You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Shanshan... not what you think, it's because..."

The voice of his words became lower and lower, and Xia Chenling lowered his head, only to find that no matter how he explained it at this time, it was useless.

"Because of what? You say!"

Ding Shanshan questioned, she, who was originally weak, became extremely angry at this time, just because that person was Xia Chenling, but she grew up with her, her best friend!

I once told myself how bad Gu Qingyuan was and didn't approve of two people's relationship, but what happened in the end?She herself actually held hands with Gu Qingyuan and appeared before her eyes.

"Shanshan... listen to me, it's not what you think it is."

Xia Chenling broke away from Gu Qingyuan's hand and took Ding Shanshan's arm.

"Don't be hypocritical, I feel sick!"

Ding Shanshan shook off Xia Chenling, turned around and fled here.

Seeing Ding Shanshan's disappearing back, Xia Chenling slowly squatted on the ground, and began to cry.

Gu Qingyuan found some clues, it seems because of himself?He also bent down and touched Xia Chenling's black hair affectionately.

After a long time, Xia Chenling gradually stabilized his emotions, lost the appetite for eating, and wanted to go back to the bedroom to sleep.Gu Qingyuan had to accompany her back to school.

"Let's go to the playground for a walk, I am your object, I hope I can share some things for you."

When he reached the bottom of the bedroom, Gu Qingyuan took Xia Chenling's hand and refused to let go.

Xia Chenling's eyes were red and swollen. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded.

After the two strolled in the playground, Xia Chenling took Gu Qingyuan's arm and told Gu Qingyuan in detail about her and Ding Shanshan.

"can not tell..."

Suddenly, Gu Qingyuan's eyes became deep, and his voice was also very deep, with a bit of vicissitudes of life.

Looking up at the sky 45 degrees, he continued: "So I am so attractive!"

"Can you stop joking at this time!" Xia Chenling stopped and yelled at Gu Qingyuan.

"I...I feel like I'm a sinner, how can I forget Shanshan when I am getting along with you"

As he said, Xia Chenling choked up again, tears in his eyes, and might cry at any time.

"Okay, okay! I still wanted to make you smile."

Gu Qingyuan said seriously, embracing Xia Chenling in his arms.

"As a party, I have the most say. Even if you tried to match Ding Shanshan with me at the time, I wouldn't like him! So strictly speaking, even without you, it would be impossible for me and her."

"And... I can't just confiscate my happiness just because Ding Shanshan wanted to chase me."

When she said the last sentence, Gu Qingyuan held her tighter, and Xia Chenling slowly raised her hand and hugged her around his waist.


After sending Xia Chenling back to the bedroom, Gu Qingyuan received a call from Zhang Yushu and asked him to gather at the Zhangji Western Restaurant.

It was really hard to refuse, so Gu Qingyuan had to hold back his desire to program and drove to the Zhangji Western Restaurant.

At a quiet and pleasant dining table on the second floor, only three people, Zhang Yushu, Shen Shiyao and Gu Qingyuan sat.

And Gu Qingyuan took his seat in a hurry only a minute ago.

"Brother Gu, what have you been up to these two days?"

Zhang Yushu poured red wine for Gu Qingyuan and asked with a smile.

"What else can I do, of course, is to study the stock market, and when it bottoms out next time, I will be operating."

Gu Qingyuan said casually, eating steak with a big bite, which was the first bite he ate today.

"Yes, you are a technical talent, unlike me, who is idle every day."

Zhang Yushu said lightly, and at the same time his eyes lit up, the stock market's super high returns and super fast profitability had already made him addicted to it.March Chinese

Gu Qingyuan observed the change in Zhang Yushu's expression and reminded him kindly, after all, Zhang Yushu was not only about cooperation, but also about friendship.

"Brother Zhang, I don’t like to hear some words, but you must also remember, don’t take the stock market too seriously, just spend a little money for fun. I’m not completely sure that I can make a stable profit every time. of."

Gu Qingyuan looked at Zhang Yushu and said very seriously.

Small money?Don't take it seriously?These words were repeated in Zhang Yushu's mind. The other meaning of these words is to remind himself that he should focus on investing in other industries?


Zhang Yushu nodded lightly, still thinking about Gu Qingyuan's words.

"It seems that Brother Gu has also studied the stock market."

Shen Shiyao, who had been sitting quietly, said with a smile.

"What? Is Brother Gu still a trader?"

"Hehe, it's not just as simple as a trader, how can those stinky fish and shrimp compare to Qingyuan."

Zhang Yushu rushed to answer Gu Qingyuan's behalf, looking at her capable man with interest.

"Shi Yao, guess what, in just two days, how much did Gu brother earn for me?"


Shen Shiyao raised his head and glanced at Gu Qingyuan. After thinking for a moment, he stretched out five fingers.

"Five million?"

This number was already a guess that Shen Shiyao might have grown, and even deliberately exaggerated it, putting gold on Gu Qingyuan's face.

He also has a portion of his funds in the stock market. It is simply horrible to understand the recent market situation. Let alone making money, it would be nice to not lose money.


Zhang Yushu laughed, clenched a fist with one hand to his mouth, and smiled tremblingly. The man's smile was actually very low.

"not enough!"

"Ten million?"

"It doesn't stop adding zeros!"


Shen Shiyao exclaimed, a little gaffe.

"I heard it right. I made nearly 200 million yuan, which is equivalent to the annual revenue of Zhangjia Industry."

Zhang Yushu said solemnly, and looked at Gu Qingyuan again, staring at him.

"Qingyuan, my brother really treats you as a brother. What is the implication of what you just said? I think it's better to speak thoroughly."

"Is it going to be charged next time for operation with you... or how much will you get this time..."

"Slap!" Gu Qingyuan slapped the fork on the table hard, interrupting Zhang Yushu.

"Brother Zhang, if you want to think about me that way, you are underestimating me. If I really think that way, and if there is a charge, I will talk to you in advance, and I won't be ill-informed."

Gu Qingyuan gave Zhang Yushu a white look, and then solemnly said: "What I mean by that sentence is that you don't want to disrupt your original life because of stocks. Zhang's family is still developing step by step as planned."

"I have seen too many people who lost themselves in the stock market!"

"When investing in the stock market, you must have a proper proportion of capital to invest, and don't affect other businesses. The last sentence is to say that if there is a chance, I will naturally help Zhang Ge, but don't blame me if you lose. what."

After talking a lot in one breath, Gu Qingyuan took the red wine and drank it.

This sentence opened Zhang Yushu's heart knot, and the two raised their wine glasses to meet each other and drank it all in one go.

"By the way, where did Fatty He go?" Gu Qingyuan asked casually!

"A man named Wu Qianhua came to get upright, and He Chaoran went there to kneel and lick."

Wu Qianhua!Gu Qingyuan's legs under the table trembled slightly.

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