You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"You get up first and speak."

Gu Qingyuan was very strong, and as he said, he lifted Kang Xiaoyong up.

"You just have to stay with Mao Dandan. You don't need to worry about the rest. In short, her condition can't be delayed."

"Qingyuan...thank you...thank you!"

Kang Xiaoyong twitched and said with tears in his nose.

"Hey, who, Su Rong, come and help Xiaoyong."

Gu Qingyuan waved to Su Rong.

Su Rong hesitated, but still came over and helped Kang Xiaoyong with Qin Puppy.

"You are too emotional, so calm down first. In short, you don't need to worry about it. I will take care of it. The condition will definitely not be delayed."

Gu Qingyuan continued to ask, let Kang Xiaoyong feel at ease.

"Well, why don't you go downstairs for a while, your friends have said so, don't worry about it."

Qin Puppy held his shoulders and comforted him. After nodding with Gu Qingyuan, the group of people walked downstairs. It was time for lunch, just to have a meal together.

Qin Puppy has also heard about Gu Qingyuan. He is not as stupid as Zhou Zhe. This kind of person should find ways to make friends.

Watching them go downstairs, Gu Qingyuan set his gaze on Xia Chenling.

He rested his chin with one hand and stared for a long time.

"What...what's wrong?"

Xia Chenling frowned and asked, her hand holding the kettle tight.

"Do you know the chief physician of Dandan?"

Gu Qingyuan asked.

"Know... know."

Xia Chenling nodded, and wanted to tell him that it was called Edamame.

"You take me there."


Xia Chenling nodded, and after putting the kettle in the ward, he took Gu Qingyuan to the fourth floor, the director's office.

Fortunately, the director at this point is still in the office, and the middle-aged man with glasses is looking at the CT film.

After gently knocking on the door, Xia Chenling led Gu Qingyuan into it.

"You are…"

The director put down the CT film in his hand and asked suspiciously.

"Oh, hello, Director, we are Mao Dandan's family, and I want to ask him about his situation."

Gu Qingyuan said lightly, with a calm tone.

"Mao Dandan?"

The director looked at him suspiciously.


Gu Qingyuan nodded seriously.

"That, I'm sorry director, it's a family member of Edamame."

Xia Chenling hurriedly explained, with tight eyebrows, Gu Qingyuan stared.

"Oh, it's edamame, how is her situation?"

Gu Qingyuan remembered now, and said to his heart...I said this name is so awkward.

"Oh, that girl."

The director sighed, and after a pause, he continued: "The situation is not optimistic. It is best to perform the operation as soon as possible. If you delay it by one day, you will increase the risk by one day."

"What is the total cost?"

Gu Qingyuan hurriedly asked again.

"The miscellaneous things come down to 300,000 yuan, and this is only the cost of the Beijing North expert, plus our hospital..."

"Director, money is not a problem. Can the experts from Jingbei leave this afternoon? The operation will begin this evening."

Gu Qingyuan directly interrupted the director's words.

"Are you calling directly without an appointment? This will cost more."

"Okay, let the expert come over tonight, and then arrange the surgery tonight."

Gu Qingyuan stood up without even asking the price.

"That one…"

The director was dumbfounded, wondering if this young man was joking.

"Where to pay the money, you take me there."

"Now?" The director stood up, looking excited.113 novel


Gu Qingyuan nodded affirmatively.

"Okay, then I will arrange to call Beijing North to see how the cost is calculated."


Fifteen minutes later, a Mercedes-Benz was speeding down the street.

Gu Qingyuan cursed secretly, forgetting that the hospital only accepts cash.Xia Chenling sat in the co-pilot, holding the handlebars tightly, and looking at him carefully.

"You... When did you learn to drive?"

Increasing curiosity, Xia Chenling took the initiative to talk to Gu Qingyuan.

"More than a month ago."

Gu Qingyuan said lightly, and then drifted, and the car stopped neatly on the side of the road.

Gu Qingyuan asked He Chaoran to make an appointment in advance. He took a total of 400,000 yuan and placed it in a black oval black cloth bag.

Just throw it away and throw the black bag into the trunk.

"Just throw it there?"

Xia Chenling asked, shouldn't you hold so much money by your side?

"It won't be mine for a while, it doesn't matter."

Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly, then drove back to the hospital.


Hospital payment office.

Gu Qingyuan put the 50,000 pocket money in the car in advance, handed in the black bag containing 350,000 yuan, and put the edamame bill on the cash register.

The director also stood aside with a smile. This fee will give him a lot of performance by the end of the year.

Although the duty of a doctor is to save the dying and heal the wounded, while letting others pay, he should always eat and drink enough.

It took ten minutes to complete the count before paying the fees.

Afterwards, Gu Qingyuan took the director's arm and walked aside, but what Gu Qingyuan didn't expect was that Xia Chenling also stupidly followed them.

Gu Qingyuan took out a bundle of money and placed it carefully in the palm of the director's hand.

"This expert from the north of Beijing, the director of labor has taken care of him, and the operation will be arranged as soon as possible."

"This operation will definitely be arranged as soon as possible."

With that, the director stuffed the money into Gu Qingyuan's hand again, but he pushed it back.

"Thank you Director, then."

After speaking, Gu Qingyuan took the dumb Xia Chenling and walked away quickly.

Holding her slender arm, Gu Qingyuan instantly became eager, his soft as boneless arm, he did not want to loosen it.

"That... shouldn't I follow it."

Xia Chenling lowered his head and asked in a low voice.

Gu Qingyuan looked at her with such a pitiful appearance, not willing to scold her, took her by the arm and looked at her quietly. Time seemed to freeze.

A few seconds later, Xia Chenling seemed to have thought of something. After pulling his arm, he found that he couldn't pull it away at all, and he was holding it tightly.

"That... Gu Qingyuan?"

Xia Chenling asked.

"Oh, sorry."

Only then did Gu Qingyuan come back to his senses, looking away from her cheeks, and at the same time hurriedly letting go of her arm, feeling a little bit reluctant in her heart.

"I just lost my mind, thinking about something else, sorry."

Gu Qingyuan said with a smile.

"It's okay."

Xia Chenling shook her head without being angry, but in the impression that she had never spoken to Gu Qingyuan so politely.

"I haven't eaten lunch." Gu Qingyuan asked again.


"Want to be together?"


After reaching an agreement, the two walked together, Gu Qingyuan was just a head higher than her, and she seemed to be a perfect match.

"What do you want to eat, please!"

"Let me please! You asked for the hot pot last time. I'll come this time." Xia Chenling said stubbornly.

"it is good!"

The sun shines on the two of them, they look very warm!

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