You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!When all the relevant procedures were completed and Yu Liuxiang's documents were handed over to Gu Qingyuan's hands, a hanging heart finally fell into his stomach.

Gu Qingyuan walked happily from the auction, and slapped He Chaoran's back.


He Chaoran bit the popsicle stick, the sawdust at the sharp corner reached his mouth, raised his head and asked blankly.

"Well, get in my car, I will talk to you about something."

Gu Qingyuan got in the car first, and after He Chaoran opened the car door and sat up, drove to an empty alley.

"Fatty, now I'll give you two choices."

"Choose? You say!"

He Chaoran asked impatiently, leaning forward with a very focused expression.

Gu Qingyuan frowned slightly and said very seriously:

"The first option is to take your 45 million, and I will pay you back within half a year, with an interest of 5 million, and I will pay you 50 million in total."

Listening, He Chaoran swallowed hard, and Gu Qingyuan earned more than 45 million yuan from his magical pen. He didn't even need a bit of hard work. It can be said that he earned 50 million in vain. This choice is very attractive.

He Chaoran's heart was hot, and blood spurted, clenched his fists, and got goose bumps. With this money, he had the ability to get rid of the He family, and even sever the relationship.

But such a silly thing, the old and cunning He Chaoran would not do it, after all, the reputation of the second generation ancestor of the He family is still very useful, and He Chaoqun is very interested in the skill.

"This is the second..." Gu Qingyuan's deep voice sounded again.

"After Yu Liuxiang is sold, we will divide the benefits in half. Of course, you will not mention your 45 million early investment."

"Half-and-half? Don't mention the initial investment of 45 million yuan."

He Chaoran was puzzled. The two choices were obvious. If Yu Liuxiang changed hands for 50 million, he would only get 25 million.

The choice of the answer is already obvious.

"Brother Gu..."

He Chaoran patted Gu Qingyuan's thigh, his expression was painful, and his voice spoke in frustration:

"Old Gu, I also believe that your vision is unparalleled. I also believe that Yu Liuxiang will definitely accumulate and sell for a good price. And ah, this land seems to be built for some school..."

"Stop it!"

Gu Qingyuan wiped the foaming stars on his cheeks, frowned and asked, "Then which one do you choose?"

"The first one!"

He Chaoran didn't hesitate at all, and then made helpless words, saying with earnest and earnest words: "Brother Gu, I really can't bear to make you money."

"Haha..." Gu Qingyuan sneered, "If you can't bear it, don't ask for that 5 million interest."

After listening to this, time seemed to freeze, and He Chaoran was dumbfounded for a few seconds before grinning.

"Haha, what is it."

Gu Qingyuan didn't bother to pay attention to him either. After he drove him out of the car, the car drove forward like a swift.

"Asshole, you let Lao Tzu go back."

He Chaoran yelled and walked in the direction of his car.

In a Mercedes.

Gu Qingyuan thought of the phone that he had answered by mistake before, picked up his eldest brother and went back.


A nice voice sounded, very soft and familiar.

"Xia Chenling?"

Gu Qingyuan frowned and asked, feeling very surprised.

"Gu... Gu Qingyuan?"

Xia Chenling also held the phone in astonishment for a few seconds, "That... it was Xiaoyong who used my mobile phone to call you before. Wait a minute, I'll call him." Wenxueda said

Not long after, Kang Xiaoyong's urgent voice came over the phone.

"Qingyuan, can you come to the hospital now?"

"Yes, you wait for me."

Gu Qingyuan hung up the phone, stepped on the accelerator, and drove to the central hospital.

Fifteen minutes later, Gu Qingyuan arrived at the hospital, parked the car, and hurried to the inpatient department.

Pushing open the door of the ward, there was still a group of people guarding Mao Doudou's ward. Gu Qingyuan walked over gently and patted Kang Xiaoyong on the shoulder.

"Gu Qingyuan, you are here."

Edamame said weakly while lying on the hospital bed, gently lifted his palm up, and gently waved twice to greet Gu Qingyuan.


Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly. He didn't expect that Modoudou was already awake, but just after saying hello, she slowly closed her eyes again, as if she had just used up all her strength.

The originally rosy cheeks became very pale at this time.

"Doug, you are asleep again."

Sitting in front of the hospital bed was a plainly dressed woman, gently touching Edamame's black hair, tears streaming down her dry cheeks.

This woman was the mother of Mao Doudou. After learning about her, she rushed over overnight.

And Mao Anfu, who was squatting in the corner constantly wiping tears, didn't even have the courage to look at his daughter. At this time, his cheeks were swollen, and because of self-blame, he slapped himself countless times.

"Qingyuan, come out and I will tell you something."

Kang Xiaoyong said in a low voice, and walked out of the ward with Gu Qingyuan.

Su Rong raised her head and glanced at Gu Qingyuan deeply, her mouth narrowed.

At the corner of the stairs, here is the best place to talk. The most important thing is that there is a window where you can smoke!

After Gu Qingyuan ordered one for himself, he handed it to Kang Xiaoyong.

Kang Xiaoyong took the cigarette without hesitation and started smoking. His hair was messy and he didn't sleep the whole night.

Gu Qingyuan leaned against the wall without speaking. He was waiting for Kang Xiaoyong to speak. Even if he was a friend, he had to be principled.

University is a small society. Gu Qingyuan hopes that Kang Xiaoyong will understand that if you ask for someone, you should have an attitude of asking for someone, even your relatives!

"Qingyuan, I beg you one thing, can you help me."

After the two of them had finished smoking, Kang Xiaoyong said with red eyes.

At this time, Xia Chenling had just hit the hot water downstairs, and after hearing Kang Xiaoyong's voice, he stopped.

"Well, what's the matter, you say."

Gu Qingyuan said something indifferently.

Suddenly, Kang Xiaoyong knelt down with a thump, and a sad mood burst out in his heart, crying loudly: "Qingyuan, you help me, save Edamame!"

"Xiaoyong, get up first."

Gu Qingyuan supported Kang Xiaoyong. He came down so suddenly that Gu Qingyuan didn't expect it.

Hearing the crying, Xia Chenling ran up the stairs quickly carrying the kettle, she was worried about Kang Xiaoyong.

Seeing Gu Qingyuan's tall back, the word "Xiaoyong" swallowed back into his stomach.

Retracted aside and looked at the two.

"I love edamame, but I can't help it. I...I can't get up. Everyone scolds me. My mother says I'm a prodigal son, but... But that's a life, it's the life of my girlfriend!"

Kang Xiaoyong's wailing voice resounded throughout the corridor.

Su Rong, Gao Qianqian, Liu Shina, Song Qingqing, and Qin Puppy just came out of the ward, leaving their family of three to spend time alone.

Hearing Kang Xiaoyong's voice, a group of people walked over quickly.

"Qingyuan! It's too late. The doctor said he didn't dare to delay any more. If he drags on, Edamame won't be saved!"

"You are my first friend! You help me! Help me..."

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