You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Taking a sip of coffee and twisting his neck a few times, Gu Qingyuan calmly recovered.

On Shi Zhigang's side, he had already typed a lot of words like "are you there?"

"Your analysis is very reasonable, but Chun medicine needs a process recognized by the market, and it will still have a negative impact on Ling520 in the short term."

Gu Qingyuan mentioned Chun medicine again, and Shi Zhigang's head was big.

"Then did you refuse it? Can you give us a chance to show yourself?" Shi Zhigang still asked without giving up.

"Not to refuse..."

"Then do you have any concerns?" Shi Zhigang seemed to see a glimmer of hope, hurriedly typed and asked, and at the same time his heartbeat became more rapid.

"Got more money!"


Shi Zhigang was stunned for a few seconds, and he showed a smile. It seems that there is still a scene, but this Mr. Gu has a bit of personality and his speaking style is different from others.

"This is no problem, Mr. Gu, make a price." Shi Zhigang looked excited, and his heart could hardly stand this short few minutes of chatting.

"Ling520 does not currently have any advertisements. The product revenue from the first advertisement will inevitably be huge. It depends on your attitude."

Gu Qingyuan asked him to mention this price to see if he could blow it up!

Fried Hu!It's the respect for Teacher Ma of Wuhu!

Shi Zhigang hesitated at the computer, and quickly typed in the chat box: "100,000 a month, don't you think it's okay."

This price is quoted by some TV stations. The same price is used for advertising on the Internet. Shi Zhigang's attitude is very sincere.

At this time, TV traffic is much higher than that of the Internet. For websites like this to advertise, Ling520 is also at the forefront of the times.

"Sure enough!"

Gu Qingyuan couldn't help sighing, it seems that the United States' Wanai can open up the market of China, but it is a waste of money.

According to inflation and the central bank’s printing of 100,000 in 1999, the purchasing power equivalent to 1 million in 20 years is more than one month.

"It's too wasteful of resources and too expensive."

Suddenly, Gu Qingyuan entered a strange text in the chat box.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Shi Zhigang asked very puzzled. He thought he was sincere. This is equivalent to a month's advertising expenses for a TV station. It is already very good to use on a website.

What does it mean to waste resources and money?

"I made a floating frame for'Viagra' in hao321, so that those who clicked in could clearly see it, and those who needed it would naturally click in to see it. Click once and charge 1 cent, so that there is no waste of resources, and you The advertising costs invested here are shown to those in need, and no money will be wasted."

Gu Qingyuan smiled. This is Du Niang's click charge. For a while, this advertising model has been leading the trend!

"I don't really understand what Mr. Gu said."

Shi Zhigang frowned, feeling that Gu Qingyuan was fooling him, what a floating frame, he had never heard of it, and he still clicked to pay. What was that stuff?

At this time, Gu Qingyuan's idea was too advanced!As for the fact that it can be created and put on the website, how big a storm will it cause?

Everything is exciting!

"Then let's do it, I will give you one day's'Viagra' ad for free, so it's clear at a glance, you can also see the effect, how?"

The corner of Gu Qingyuan's mouth rose, as if he had seen Shi Zhigang's surprised expression a day later, "floating ads" and "pay-per-click" made him look forward to it!

According to the "pay per click", the daily flow of 1 million +, in the case of no increase in traffic, 10 days can be properly 100,000 income, isn't this better?

Gu Qingyuan smiled sinisterly!Worthy of being the old yin goods of the new era!Battelle Novel

"Really? That would be great."

Shi Zhigang opened his eyebrows and smiled. This will be heaven and hell, and the feeling is not very good, and the other party also offered to do a free day of advertising, why not do it.

Try it for free without losing money!

"Do you have a website promoting'Viagra' over there?" Gu Qingyuan asked, stretching her back again. It seems that it will be all night again tonight.


Shi Zhigang also nodded excitedly on the other side of the screen, showing a very bright smile.

"Send it to me to see."

"Okay, wait, it's www..." Shi Zhigang posted the website.

Not for a while.

"What's this stuff?"

"Huh?" Shi Zhigang looked dumbfounded!

"Forget it, let me make a promotional website for you for free. Just keep the contact information for this website, right?"

"Well, you can."

Shi Zhigang frowned, feeling a little unhappy.

I love this website that Wanke, but it was designed by a very professional team in the United States, and it turned out to be garbage?

Just because of the creation of a relatively popular navigation website, is it so maddening?

If you don't want to make it for yourself for free, then Shi Zhigang will definitely go back!

"Then let's contact back, and you can log in to Ling520 tomorrow to see the effect."

After Gu Qingyuan typed the last line of words, he closed the dialog box and entered OICQ!


In the next time, the sound of Gu Qingyuan typing on the keyboard in the huge company. At this time, Gu Qingyuan was like a robot, as if he would never feel tired.

With the memories of past lives, and the super chip in the brain, creating products that do not belong to this era!

Until 7 o'clock the next day, Gu Qingyuan kept typing on the keyboard in a position, and didn't even go to the toilet once in the middle. This kind of dedication made his back a little overwhelming.

Don't you have a waist at a young age?

"Finally done!"

Gu Qingyuan stood up slowly, a sense of powerlessness instantly swept over his body, his legs softened, and he sat back heavily on the chair, while his face became sickly pale.

This kind of intense concentration can only be done by Gu Qingyuan who has a chip in his brain in this world, but it also consumes a lot of body.

After rubbing the center of the eyebrows for a long time, the pale cheeks gradually blushed.

When Gu Qingyuan clicked on the ling520 navigation website again, the floating frame advertisement of "Viagra" appeared in front of his eyes. As the screen floated up and down, clicked in. The cool and advanced advertisement made the audience amazed!

This product that does not belong to this era stimulates the attention of netizens in this era!

The first is the background of U.S. Wan Aike Company, which gives people a kind of credibility for "Viagra". If you pull down further, you can see the scene of U.S. people snapping up "Viagra". "Viagra" has become very popular in the United States. The product.

At the bottom is the authoritative certification of some medical institutions, which increases the credibility of the product!

Exquisite production, perfect!

Of course, the most incredible thing is the floating advertisement that floats up and down the screen. How did its founder come up with it?

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