repaired?" He Chaoran asked again.

"Quickly, just change the wire, now as long as you can find out where it is broken."

The electrician was talking, looking for the broken circuit.

"How long is it going?" He Chaoran squatted beside the electrician and asked in a low voice.

"A few minutes."

He Chaoran's ears rang dripping, and symptoms of tinnitus appeared. It is only 9.00 now, and there is still half an hour to open. It must be delayed to 9.30.

Back in the study, He Chaoran reported the situation to Father He.

"Grandpa, don't worry too much. Just about the limit on Friday, I also asked some of my financial friends. They felt that although the bulls are turning back, there will be great resistance to stretching. Even if the market opens, it will not Once stretched to the daily limit, there is still a chance to get on the bus."


He took the cane and smashed it on the ground.

"The stock market is ever-changing, that's hard to say. Go out and urge you to fix it before half past nine."

"it is good."

He Chaoran nodded, and after leaving the room, he strode into the darkroom again.


He Chaoran asked worriedly.

"Alright, I have found out where it broke."

The electrician said with a smile.


He Chaoran could not help cursing.

"Huh?" After the phone stopped, he turned his head and looked over, "What did He Shao just say, I didn't hear clearly."

"Oh, it's alright, you can do it."

He Chaoran said with blurred eyes, and after a while, he said anxiously: "After you fix it, don't press the main gate in a hurry. I have to see if other people are playing with electrical appliances and to ensure safety."

"He Shao is still thoughtful, OK, I remember."

The electrician nodded and continued to work happily.

Seeing the electrician's twisting body, He Chaoran had the urge to give him a kick.

At this time, footsteps came from the corridor outside the door, and He Chaoran knew that it was the trader who came, and Mr. He was about to remind him again.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the urging voice of Mr. He came from the study: "He Chaoran! Isn't it all right?"

"After you fix it in a while, don't close the main brake, remember!"

After speaking, He Chaoran ran to the study quickly.As soon as the front foot stepped in, I heard Old Man He roaring furiously: "What does that electrician do for food, and can't he fix it?"

"Alright, I'm changing the circuit, just a few minutes, I'll be staring at it."

After that, He Chaoran walked quickly to the study again. The current time: 9.15. There are still fifteen minutes left.

He Chaoran heard the bad news as soon as he arrived in the darkroom.

"It's fixed!"

The electrician smiled, with tools in his hand, looking at He Chaoran beamingly.

"Okay, I see, then you pack your things and go first. I will open the main gate later." Please see the novel website

With that said, He Chaoran handed him a pack of Huazi with 200 yuan wrapped in it.

"Ouch, thank you Shao."

The electrician took the money with a simple smile, packed the tools in his bag, and walked out of the villa.

He Chaoran let out a long sigh. After entering the villa alone, he gently closed the door, and he must drag it to the opening of 9.30.

"He Chaoran!"

Just five minutes later, Mr. He urged again.

He Chaoran hurried back to the study again, sweating profusely, with some stains on his face, "Grandpa, it will be cured soon, the electrician went back to the thing, and said that it will be fixed in five minutes."

"It's still so long?"

He stood up all of a sudden, ready to take a look in the darkroom.He just took a step forward, and He Chaoran's legs became soft.

"Well, Master He, it doesn't matter. Five minutes doesn't affect anything. We won't operate immediately after the market opens today, but we need to see the performance of the market."

One of the traders said.


Master He sat back again and looked at the trader with interest.

"Although it is true that the bull is turning back, we have to look at its intraday performance. It is not normal for the dealer to stretch directly at the opening. We still have to create some panic to scare away retail investors."

The trader raised his head and talked freely, looking very confident.

"Oh, it makes sense."

"Then grandpa, I'll go out and take a look. I'll let the electrician fix it in five minutes."

He Chaoran bent over and said in a low voice.

"Well, go ahead."

He didn't feel nervous when he listened to the trader's analysis.

Walking out of the study, He Chaoran slumped directly to the ground, still leaning on the wall, and slowly stood up.

I cursed Gu Qingyuan in my heart!

"Gu Qingyuan, you bastard, are you so sure that you bought the stocks at the limit-down price? Will the limit drop as soon as the market opens? Don't kill Lao Tzu."

One result that He Chaoran was particularly worried about was that when he opened his securities account, the stocks turned red across the board. At that time, Gu Qingyuan, you still bought a fart, and I was the first to die!

In the darkroom, after 9.31, He Chaoran pressed the main gate. He specially delayed one minute for Gu Qingyuan to operate it.

In fact, what he didn't know was that Gu Qingyuan directly hung the limit price on 9.15, lying on a chair and smoking a cigarette leisurely.

As soon as the time comes to 9.30, the 7 allotments will be bought across the board, and the tragedy of the stock market comes, the opening of the thousands of shares will be limited!

He Chaoran stood anxiously behind the traders, watching them operate, opening the securities account and entering the password.

He Chaoran didn't know what the original allotment was, but after seeing the trader's expression unchanged, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Seeing the trader opening the market, He Chaoran's pupils dilated and his mouth could not help but opened. His body was standing upside down with goose bumps.

Thousand shares fell by the limit, and the market fell as much as 3 points.


He Chaoran laughed wildly, and the whole family looked at him in surprise.

After feeling that something was wrong, He Chaoran hurriedly stopped, short of breath and excitedly pointing to the screen and said:

"The limit is down, the opportunity is here, let's buy it!"

In fact, He Chaoran's excitement at this time was because Gu Qingyuan predicted the future, which made him terrified, and he also had the courage to defeat He Chaoqun, his trump card was Gu Qingyuan!

"Well, Transcendence makes sense, let's increase the position."

At this time, Old Man He also stood up, staring at the screen and said.

"Not urgent!"

The trader shook his head in astonishment and murmured: "We didn't expect this kind of decline. We'd better wait and see. If it doesn't work, we will wait for tomorrow.

"Haha!" He Chaoran sneered in her heart and said to her heart: I guessed it, you guys are a fart!It's also a trader, I think it's a keyboardist!

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