You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Mr. Gu, congratulations!"

After calming down, Ma Teng reached out to Gu Qingyuan and shook his hand.

"Brother Ma, or have a meal together at noon, I need to ask you some questions about the operation of OICQ."

Gu Qingyuan solemnly pleaded.

"it is good!"

Ma Teng nodded, and agreed without hesitation. This is what he should do, and he can't just leave it alone after receiving the money.

And being called by the young man in front of him, Xiao Ma, did not feel anything wrong.

Finally, the three of them found a restaurant nearby. In the private room, the three of them were eating and chatting.

With the eager acquisition of OICQ, the biggest problem facing Gu Qingyuan now is how to run it and build a professional and reliable team around it.

Although Gu Qingyuan has a very abnormal learning ability, some professional knowledge of the Internet is still blank.

At this time, there is an urgent need for a professional team to run OICQ, and the operation of the server cannot be stopped. Otherwise, in the ever-changing era, this software will soon be forgotten, and only a few customers will be lost.

"Brother Xiaoma, Brother Zhi, in fact, I still have something to ask for, I hope you can help me!"

During the conversation, Gu Qingyuan found the right time and asked them very sincerely.

"Well, brother Gu, what about the operation of OICQ, right?"

Ma Teng put down his chopsticks and looked at Gu Qingyuan seriously.

"Can you two continue to stay and develop OICQ? Of course, I will pay you the highest salary in the industry, and... I will give you some shares of OICQ in the future."

Gu Qingyuan said seriously, but from Ma Teng and Zhang Zhi's flat and unwavering expressions, it is not difficult to judge that what he said did not move them both.

They graduated from prestigious schools, they themselves have a sense of superiority, and they have very lofty revenge. How can they stay to help you, the little boy?

"Ha ha…"

Ma Teng chuckled lightly, and didn't need to rush to answer. He picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip. After putting it down, he spoke slowly.

"Mr. Gu, thank you very much for your invitation, but I have already decided to go to the United States for a while, where there are the most advanced technologies, and I want to go there to continue to study, and then come back to start my own business."

"Okay... OK."

Gu Qingyuan smiled and nodded slightly disappointed.

"Mr. Gu, I hope that when I come back from the United States, we can work together again."

Ma Teng took the wine glass in his hand and toasted it.

"hope so."

Gu Qingyuan said lightly again, and after clinking glasses with Ma Teng, he raised his head and drank it.

In the previous life, Gu Qingyuan was a super bodyguard, and did not have the eloquence of Xiao Ma and Zhou Hang Ma Xiaoyun. At this time, poor communication skills were also the biggest shortcoming.

After that, Zhang Zhi did not express his position, and Gu Qingyuan did not continue to ask. Silence should be the best rejection.

But in fact, Zhang Zhi's mind was also very simple. He didn't mean to be silent instead of rejection, but he hadn't figured out whether or not to agree to Gu Qingyuan's request.

Zhang Zhi is still a little bit reluctant to let go of OICQ completely.

As the dinner was about to end, the three of them had almost eaten. When preparing to leave, the taciturn Zhang Zhi finally asked Gu Qingyuan.

"Mr. Gu, can you elaborate on the salary and treatment given?" Sanjiu novel website

Zhang Zhi looked at Gu Qingyuan and asked very seriously.

"of course can."

Gu Qingyuan was overjoyed and immediately sat up straight.

"Brother Zhang, to be honest, I don't know much about the salary in the industry. As for the salary, you can directly mention it, and I accept it."

With these words, Gu Qingyuan put his attitude very low.

"Oh, what about OICQ shares?"

Zhang Zhi asked again, this is what he is most worried about, and he does not want to completely lose the relationship with this software.

"For shares... 5%."

After Gu Qingyuan paused for a moment, he frowned and said.

"Of course, it's not just 5% of OICQ. I will set up a technology company later. As long as you can stay, I will give you 5% of the company's shares." Gu Qingyuan added immediately.

After listening, Brother Xiao Ma grinned and felt that the man in front of him was still a little immature. He couldn't draw cakes. The company hadn't been established yet, so he gave this top talent a 5% stake, which could impress Zhang. Chi?

And looking after Gu Qingyuan's carefully calculated appearance, it was as if the technology company he founded would become a company with a market value of billions.

"Well, I'm thinking about it."

Zhang Zhi nodded and fell silent again.

Inadvertently, Ma Teng kicked Zhang Zhi lightly in the leg, turned his head and winked at him, beckoning him not to promise the young man.

After Zhang Zhichang sighed, he looked at Gu Qingyuan and asked again: "Then Mr. Gu, do you know OICQ? What do you think of it, and how do you plan to develop this software in the future?"

The series of questions from Zhang Zhi made Gu Qingyuan's forehead frown even more. His own understanding of penguins is nothing more than chatting, or if you look at it, how to look at it and how to develop it is still at a loss.

With the memory of previous lives, he can only say that the penguin is awesome and can make money.

Seeing Gu Qingyuan frowned and kept silent, Ma Teng didn't feel like staying here anymore.

"Mr. Gu, or else, let's go back to the studio first, I will tell you some OICQ account passwords, and hand over the rest of the work first."

Ma Teng said.

"it is good."

Gu Qingyuan nodded heavily and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his cuffs, and the three walked back to the studio.

In the afternoon, after Zhang Zhi patiently explained the operation and other issues to Gu Qingyuan, after listening to him patiently talk, Ma Teng showed an impatient expression.

Although Zhang Zhi explained in detail, he felt that for Gu Qingyuan, who is a novice on the Internet, what is the use of more detailed explanation? Can you let Xiaobai, who does not have a little programming foundation, immediately learn relevant professional knowledge?

This is tantamount to a fairy tale, this Zhang Zhi is too serious in doing things, maybe just say it?Ma Tengxin said.

At this time, Gu Qingyuan listened very seriously. When Zhang Zhi finished speaking, he understood everything, and his heart burst into joy.

It turns out that chips not only change the knowledge of stocks, but in terms of chips, it also improves your pig brain as a whole, so Gu Qingyuan's IQ has become extremely high and his learning ability is also extremely strong.

Gu Qingyuan raised the corner of his mouth. It seemed that his previous plan could be overturned, and it would not be difficult to set up a new plan and develop it by himself.

Hearing Zhang Zhi finished speaking, Ma Teng sat on the sofa and let out a long sigh, OICQ finally came to an end.

Waiting for Gu Qingyuan to leave with the computer and the back-end server that developed the OICQ, Ma Teng slammed the door shut, and frolicked in the room.

This time I started a business and made a total of 600,000 yuan. This is a thing to celebrate!

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