You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Yes, more than twenty if you conservatively estimate it."

Gu Qingyuan said very flatly, as if talking about a trivial matter.

But for Gu Qingyuan, isn't it a trivial thing?At that time, Dashan shares on the Growth Enterprise Market were ten times the return.

Zhang Yushu and He Chaoran both showed expressions of astonishment. Can short-term hype be able to make this much profit?Moreover, listening to Gu Qingyuan's tone, it seems that these two hundred thousand are very small?

A few seconds later, Zhang Yushu calmed down and continued to ask: "Then Qingyuan, when do you plan to do it, can you help me do it by the time?"

"Brother Gu, and me."

He Chaoran interjected with a smile.

Gu Qingyuan knocked on the table once and then began to calculate.

At present, there are seven stocks that he intends to open at the same time. If there is a large amount of money to buy, it will inevitably cause the dealer to notice that the price trend may change at that time.

Therefore, it is very difficult to operate the larger amount of funds. For some professional traders, when they are speculating on funds, it is considered good that the annualization of a year can reach 10%, let alone 2%. ten.

Gu Qingyuan quickly calculated how much the seven stocks had invested in each of them would not be discovered. If it was only his own 200 million, it would be much simpler, but how could Zhang Yushu be a small amount?

He Chaoran can be ignored!

"Qing Yuan?"

Zhang Yushu yelled softly, and saw that he was still frowning and his expression was unusually focused, so he didn't bother.

A few minutes later, Gu Qingyuan sighed and lay heavily on the sofa. At this time, he was already sweating profusely, and even felt tired.

"Brother Zhang, how much money do you plan to use to buy the bottom this time."

Gu Qingyuan asked, but he could obviously feel a little tired in his voice.

"The funds that I can spin on hand... are five hundred million!"

With that said, Zhang Yushu stretched out a hand. In fact, he can turn a billion yuan, but the risk would be very high. What if he gets stuck?Without the circulation of funds, the Zhang family industry will also be in jeopardy.

Zhang Yushu would not take such a risk.

"I am fifty million!"

He Chaoran also hurriedly said, for fear that this opportunity to make money would leave him behind.

Add your own 200 million, that is 750 million capital operations. If you expand the number of purchased stocks to 15 stocks, it should not be a big problem.

It's just that I have to spend some time on the stock, in this case, the process of OICQ slows down again.

"Okay, that's okay, turn back to tell me the account password of your account, the funds are ready to be in place, my side may operate at any time."

"it is good!"

Zhang Yushu and He Chaoran nodded at the same time.


After the separation, Gu Qingyuan drove directly to the streets and alleys. As a bachelor, he felt that wherever he slept was the same, he did not have the idea of ​​buying a house.

It was already twelve o'clock in the evening and Du Yuchuan's small shop was still open. When Gu Qingyuan came here, the three people who were playing cards were shocked.

"Xiaoyong, why are you here."

Gu Qingyuan said wearily, pulling Du Yuchuan up from the recliner, lying on it heavily, making a very comfortable moan.

"I will be back without class today."

Kang Xiaoyong said excitedly, Gu Qingyuan had always been in an Internet cafe before, but now it is too difficult to see him.

"Where is Mao Dandan?" Gu Qingyuan asked with closed eyes.

"She is in good health. I don't want her to run back and forth, so I let her rest in the dormitory."

Kang Xiaoyong said with a smile, and had accepted Gu Qingyuan's call for Maodoudou as Maodandan.

"What's your kid doing lately? Shenlong hasn't seen the end. What kind of profitable business is there? Don't forget how many brothers."

Du Yuchuan moved a small stool and sat beside Gu Qingyuan, and began to recite the scriptures: "One more thing, your kid is not proficient in stocks. Recently, I heard that stocks have plummeted. Isn't that hope?"

"Hey! Don't scream, kid!"

Du Yuchuan pushed Gu Qingyuan up again.315 Chinese Network

"Oh, don't worry, your pig brain I have another use."

Gu Qingyuan turned a sound and continued to fall asleep. The chip in his brain needed to earn 1 billion and then spend 1 billion, and then it was time to play them.


Li Huzheng laughed. He believed Gu Qingyuan's words very much. He touched his head and said slyly, "Master Gu, you are enough. You must give your brother a bite of food by then."

"By the way, Qingyuan, I want to tell you one more thing."

Kang Xiaoyong said, but at this time Gu Qingyuan's snoring had become louder and louder, not sure if he could hear it.

"Today, a senior from the school gave Xia Chenling flowers, and she seemed to have accepted the flowers."

Kang Xiaoyong whispered.


Gu Qingyuan sat up all of a sudden, and instantly disappeared from sleep.

"Why didn't your kid say it earlier?"

Gu Qingyuan stared at Kang Xiaoyong with anger, reproach in his tone.

"I was also at night when Edamame called me to tell me. When I was about to call you to tell you, then the door just closed."

Kang Xiaoyong explained with a smile.

"What's the matter? Is this the object?"

Du Yuchuan asked with a dazed expression.


Seeing Kang Xiaoyong nodded, Du Yuchuan's old face was all wrinkled. He looked at Gu Qingyuan and said dissatisfied: "What about my daughter?"

"Fuck your mother, I'll go back first."

Gu Qingyuan got up from the recliner and walked to the rental house.

The three people in the room looked at each other, Du Yuchuan still frowned, looked at Kang Xiaoyong, and asked, "What's the situation?"

"Then what, Uncle Du, it's getting late, I also went back to sleep."

After that, Kang Xiaoyong ran back as if fleeing.


Li Hu was breathing hard, stood up, and walked away swaggeringly.

"Fatty, stop for Lao Tzu?"


"Hand over the three dollars you lost in playing cards."


Li Huzheng smiled, and ran away, with a pack of cigarettes in his hand.

Du Yuchuan naturally saw it, and was too lazy to tell Huzi, after all... it's fake cigarettes!

Du Yuchuan's small shop was very close to Gu Qingyuan's rental house. In less than five minutes, Gu Qingyuan panted and ran home.

After changing a battery, Gu Qingyuan hurriedly dialed Xia Chenling's cell phone.

Hearing a "di" sound, he took a long breath, but fortunately that Nizi did not turn off the phone.

After seven or eight rings, when the phone was about to disconnect, Xia Chenling finally picked up the phone, and her sleepy voice came:

"Hello? Gu Qingyuan, why is calling so late? Is it an emergency?"

"Did you accept flowers from others?"

Gu Qingyuan asked directly.


Xia Chen was stunned for a moment, could it be because of this incident that he called in the middle of the night?

After a few seconds of silence, Xia Chenling laughed happily. This soft voice made Gu Qingyuan's heart itch, thinking of holding the water-like Nizi in his arms.

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