You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!On the three-story house hangs a plaque that reads "Honorable Restaurant". The font is still very old-fashioned golden yellow, which must still be inspired by Zhang Yushu's crappy inspiration.

The entrance of the restaurant was not like the Zhangji Western Restaurant. A waiter greeted the guests. Gu Qingyuan walked up the steps and pushed open the tall black wooden door.

As soon as he came in, Gu Qingyuan felt the warmth. It was already late December, and the weather in Shengzheng had already become cool, not to mention that the Zunrong Restaurant was halfway up the mountain, and the breeze was blowing.

Scanning all around surprised Gu Qingyuan even more.

There are some iron cages around the corners. Inside are some domestic chickens, all of them are very fat.

There were still some ducks quacking walking in the house. At this moment, a man walked out of the kitchen and grabbed the duck by the neck. The man found Gu Qingyuan in an instant when he looked up.


The man chuckled and said nothing, then turned and walked into the kitchen again.After a while, there was a scream of duck quack, which would soon become a delicacy on the table.

Gu Qingyuan walked to the stairs again, which were also wooden stairs. Stepping on them would make a creaking sound. As soon as they stepped up a few stairs, they heard bursts of laughter from the second floor.

One of the laughs was too wretched, making Gu Qingyuan guess He Chaoran.

On the second floor, the area is much smaller than the first floor. There is a huge dining table in the middle. A group of people sit around, eating and drinking with a smile, and the atmosphere looks very lively.

Sure enough, Fatty He was among them, his mouth full of greasy, laughed loudest, Zhang Yushu's circle, he has been well integrated in.

"Yo! Old Gu is here."

He Chaoran first spotted Gu Qingyuan, and after facing him, Fatty He patted the table and yelled.

"Brother Gu, here comes."

Zhang Yushu put down his chopsticks, stood up immediately, smiled and walked towards Gu Qingyuan.

"Is it hard to find here?"

Zhang Yushu patted Gu Qingyuan on the shoulder and led him to sit beside him.

And this place beside Zhang Yushu has been vacant, just waiting for Gu Qingyuan, it can be said that it is very hard.

After taking the seat, Gu Qingyuan was not restrained, picked up the big chicken drumstick on the table and gnawed it, taking a big bite, and the delicious gravy filled its taste buds.

Before he could explain, Gu Qingyuan slurped, the meat of these carefully-fed poultry was too damn fragrant.

Most of the people sitting at the table had been seen in Langchao nightclub before, but this time their attitude towards Gu Qingyuan had changed a lot.

In the last time, they all ignored Gu Qingyuan. Except for Zhang Yushu and Lin Nan to say a few words with them, everyone else regarded him as air.

After all, he is the friend of He Chaoran, who is the lowest in status. To put it ugly, he is just a illegitimate child.So what does Gu Qingyuan count?

But suddenly Zhang Yushu was so enthusiastic to Gu Qingyuan, if it was just because of the land in Yu Liuxiang, it would be too much.

The people at the table chatted all over the world, He Chaoran seemed to be a different person. He looked very confident at this time, and he could still make fun of He Chaoqun.

It seems that money is the best way to bring a person's confidence, Gu Qingyuanxin said.

After a meal, the people at the dinner party left one after another, while Gu Qingyuan was lying on an independent sofa on the second floor, drinking his brewed beer leisurely.

After a while, only three people remained on the second floor, Gu Qingyuan, He Chaoran and Zhang Yushu.

Zhang Yushu and He Chaoran sat on the sofa beside Gu Qingyuan.

"Qingyuan, how about it, my taste is good."

Zhang Yushu put down the wine glass in his hand and said with a smile on his face.Bobo Novels

"It's no exaggeration to say that this is the best restaurant I have ever eaten. It's so fragrant. You raise your own poultry and the like."

Gu Qingyuan asked with a smile.

"Yes, the poultry, pigs and sheep raised in this half of the mountain are all raised by themselves, and the meals for the animals are carefully matched. Therefore, for this meat quality, Shengzheng can't find a second one."

Zhang Yushu spoke proudly.

"It's not open for business here, right?" Gu Qingyuan asked again.

"Yes, just entertain friends over to eat, Qingyuan, you can also bring your little beauty over to eat."

The little beauty Zhang Yushu was referring to was naturally Xia Chenling, and she knew it was Shen Shiyao who told him with her toes.

"Hehe, okay, I will bring her over when I have time."

"Then Xiao Nizi is so good-looking, I told you last time that I pretended to be garlic."

He Chaoqun grinned and interjected.

Gu Qingyuan glared at Fatty He. The more he looked at this product, the more he felt panicked. In order to please Zhang Yushu, he sold Laozi without hesitation.

At this time, He Chaoran's attitude towards Zhang Yushu was just like the attitude towards Gu Qingyuan in the previous life.

"By the way, Qingyuan, I heard Chaoran say that you are very proficient in this aspect of stocks. This Chaoran earned tens of millions with you."

Finding the right time, Zhang Yushu asked his purpose.


Gu Qingyuan asked back, please knock on the table a few times, after a few seconds of pondering, he smiled and said, "Yes, very proficient."

If you deny it at this time, then Zhang Yushu is offended. I am afraid that he will turn against Fatty He in the future. It doesn't matter if you have money together, but Gu Qingyuan, who wants to be low-key, can only embark on the path of X.

It seems that the acquisition of OICQ must not be known to anyone, and we must act in a low-key manner.

Zhang Yushu's fingers trembled lightly, and then asked anxiously: "Then what Chaoran said before was true. He made 50 million yuan in stocks with you?"

"In fact, luck."

Gu Qingyuan smiled and said lightly.

"Qingyuan, you can't say that, luck is also part of strength."

Zhang Yushu picked up the wine glass, touched Gu Qingyuan, and the two drank it.

After putting down the wine glass, Zhang Yushu's expression became serious, and he looked at Gu Qingyuan and asked seriously:

"Then Qingyuan, will you have any operations in the stock market lately? Now the market is falling sharply every day, but isn't it hope after falling?"

"There will certainly be operations, but operations will become difficult. The downward trend of the market has formed. All bullshit, bull probes, etc., are all bluffing nonsense, and they have officially entered the bear market."

"Qingyuan, what you said is different from the opinions of other financial analysts."

Zhang Yushu frowned, his expression looked very solemn, as if he was thinking about something.

"Then what are you going to do? What is the estimated income?" Zhang Yushu asked again.

"Operation is naturally a short-term holding, sell at any time, wait until it drops to a suitable point, buy it. If it is profitable? It should be more than 20%."

"Twenty or more?"

Zhang Yushu and He Chaoran exclaimed in unison at the same time.

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