You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Lingling, still angry."

As soon as he called, Xia Chenling heard Gu Qingyuan's gentle voice, and for a while, he had the urge to see him urgently.

Thinking of the lonely scene of him squatting on the side of the road, I blamed myself again.

But there is still arrogance in my heart, even if I did something wrong, then I don't admit it.

"What's the matter with your money?"

Xia Chenling asked, but his tone was much softer than before.

"Huh? A Christmas present for you."

Gu Qingyuan said disapprovingly.

"Gift?" Xia Chenling asked in surprise, "Which boy have you seen give girls gifts and money?"

Don’t they all send money, cars, and houses?Gu Qing Yuanshengsheng swallowed these words into his stomach.

"Also, it didn't take long for us to establish a relationship. Do you think it is appropriate for you to suddenly give me so much money?"

Xia Chenling asked, in love, if one party gives too much, it will make the other party feel a lot of pressure.

"And do you know that this will cause a lot of pressure on me..."

Gu Qingyuan listened quietly, until Xia Chenling complained about everything, then said softly: "Then you can keep it for me. It is our love fund. When we get married, we will use this money to buy a house. "

Xia Chenling was stunned while holding the phone tightly, his eyes turned ruddy, thinking that he was so scolded in front of his classmates, he didn't leave him any face, but he was so gentle.

"Well, maybe it's because I didn't think about it. I will correct it slowly in the future, so don't be angry."

Gu Qingyuan said again.

"it is good."

Xia Chenling red eyes and nodded vigorously.

"Then rest early, it's late."

"Well, you should rest earlier too." Xia Chenling nodded obediently, and after hanging up, he bounced back to the bedroom.


early morning!

The first thing Gu Qingyuan opened his eyes was to open those programming books, with a grim expression, immersed in them.

Unconsciously, it was noon soon, but Gu Qingyuan still kept a movement, constantly flipping through the books.

Morning time.

Since Gu Qingyuan's attitude was very tough, Xia Chenling could only deposit the money in the bank card first, and then return it to him.

Back in the classroom, Xia Chenling was distracted in class for the first time. He looked at his mobile phone from time to time. What was Gu Qingyuan doing?Why don't you take the initiative to text me?

"What are you doing?" Xia Chenling sent a message.

A few hours later, I finally received Gu Qingyuan’s reply: "Research stocks!"

As for joining the Internet, Gu Qingyuan intends to keep it confidential to everyone.

"Do you want Christmas gifts?" Xia Chenling asked gritted teeth.

After another half an hour, Gu Qingyuan replied: "Yes, let's have dinner together at noon."

"Ha ha!"

"what happened?"

"It's six o'clock in the afternoon, what are you talking about?"


Gu Qingyuan exclaimed, turned his head and looked out the window, only to find that the sky had gradually darkened.

"Then you must not eat by yourself, wait for me to eat together."

After sending the text message, Gu Qingyuan hurriedly jumped off the bed. After a brief wash, he drove in the car and drove to Shengzheng University.

Half an hour later, under the girls' dormitory, Gu Qingyuan finally waited until the gorgeous Xia Chenling walked downstairs slowly.

Gu Qingyuan took a step forward and hugged her tightly.

"Oh, there are so many people, what are you doing." Biquge 88

Xia Chenling whispered blame, gently pushed Gu Qingyuan away, and handed him a beautiful box.

"Non, Christmas present!"


Gu Qingyuan slowly opened the present, and a beautiful musical glass ball appeared before his eyes.

A pair of lovers are carved in the center of the ball. When you turn the music ball base, the lovers inside will turn with the music.

Although from the perspective of modern people, this gift is too old-fashioned, but at that time, when there was no online shopping, it was a very precious and rare gift.

"Thank you, me and like it."

Gu Qingyuan said with a smile, and took Xia Chenling's hand again.


Xia Chenling nodded slightly, and was very proud of being led by Gu Qingyuan on the campus.

"By the way, this card is for you, I have the money in it, and yes, where did you get so much money."

Xia Chenling took out the bank card and handed it to Gu Qingyuan.

Seeing him smile faintly, forming a very beautiful arc.Holding the hand of Xia Chenling holding the card, he pushed it back into his pocket.

"You just need to keep it safe. I am a big hand and can't save money."

Gu Qingyuan took Xia Chenling's hand and talked as he walked.

"Besides, your parents hate me so much, I don't have to prepare a dowry."

Xia Chenling blushed and wasn't insisting on it. Just take it for him. Anyway, he wouldn't spend that money.

The two walked together to the snack alley opposite the school. The rice noodles and other snacks in it have always been girls' favorites.

Among them, Zhou's seafood skewers are the most popular. Not only students from Shengzheng University, but also students from other schools come to eat it.

Gu Qingyuan took Xia Chenling's hand and lined up at the door of Zhou's Seafood. The two smiled and talked in a low voice, looking very sweet.


Suddenly a familiar voice rang, and it turned out that Ding Shanshan and their friends in the dormitory also came to this food alley.

Ding Shanshan smiled and ran over with a wave. She only saw Xia Chenling holding hands with a tall boy, but did not recognize Gu Qingyuan.

Gu Qingyuan frowned, and he felt Xia Chenling shiver a few times, and was trying to get rid of his hand.

But Gu Qingyuan still held it tightly and turned to Ding Shanshan.

When she saw Gu Qingyuan's face clearly, Ding Shanshan first showed a shocked expression, and her pace slowed down.After a few seconds, he walked over with a strong smile.

"Lingling, long time no see."

Ding Shanshan asked with a smile, and separated some distance from Xia Chenling, and did not take her arm affectionately as before.

"Well, Shanshan, long time no see."

Xia Chenling smiled awkwardly, not daring to look in her eyes.

"This is Gu Qingyuan, right?"

Ding Shanshan asked specially, with a touch of self-deprecating tone.

"Huh? Why don't you recognize me anymore."

Gu Qingyuan smiled, his impression of Ding Shanshan is still very good.

"What is your relationship."

Ding Shanshan glanced at the hands they were holding tightly, and asked in a strange way.


Gu Qingyuan smiled, proudly raised the hand holding Xia Chenling, and said, "Of course it's a romantic relationship, Lao Ding, you know why."

Gu Qingyuan naturally didn't know about those things between Ding Shanshan and Xia Chenling, so it was Ding Shanshan who was joking specially?

However, what surprised Gu Qingyuan was that Ding Shanshan stared at Xia Chenling, her big eyes became ruddy.

"Lingling, I didn't expect you to be such a person. Have you ever regarded me as a friend?"

Xia Chenling lowered her head, not daring to look at Ding Shanshan's eyes, like a kid who did something wrong.

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