You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The guests on the first floor just glanced over here, and then had no idea of ​​continuing to watch the excitement, and chatted with the people around them.

Shen Shiyao and Lin Nan moved two chairs and sat at Gu Qingyuan's table, and the three chatted.Of course the topics are very common, nothing more than the discussion of dishes and some trivial things.

People at the level of Yao and Lin Nan in Shenshi, if strangers are sitting next to them, naturally they will not talk about private topics.

Xia Chenling sat quietly, listening to a few people chatting, and became more curious in her heart. How did Gu Qingyuan know so many people, whether it was street gangsters or high-status people, he got along very well.

And the slightly fat girl named Jiajia, sitting on the dining chair with a blue face, Shi Hao sat beside her, constantly comforting.Occasionally, gently kissed her baby's fat cheek.

Seeing this scene, Xia Chenling could no longer calm down, frowning, and walked towards Shi Hao.

"Shi Hao, what's the matter with you? Are you not a boyfriend and girlfriend with Xia Youyou? If you do this, do you have any shame, can you be worthy of you?"

Xia Chenling restrained as much as possible, did not swear directly, and stared straight at Shi Hao with a cold face.

"Yeah, my little girlfriend is angry."

Shen Shiyao watched Gu Qingyuan jokingly. Seeing him looking at Xia Chenling with a grim expression, he probably guessed the position of this beautiful girl in his heart.

It's definitely not like He Shao or Zhang Shao, just playing with the beautiful women next to them.

"Shi Hao, you bastard, are you worthy of Xia Youyou?"

Xia Chenling asked angrily.


Jiajia looked at Shi Hao with a puzzled face.

Shi Hao behaved very calmly at this time, and did not rush to explain, the corners of his mouth raised, showing a nice smile.

"Jiajia, listen to me slowly."

Shi Hao touched Jiajia's head and spoke softly:

"That yoyo is my predecessor, but I have nothing to do with her now, and she only brings me harm, so..."

As he said, Shi Hao's voice became sad, and his eyes were a little ruddy.

"At this moment, I just want to cherish you even more. Only you can make me feel that love is mutual, not just giving away alone."

"Shi Hao!"

Jia Jiatong blushed, screamed, and plunged into Shi Hao's arms.Such rhetoric, coupled with his excellent face, can easily break the line of defense of the ignorant girl.

At this moment, Jiajia felt that she should pay more for Shi Hao.

"Shi Hao! You are such a bastard, scumbag!"

Xia Chenling couldn't throw it away anymore, ignoring his image, and yelled at Shi Hao.

"You are ashamed to say to pay? How much did Yoyo buy you a mobile phone, and how much did it cost you? Are you still not a man? Why? Have a life without teaching?"

"Xia Chenling, I don't know what Xia Youyou said to you, but I can tell you clearly that I didn't take any of her things. These mobile phones are all earned by me from work-study?"

Shi Hao changed his gentle appearance and yelled at Xia Chenling, his anger widened.

"You! What a shameless person, are you still a man?"

Xia Chenling blushed. I didn't expect Shi Hao to be so shameless. The phone in Shi Hao's hand is the latest Nokia. It was bought by Xia Youyou, and it also has a cute leather case. Don't know?

"What are you, why do you say that to my object!"

Jiajia couldn't listen anymore, she stood beside Xia Chenling, pointed at her with her fat fingers, clenched her fist in the other hand, and had the urge to do it at any time.

"You'd better know in advance what kind of person he is, or in the end, you will be the one who gets hurt."

Xia Chenling looked at Jiajia and said.Nuancai Literature Network

"Shut your mouth, how about Shi Hao, it's not your turn to give pointers, what are you!"

"Do you know..."

"To shut up!"

Jiajia yelled and interrupted Xia Chenling, waving a slap towards Xia Chenling.

Xia Chenling didn't react at once, looking at the slap that was getting closer and closer, she couldn't help closing her eyes tightly.

However, that slap did not fall for a long time.

Gu Qingyuan stepped forward and clutched her arm tightly, his eyes cold and terrifying.

If you think that the men in the Lai Zhang Ji Western Restaurant are gentlemen, you are wrong. Gu Qingyuan is not only a gentleman, but also a very short-term scumbag.

What's more, that person is Xia Chenling.

Without the slightest hesitation, Gu Qingyuan raised his hand and slapped it down. The crisp voice was very loud.

Shen Shiyao and Lin Nan both glanced at each other with expressions of astonishment. They didn't expect that Gu Qingyuan would suddenly move his hands. In getting along with him, he was also an elegant gentleman.

Two girls have a dispute, can't they just pull it apart?

With this slap, Jiajia directly threw Jiajia to the ground, her cheeks swollen, she covered her face, and looked at Gu Qingyuan with a blank expression.

After a few seconds of shock, Jiajia yelled: "Do you dare to hit me? Do you dare to hit me? Do you know who my dad is?"

Gu Qingyuan ignored her and pulled Xia Chenling back to her position. The moment she held hands gave her a great sense of security.

Whether right or wrong, Xia Chenling's heart was finally relieved at this time. Sometimes, the most unreasonable and simple way of handling is often the most enjoyable.

"You're done, I tell you, you and that bitch are dead today."

Jiajia walked over reluctantly, cursing, but Gu Qingyuan slapped her face firmly.

After turning in place, he sat on the ground with a plop.

From beginning to end, Shi Hao just watched quietly.

"Fat girl, if you say something, you have to take responsibility. If you dare to scold her, I promise to make you fatter!"

Gu Qingyuan said loudly, guarding Xia Chenling blatantly.

"You! You! You! Woo..."

Finally, Jiajia sat on the ground and started crying.

"When I hit you, your object was not in front of you, think about it carefully, it's not a loss to see a person through the palm of your ears!"

Gu Qingyuan talked strangely again, deliberately angering Shi Hao.

But hearing Gu Qingyuan's words made Jiajia even more aggrieved. She was also out for Shi Hao, but why didn't he come to stand in front of me?

"Who would have thought that you are such a rascal, I just didn't react. I'll tell you, if you fight Jiajia, I'm definitely going to be with you."

Shi Hao stood there and finally spoke, but he didn't take a step forward.

"No end?"

Gu Qingyuan smiled, stood up on the chair, walked to Shi Hao, and looked at him sarcastically.

"What? Why are you not playing with me?"

"you you!"

Shi Hao swallowed hard, and clenched his fists.

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