You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Late at night, the 37th floor of Regal Building.

Gu Qingyuan stared at the computer screen with furrowed brows, still not believing in the data in front of him, leaned forward to the computer screen, and carefully counted the zeros at the back. After repeated confirmation, he was finally sure that the number of visits had reached 100. Million.

You must know that in 1999, computers were still a luxury item, and China had only 4 million Internet users.

And what is the concept of reaching 100W+ in just one day? Considering multiple visits to the same IP, at least 100,000 users have browsed the Ling520 website.

There is no doubt that IP tampering, coupled with advanced-thinking website design, Ling520 is already working miracles.

It can be said that the advent of Ling520 has taken the pattern of China Internet at this time by a big step, and history is quietly changing.

The only witness was Gu Qingyuan.

The success of Ling520's navigation website can completely build an ecological chain around it.

Gu Qingyuan tapped the table again and again, his thoughts turning rapidly.

With the surge in traffic, it is necessary to continue to add servers to ensure the maintenance of the background. In terms of funds, Gu Qingyuan is not worried at all. The most difficult thing is to build a professional team.

At this time, I can't wait for Li Ping to join in. If Zhang Zhi can be dug up, then the follow-up development of OICQ will be guaranteed.

Gu Qingyuan provides ideas and innovation, and Zhang Zhi provides technology. This will make the development progress much faster.

After a while, Gu Qingyuan minimized the navigation website and logged into OICQ. He wanted to see the situation in the chat room. In the past two days, pretending to be MM was a bit addictive.

The beautiful sister who is chatting like a baby is actually a big foot-scraper, and she doesn't know whether the otaku brother will vomit blood when she knows it.

Just opened OICQ, the icon kept flashing, and after clicking it, there were as many as 100 applications from friends.

"So many friends added?"

Unexpectedly, Gu Qingyuan opened the friend request list and checked it carefully.

"I'm from Huida Insurance Company, can you cooperate with business?"

"I am Lianzhi Games, can we work together?"

"I'm from Cinda Pharmaceutical Factory, can we work together?"


It turned out that with the explosion of ling520, people came to seek cooperation. On the navigation website, only Gu Qingyuan’s OICQ number was kept, so people can only contact Gu Qingyuan through OICQ.

This also made OICQ exposed, and the number of downloads reached several times the usual.

advertising?You can get in touch, try to do it!

As Gu Qingyuan said, the corners of his mouth raised, a nice smile, and he began to read these friend requests carefully.

"Why are these companies that I haven't heard of."

Gu Qingyuan muttered to himself with his brows locked tightly. He has looked through dozens of friends lists, and no company has ever heard of it in his previous life.

The placement of advertisements must be carefully selected. If the placement of advertisement products causes a bad influence, it is undoubtedly a self-destructive future.


When Gu Qingyuan quickly turned his friend's application to the bottom, he finally saw a company that thought of being reliable.

The friend application that was excited about the place, "The person in charge of Wan Aike Huaxia Country requested to add a friend."

Isn't this "Viagra"?Gu Qingyuan laughed and barked, and this joy of changing the future made him excited.

A company is likely to undergo a radical change from the previous moment because of one of his actions at this time.Qiyin Novels

Click OK to add friends, and Shi Zhigang, the person in charge of Wan Aike Huaxia Country in the north of Beijing, was very excited.

At this time, Shi Zhigang was sitting at the computer with a sad face, his unkempt hair was held in his hands, his hair straightened in a daze!

It has been half a year since "Viagra of Wanaka" has entered the China market, and there has been no substantial progress!

Many places do not advertise "Viagra", thinking that it is a mischievous thing. The single bottle of "Viagra" sells for as high as 99 yuan, and the per capita salary of urban men is only 800 yuan. Such a high price is undoubtedly Makes it difficult to get ahead in the China market!

Shi Zhigang, who was hit hard, already had the idea of ​​giving up.

"Hello, are you the person in charge of Ling520?"

Seeing that his account was added as a friend, Shi Zhigang sat up straight and asked impatiently.

"Well, yes. Today I have business cooperation with other companies, and I have been busy all day, so I am sorry to go online late."

Gu Qingyuan's eyes had narrowed into a line, bragging shamelessly.

Cooperation negotiations should take the lead, giving Shi Zhigang the illusion that he is busy. Gu Qingyuan knows this.

"Oh, is it? Actually, I want to talk to you about business cooperation."

Shi Zhigang stared at the computer screen excitedly, his legs trembling, waiting for Gu Qingyuan's reply.

Such a new and popular website, shouldn't it cooperate with a product like mine?Shi Zhiyong himself had doubts about his own products, and once thought that Viagra was not suitable for development in China.

"Well, how do you call it?" Gu Qingyuan grinned, preparing to adjust this person's appetite.

"Shi Zhigang, how about you?"

"Gu Qingyuan, what product do you make?"

Gu Qingyuan asked knowingly, tapping the computer desk lightly with his right hand, thinking about how to talk.

"My side is Wan Aike Pharmaceutical Company, and we are a listed company in the United States."

Shi Zhigang has no confidence, because he has been rejected too many times, and when he introduces the product, he feels nervous.

"Oh, what type of drugs does your company promote on hao321?"

"It's about drugs for men, let me introduce you specifically..." Shi Zhigang nervously typed in the dialog box, introducing the functions of the drugs in great detail.

"Isn't this an aphrodisiac?" Gu Qingyuan had already laughed out of a pig cry.

"That, Mr. Gu, you have a misunderstanding about this drug, it is to help those unspeakable male comrades improve their sexual happiness..."

Shi Zhigang explained anxiously, for fear that it would be rejected directly after hearing his product, just like being done by other places.

In just a few lines, Shi Zhigang finished editing, and after sending it out, he was already sweating profusely.

"Mr. Shi, our Ling520 navigation website has 100W+ traffic per day, and it is also the first navigation website in China. It has a huge future development prospect. Your product is indeed a bit harmful to our company's reputation."

Gu Qingyuan's index finger tapped on the computer desk, and the other propped his head against the computer desk. For this transaction, Gu Qingyuan Zhizhu was holding it, very cool!

He first praised his "ling520" and then devalued "Viagra". This wave of operations by Gu Qingyuan prevailed.

Worthy of being the old yin goods of the new era!

"Mr. Gu, this drug is very popular among men in the United States. Judging from the market feedback in the United States, it will not bring you a bad reputation."

Shi Zhigang is a little anxious. If "Viagra" does not make a substantial breakthrough in China, he is really likely to "get off get out of class"!

In the United States, he has been under a lot of pressure. In the business report some time ago, the management in the United States scolded himself for half an hour.

At this time, Gu Qingyuan poured himself a cup of coffee without a hassle!

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