You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Song Qingqing took Xia Chenling and asked her to sit up again. Obviously, she couldn't get over the matter of dating the mysterious brother.

"To be more specific, it must be impossible to just eat for such a long time."

Song Qingqing asked reluctantly.


Xia Chen Ling let out a long sigh, gave Song Qingqing a helpless look, and spoke slowly:

"The beach I went to first, the restaurant I went to, I came back."

"Wow! I want to go to the beach, too. If I have time, Puppy Qin will also take me."

Song Qingqing held her hands together and raised her chest, eyes full of stars.

"By the way, where are you going to eat?" Song Qingqing asked again.

"It was eaten in a western restaurant." Xia Chenling dragged his chin and said very tiredly.

"Which restaurant is it delicious? Next time I will go there with Qin Puppy."

Song Qingqing asked immediately again.

"It seems to be called Zhangji Western Restaurant."

Xia Chenling said in a low voice, and after hesitating for a moment, he added: "But it's not really affordable, so I don't mind if you go there."


Song Qingqing nodded obediently.

"Okay, rest."

After Xia Chenling pushed Song Qingqing back to the bed, he took a long breath and finally lay on the bed.

The face of Liu Shina on the upper berth became more gloomy. She had also heard of Zhangji Western Restaurant, but she had never been eligible to eat. The most common membership card there started at 100,000, which was simply sky-high.

She was inferior to Xia Chenling, and she took the initiative to invite that man, but was rejected.Liu Shina gritted her teeth.

Xia Chenling was lying on the bed, remembering that Gu Qingyuan had said that he had already paid the phone bill, so he took out the phone from under the pillow and pressed the power button.

He planned to check the phone bill and return the money Gu Qingyuan paid.

"Your call balance is nine thousand nine hundred and twenty yuan..."

Xia Chenling was completely stunned, and Gu Qingyuan suddenly paid 10,000 yuan for the phone bill?

The next day, Gu Qingyuan logged into OICQ's official backstage website in the Internet cafes in the streets and alleys, and began to inquire about the contact information of Brother Xiao Ma.

There is only one landline number under the website, but the company’s specific information is clearly written, and it should be a residential building.

After scanning the information, Gu Qingyuan left a sentence and strode out of the Internet cafe.

"Huzi, you have something to do, go now!"

"Where are you going again?"

Li Huzheng yelled aloud, and hurriedly got up and backed off his own machine, and started playing on Gu Qingyuan's machine.

Gu Qingyuan drove the car and got through the landline.

After the phone rang three times, he finally picked up the phone. In just a few seconds, Gu Qingyuan's breathing became rapid.

"Hello, who?"

There was a male voice over the phone.

"Are you Mr. Ma? I want to talk about the acquisition of OICQ."

Gu Qingyuan hurriedly surfaced.

"Acquisition? Good!" The man on the phone said a burst of joy. This is the first time someone has called to buy OICQ.

Before that, Xiao Ma took his product and traveled almost all over the Internet circle. No one was willing to buy this software. They couldn't help but doubt that they had developed a software that nobody wanted.

"But I am not President Ma, my name is Zhang Zhi." Jiujiu Chinese

"Zhang Zhi!"

Gu Qingyuan was a little surprised. Zhang Zhi is one of the founders of OICQ in the future. The technology research and development is absolutely first-class in China. Although he has not seen it in the previous life, he has heard of it.

"You know me?"

"How can you not know your name?" Gu Qingyuan said with a smile.

"Ah, haha, I am not so famous."

Zhang Zhiqian laughed. At this time, he was slightly immature, and everything was just beginning.

"I am rushing to your company. Let's talk about the acquisition in person."

"Good!" Zhang Zhixin nodded with joy.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Qingyuan stepped on the gas pedal to the end, and the car drove forward as if it was a fast electric switch.

Half an hour later, Gu Qingyuan came to the founding place of OICQ, a simple studio with only Ma Teng and Zhang Zhi.

The three of them sat on a small desk and began negotiations.

"Brother Xiao Ma, I sincerely want to acquire OICQ. You can give me a reasonable price."

Gu Qingyuan said straightforwardly.


Ma Teng smiled and nodded. Facing such enthusiastic and active Gu Qingyuan, he was a little uncomfortable, and couldn't think of how to answer him.

During the time when he was working on the software, Ma Teng ran all over the Internet circle. Others had a very cold attitude towards OICQ. Compared with Gu Qingyuan at this time, it was a world of difference.

After thinking for a moment, Ma Teng said with a smile: "Mr. Gu, let’s tell you, our OICQ is still very popular among people in the group. Top Internet companies such as have given us a good deal. Offer."

Ma Teng didn't blush and talked freely.

"But for those quotations, we are not very ideal, so we plan to develop this software ourselves. This is the first service-type communication software, and its potential in the future is still very huge."

"Now the China Internet industry is still under a veil of mystery. When it takes off the veil, people will discover how much wealth this industry contains. The future development will be based on the Internet as the core. ."

"And OICQ is a software that mimics a foreign social software. Now the mainstream trend for young people to surf the Internet, so the next representative software is OICQ!"

After talking about the resurgence, Gu Qingyuan was deeply shocked. With Xiao Ma's eloquence, it would be no problem to raise some financing in the future.

If I hadn't been born again, I would have been overwhelmed by his words a long time ago, and I would have thought that OICQ was hitting a wall everywhere at this time, and it was a software that no one wanted to buy.

Gu Qingyuan admired the eloquence of these two Mr. Ma!

"Can you sell six hundred thousand!"

Gu Qingyuan frowned and made a direct price, remembering that in the previous life, OICQ was sold at a price of 500,000 yuan.


Ma Teng hurriedly responded without hesitation.

"Then sign the contract?"



"right now!"

Zhang Zhi sat next to him with a look of bewilderment, what style of painting is now?

After that, things went very smoothly. Ma Teng took out the proposed contract, only revised the amount, and both parties began to sign and press his fingerprints.

After that, Gu Qingyuan opened the online banking again and transferred 600,000 yuan to Ma Teng's account. The moment the money arrived, the acquisition was completed this time, and Gu Qingyuan bought OICQ!

At this moment, the three sighed at the same time, and they all sat on the chairs in a tacit understanding.

At this time, Gu Qingyuan and Ma Teng were already sweating profusely, the former was excited, and the business giant finally came into his own hands in the future.

And Ma Teng was worried that Gu Qingyuan would go back. The moment the money arrived, he proved that he was successful. After a short time, he made a profit of 600,000 yuan.

Only Zhang Zhi’s heart at that moment seemed to be grabbed, and OICQ was like his own child. It would be a bit uncomfortable to belong to someone else!

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