You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Throughout the night, Gu Qingyuan was immersed in a sea of ​​fresh knowledge. He didn't even bother to eat a bite. He stretched his waist and slowly stood up after he had completed the programming of a website independently.

"Kacha, Kacha!"

Gu Qingyuan's joints made a crisp sound. The moment he stood up, he felt dizzy and dizzy, his face turned pale, and hunger swept across.

At this time, Gu Qingyuan squinted to see Li Huzheng, and said to his heart why this product is here?When did you come?

"Huzi, wake up and eat."

Gu Qingyuan pushed Li Huzheng to wake up, and then asked him to act as a coolie to carry the book, and the two walked out of the Internet cafe.


Gu Qingyuan showed a surprised look, why is it still bright this day?Looking at Li Huzheng with a dazed expression, he hurriedly asked: "Why is the sky bright now? What time is it now?"

After that, Gu Qingyuan hurriedly took out his mobile phone, and the mobile phone ran out of power, so I couldn't see the exact time.

"9 o'clock in the morning, you played from yesterday afternoon until 9 o'clock the next day, don't you know?"

Li Hu was yawning and said, with bloodshot eyes.

"It's over, something happened!"

Gu Qingyuan murmured, this Christmas Eve, even if he didn't even call Xia Chenling, this person is too unqualified.

The most important thing is that Nizi seems to be particularly jealous.

"Let's go, eat a meal first."

The two came to the small restaurant of Kang Xiaoyong's home. They hadn't had any meals, but Kang's mother made two bowls of noodles for them and even fried a meat dish.

Since the Edamame incident, the Kang family's attitude towards Gu Qingyuan has been extremely enthusiastic, and even with that Kang Xiaoyu and the little Nizi, they dare not roll their eyes at Li Huzheng.

It can be regarded as dipped in the light of Gu Qingyuan.

In private, Kang Ma always said to Kang Xiaoyong earnestly, that she must have a good relationship with others, who is a serious and capable person, and has a good character.

After eating, Gu Qingyuan carried the book and walked to the rental house.

Li Huzheng was still following Gu Qingyuan and asked with a smile on his face: "Should I go to your house for a night?"


Gu Qingyuan didn't bother to look at him, snoring like an earthquake, didn't he have a B number in his heart?

When he returned home, Gu Qingyuan hurriedly changed the battery. Seeing Xia Chenling's phone call to herself and the text message she sent, her heart was cold.

The last message was sent at three o'clock in the night: You have no sense of responsibility. No matter how busy you are, you should tell me about your situation.It seems that you can't treat me as your object, let alone take me in your heart.

This Nizi didn't sleep all night, right?

After reading the information, Gu Qingyuan was already sweating profusely. No matter whether she was in class or not, he directly called back.

Shengzheng University.

Today is Christmas, and the school gave the students a day off very humanely.

From the beginning of the morning, there are boys guarding the bottom of the girls’ dormitory and giving gifts to their loved ones. The academy is full of sweetness.

The most disappointing thing was Xia Chenling. She was alone in the dormitory, and everyone else was busy.

Liu Shina was chased by a senior in her junior year, and couldn't help his repeated invitations, so she agreed to his request to eat together.

And Su Rong and Gao Qianqian went to the western restaurant early today. Firstly, the store must be busy today, and secondly, double wages.

After eating in the morning, Xia Chenling went to the library alone with his edamame reading card. Of course, those who were still in the library this holiday were all single dogs.Fat Cat Novels

After a while, Xia Chenling's mobile phone vibrated, closed the book, and hurriedly took out the mobile phone. When she saw that it was Gu Qingyuan's call, she put a relieved smile on her face.

But then he licked his lips and hung up.

Calling now, is he dead?Xia Chenling opened the book and continued to read it, but his expression showed a smug.

Bye?Gu Qingyuan's face became embarrassed, adding to the consumption of mental energy, he sat up straight for a whole day, and now he was exhausted to the extreme.

Gu Qingyuan hurriedly dialed Xia Chenling again, and continued to hang up.

Reluctantly, Gu Qingyuan could only edit a text message, and then squinted for a while. It was really overwhelming and too tired.

"Lingling, I'm very sorry. I was busy yesterday and didn't pay attention to the cell phone. I'm really very sorry. I am very tired now. I will go to sleep for a while. I will find you at noon and have dinner together. I love you!"

Xia Chenling took the phone and read the information several times before putting the phone in his pocket.

It is already ten o'clock in the morning, so he will come in two hours.Xia Chenling didn't want to continue reading, and after putting the book away, he hurriedly returned to the bedroom.

As soon as she returned to the dormitory, Xia Chenling began to dress up. She, who had always been without makeup, also began to put on simple makeup.

Christmas gifts for Gu Qingyuan were also placed on the bed.

Soon, at noon, Xia Chenling sat quietly on the bed, waiting for Gu Qingyuan's call.

After a while, Mao Doudou and Song Qingqing returned, and came back to the dormitory to give them gifts prepared by their counterparts.

"Huh? Chenling, why are you still in the dormitory? Where is Gu Qingyuan? Has he not come to you yet?"

Song Qingqing asked while looking for a gift.

"I called that morning, and he said he came over at noon, he should be coming soon."

Xia Chenling said with a slight embarrassment, and took out his phone to check the time. It was already half past twelve, why didn't Gu Qingyuan make a call?

"Well, then you have to scold him if Gu Qingyuan is here!"

Song Qingqing curled his lips, and was about to continue talking, but was pulled out of the dormitory by Edamame.

"Doudou, what are you doing? Do you still want to add some makeup?"

In the corridor, Song Qingqing said aggrievedly.

"The makeup hasn't been put on, so how can you make up? And yes, can you stop talking about Gu Qingyuan in the future? He is different from students like Kang Xiaoyong and Qin Puppy. He is very busy.

Mao Doudou pulled Song Qingqing as he walked and said, frowning, looking very serious.

"Okay... OK."

Song Qingqing nodded and agreed.She knew that Gu Qingyuan was in Edoudou's heart and was different from others.

Gu Qingyuan is her savior.

In the bedroom, Xia Chenling picked up the phone and called Gu Qingyuan again.

However, the phone kept ringing and no one answered.

Xia Chenling thought about it in a random way, did he go on a date with other women?By the way, was it the one at the hot pot restaurant that day, it must be her!

The more he thought about it, the more sad, Xia Chenling was frantically adding drama to herself, thinking that in the end, her eyes turned rosy, and then took out her cell phone and added Gu Qingyuan's cell phone number to the blacklist.

In the rental house, Gu Qingyuan was completely asleep, and the snoring sound was comparable to thunder, and the lovers who were applauding next door were not in the mood, sitting on the bed with disappointment, listening to the huge snoring.

Zhang Yushu and He Chaoran sat sadly in the Zhangji Western Restaurant.

I wanted to take advantage of the time of noon to give Xia Chenling a Christmas gift, which is considered a meeting present for his younger siblings, but the crux of the problem is that Gu Qingyuan, the grandson, has never answered the phone, so I don’t even know where they are?

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