You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Am I like someone short of money?Does this person have a brain problem?

The more he thought about it, the more angry, Shen Xiaoduo frowned and followed quickly.

"Wait for me!"

Shen Xiaoduo frowned, and said angrily, originally the stocks fell in a bad mood. He hid in the library to be quiet for a while, but he didn't expect to meet such an idiot.


Gu Qingyuan looked at Shen Xiaoduo dumbfounded.

"Is there anything else?"

"Are there anything else you asked? Take your money and give me the book."

Shen Xiaoduo slammed the money into Gu Qingyuan's face, and took down the book on the top.

After glaring at Gu Qingyuan, he turned and walked back.

What's up?Too little money?The point is that one less book won’t work.Gu Qingyuan held the book and chased him up again. At this time, a layer of sweat was already on his body.

"Beauty, wait a minute."

Gu Qingyuan quickly stepped in front of Shen Xiaoduo.

After squeezing it out of his pocket, he took out three hundred-yuan bills, and put them in Shen Xiaoduo's pocket together with the one hundred before, and snatched the book.

When Gu Qingyuan held the book and walked forward, Shen Xiaoduo quickly stepped in front of him.


Gu Qingyuan frowned.

Suddenly, Shen Xiaoduo smashed the money into Gu Qingyuan's face again, and the money was spilled all over the place.

Then he pointed to Gu Qingyuan and shouted: "It's not uncommon for you to have a little money, I will tell you, just this book, you don't want to borrow it today!"

After speaking, Shen Xiaoduo jumped up again and took the book back.At this time, she did not leave either, holding the tree in her arms, gritted her teeth and looked at Gu Qingyuan.

After Gu Qingyuan frowned, he quickly stretched out, ignoring the wicked woman in front of him.

The big deal is to go to the library in the city to buy it. Anyway, I took a look at the title of the book. It just took a little more time.

Gu Qingyuan was not screaming, too lazy to take a look at Shen Xiaoduo, and walked quickly to the first floor.

Thinking of Xia Chenling, there is only one gentle and kind Xia Chenling in the world, like the crooked melon and jujube I just saw, how can he compare with Lingling?

Back in the car, after Gu Qingyuan sent Xia Chenling a leaving text message, Zhang Yushu happened to call.

Gu Qingyuan answered the phone immediately, but his voice was a little irritable.

"What's the matter, Qingyuan, I don't seem to be very happy listening to your tone?"

On the phone, Zhang Yushu asked with a smile, he is in a good mood today.

Today's stock market is quite miserable, with a 1,000-share limit down again. Fortunately, I believed Gu Qingyuan and didn't follow the advice of Xico Securities to open a position.

Because of Shen Xiaoduo's random judgment, her father had already suffered from high blood pressure several times, presumably her mood should be extremely bad.

"It's okay, it's just that I met a wicked woman, don't listen!"

Gu Qingyuan's voice sounded very annoyed.


Rental houses in the streets and alleys.

Gu Qingyuan flipped through the books eagerly, like a long drought in the rain, absorbing the knowledge from the books frantically.He must hurry up, leaving him only fifteen days or even less.

What if something happens to Zhang Zhang?

His brain was running fast at this time, and slowly, beads of sweat burst out of his forehead.

Two hours later, Gu Qingyuan actually read all the entry-level books. What is even more exaggerated is that these words are like imprinted on his mind, and he remembers clearly.

But it is just a feeling of talking on paper, many knowledge points need to be operated on the computer.The sixth book

Gu Qingyuan didn't hesitate at all, holding all the books, ignoring his somewhat prostrate body at this time, ran to the Internet cafes in the streets and alleys.

After choosing the most corner position, Gu Qingyuan placed the book on the bottom of his feet and quickly turned on the computer. He couldn't wait to practice programming immediately.

When he came in, Li Huzheng still spotted Gu Qingyuan, stood up and walked over with a smile.

"Old Gu, why are you here, play games together, my current technology..."


Gu Qingyuan interrupted Li Huzheng directly, without looking back at him, opened the programming page, and quickly tapped the keyboard with his fingers.

Li Huzheng curled his lips, and didn't talk to bother him. It was not the first time that he saw him with such a delusional concentration.

After changing the machine with the network manager, Li Hu was sitting next to Gu Qingyuan. First, he was afraid that other people would disturb him. Second, he could smoke for free, and he was all Huazi.

Gu Qingyuan has been at the computer like this, typing on the keyboard, occasionally making a few giggles, and then picking up a thick book and looking at it.

"This is even crazy than last time!"

Li Huzheng couldn't care about playing games anymore, and was always observing Gu Qingyuan.

Time passed by little by little, and soon it was night.


On the campus of Shengzheng University.

Today is Christmas Eve, and the students dismissed early. The boys are holding many beautiful apples and guarding under the girls' dormitory.

There were also some romantic male classmates who sang under the girls with musical instruments.

In Xia Chenling's bedroom, Xia Chenling quietly sat at the desk and read the book.

After a while, edamame came back with a big bag of apples in his hand.

After that, Song Qingqing also returned, holding a few apples in beautiful gift boxes.

After that, Gao Qianqian, Su Rong, and Liu Shina came back with many apples.

Xia Chenling alone did not receive an apple.

On this day, Shi Hao was the busiest, sending apples to several girls one after another, and Gao Qianqian's apples were also given by him. This was the first time Gao Qianqian received his gift.

Gao Qianqian's smile never disappeared when she came back.

What Xia Chenling didn't know was that Shi Hao was embracing Xia Youyou at this time, still holding the phone in his hand!


Song Qingqing sat next to Xia Chenling, her face full of doubts.

"Chen Ling, why are you still here? Didn't Gu Qingyuan come to find you? Didn't he give you an apple?"

Song Qingqing lost a series of questions.


Xia Chenling shook his head disappointedly, and then said: "He may be a little busy, maybe he forgot about it."

"Impossible, I told him this morning about sending apples."

Song Qingqing hurriedly said again. As soon as he finished speaking, he felt the pain in his shoulder. He turned to look over and found Mao Doudou frowning at her.

Song Qingqing realized that her mouth was too quick this time and said something that shouldn't be said.

"Maybe he forgot this afternoon?"

Xia Chenling said with a smile, but could hear the loss in her voice.

In fact, at night, Xia Chenling sent a message to Gu Qingyuan.

"Today is Christmas Eve, can you come over tonight? I have some apples for you."

But this message was like a stone sinking into the ocean, and Gu Qingyuan never got a reply, and he didn't even answer the phone.

Is he so busy?Don’t you even have time to call and text?

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