You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Shi Hao was pressed by Gu Qingyuan. If he behaved too embarrassingly, it would be too embarrassing. At this time, Jiajia was still looking at herself with blushing eyes.

"Fuck you b!"

Shi Hao went out and pushed hard to Gu Qingyuan, only to find that the man was motionless, looking at himself sarcastically.

Finding the reason for hitting Shi Hao, Gu Qingyuan didn't get any ink marks. He slapped it on the face, and the nosebleed was immediately left behind.

Feeling the fiery pain on his face, Shi Hao squatted down holding his nose.

"Shi Hao, are you okay?"

Jiajia ran over in a hurry and took out a tissue to help him wipe the blood stains.

"Gu Qingyuan, kid! Little girl, he's venting your breath for you with this slap."

Shen Yao sat next to Xia Chenling and said in a low voice.

Xia Chenling held the corners of his clothes tightly with both hands, and there was a touch of gentleness in Gu Qingyuan's eyes.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

At this moment Jiajia's cell phone rang, she couldn't wait to answer the call, her eyes became smug, and she squinted at Gu Qingyuan.

After hanging up the phone, within 10 minutes, the door of the western restaurant was kicked open very violently, making a loud noise.

Entering seven or eight people from the door, headed by a gorgeously dressed lady, she has the same figure as Jiajia, hot with big red waves, and her overall temperament is like a nouveau riche.


Seeing the woman, Jia Jia immediately cried and walked over, and suddenly rushed into her arms. Shi Hao also followed with her face covered, and when she passed by Gu Qingyuan, she gave him a fierce look.

"Being beaten?"

The woman gave a low growl, touched her daughter's face distressedly, her hands were shaking constantly, and she was trembling with anger.

"Well, hurts."

Jiajia choked out.

"Who did it?"

The woman asked fiercely. Following Jiajia's finger, Gu Qingyuan looked fiercely at hippie smiling face.

Behind the woman was a bodyguard wearing a black suit. Seeing this situation, Xia Chenling became frightened and couldn't help but approach Gu Qingyuan, feeling annoyed at how he didn't control his temper just now.

Looking worriedly at Gu Qingyuan, he found that he was still chatting with Shen Shiyao with a smile on his face.

Isn't he worried?Xia Chenling pursed her lips and said.

Seeing the woman walking step by step, Xia Chenling's breathing became hurried, her legs under the table trembled, and a layer of fine sweat broke out on her forehead.

Use Gu Qingyuan's words to describe Xia Chenling's nest!Quite appropriate.

"Your hand?"

The woman stared at Gu Qingyuan and said coldly.

"Things need to be resolved one by one, let me tell you in detail the course of the matter first."

Shen Shiyao pulled Gu Qingyuan's arm and spoke first, preparing to resolve the matter.

"Jiajia, he did it!"

The woman did not pay attention to Shen Shiyao's words, pointed at Gu Qingyuan, and looked at Jiajia and asked.

Seeing Jiajia nodded vigorously, the woman shook her arm away without warning, and slapped her face over!

Before Gu Qingyuan could make a move, Shen Shiyao grabbed the woman's arm with a fierce face, stood up all of a sudden, and looked at the woman condescendingly.

"You want to make trouble!"

As soon as the high-pitched voice fell, a group of people in black suits walked over and surrounded the group of women.

"What's wrong? This is a black shop, is there any king law?" Doudouhe novel website

The woman was stunned for a few seconds, then she yelled, but her voice was no longer as domineering as before.

"Ha ha!"

Shen Shiyao sneered, and after shaking off the woman's arm, he sat on the chair again and spoke slowly:

"The first thing your daughter provokes, the beating was also your daughter's first sign, why? If ours suffers, then what are you going to do?"

"Signing? Make trouble? Hahaha!"

The woman also learned to sneer, and then said: "My daughter makes gestures? Make trouble? You are so powerful, of course you are the ones who speak.

Shen Shi Yao Qing frowned, briefly explained the whole thing, looked at the woman again, and said coldly: "You should take your girl back, so as not to do something regretful for life."

"My daughter was beaten by this person. What is your business?"

The woman pointed to Gu Qingyuan and said, in her opinion, Gu Qingyuan must not be as good as Shen Shiyao in this chapter.

"What happened in my store, what does it mean to me? What's more, Mr. Gu is an honorable member of my place. Do you still think it is none of my business?"

Shen Shiyao frowned again and said, "He has lost patience with this woman.",

Gu Qingyuan didn't say a word either, listening to Shen Shiyao's words, watching him become impatient, a smile appeared on his mouth.

"You laugh to my old lady!"

The woman suddenly slapped over again, and Gu Qingyuan immediately reached out her hand to grasp the woman's arm, and pulled hard, and the woman knelt to the ground.

"Call me!"

The woman gave a low growl, and the group of security guards who followed the woman swarmed towards her. A sharp shout was remembered in Gu Qingyuan's ear.

"Ah! What should I do?"

Xia Chenling exclaimed and grabbed Gu Qingyuan's arm.

"It's okay, don't worry!"

Gu Qingyuan said something softly and gently took Xia Chenling's hand, but she did not refuse, perhaps because she was too nervous.

Gu Qingyuan just sat quietly and didn't rush to do it. In Zhang Ji, do you still need to do it yourself?

Between the lightning and flint, after the group of bodyguards rushed over, Zhang Ji's bodyguards immediately surrounded him. Zhang Ji, who had talked about professional training, was very different from the group of bodyguards, and they all fell to the ground in pain.

"Something shameless to face!"

Shen Shiyao let out a curse, and after standing up, he stepped to the woman's side, and slapped the woman's face with a strong slap.

"Do you dare to hit me..."

The woman covered her face, and as soon as her voice fell, she slapped her other face in the face.Then he jumped up and kicked her to the ground.

Shen Shiyao's action was to resist the whole thing.


Jiajia exclaimed, squatting down, hugging the woman, her arms trembling non-stop. At this moment, this unconsciously thick girl was finally frightened.

"Take it to the second floor!"

Shen Shiyao shouted again, and the security raised everyone up and walked to the second floor. Amid Jiajia's roar, these people were all resisted upstairs.

Only Shi Hao was left, stunned and shivering.

"Qingyuan, let Zhang Ji resolve this matter. Based on your relationship with Zhang Yushu, your affairs are naturally our Zhang Ji's affairs."

Shen Shiyao patted Gu Qingyuan on the shoulder and said seriously.

Gu Qingyuan glanced at Shen Shiyao meaningfully, and he admired his way of handling things. No wonder, he can achieve his current position, there must be his uniqueness.

Gu Qingyuan smiled hippiely and said goodbye to Shen Shiyao after showing a smile you know.

When he left, he took Shi Haolou in his arms again and walked out of the chapter together.

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