You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In Beijing North, Shi Zhigang passed a morning negotiation, and there are very few pharmacies willing to sell Viagra as an agent!

The few pharmacies that are willing to act are also small-scale pharmacies, similar to street stalls.It is basically of no help to "Viagra" to broaden the market, and it may even lower the brand's grade.

Shi Zhigang returned to the office disheartenedly, smoking one cigarette after another, the ashtray full of cigarette butts.

Staring at the computer, I suddenly thought of something. I hurriedly turned on the computer. It took a few tens of seconds to start. For Shi Zhigang, it seemed that a century had passed, and he was frustrated. He put all his hopes in that seemingly very It's not an opportunity.

At this time, people's understanding of the Internet is very shallow, so shallow that only a few people know how much wealth it contains.

Shi Zhigang has the experience of studying in the United States. It is not that he is ignorant of the Internet. In the United States, the economic system of the Internet has gradually become clear, but he still does not believe in the domestic Internet.

Entering the ling520 website, the heart beat faster. He thought this was his last hope. If he didn't succeed, he might have to be announced by the U.S. to end get out of class.

The first thing that catches the eye is an exquisite floating advertisement with a constantly changing pattern and some obscure male words written on it.

Let the men keep clicking!

This... Shi Zhigang's pupils dilated, and after swallowing hard, he moved the mouse with his trembling hands and called the floating advertisement.

Even when he returned from studying in the United States, he was amazed by this advertising concept!It seems that China has a genius, nothing is fake!

There were four great inventions in ancient times, and now there are floating ads!Shi Zhigang flattered in his heart and grinned, as if he had seen hope.

The moment I clicked on the floating advertisement, as if there was a flash of lightning, it hit Shi Zhigang, making him stunned on the chair!


Shi Zhigang opened his mouth slightly, frowning, and couldn't say a word for a long time!



"Great God!"


After dozens of seconds, Shi Zhigang yelled hysterically!

Shi Zhigang stood up directly from his chair, looked at Gu Qingyuan's advertising design, and felt that other advertising design companies could announce that they would close!

This is the most "brilliant" advertising campaign he has ever seen, even better than the professional advertising design in the United States. Could it really be that he did it overnight?

This person is not ranting at all, it is because the original Viagra propaganda website is rubbish in his eyes!

Shi Zhigang had a shocked expression on his face. He didn't quite believe if he wiped his eyes, and then squeezed his own thighs. The intense pain told him that this was not a dream!

Click to enter ling520, the first thing that catches your eyes is the floating advertisement of "Viagra", which floats up and down with the screen.

The exaggerated advertising language, "Viagra, the preservation of man's sexual blessings!" makes male friends can't help but click, and it is full of allure.

How did he think of the word "Viagra"?This word is really fucking apt!

Shi Zhigang patted his thigh vigorously, his facial expression became thick.

Moreover, this floating advertisement does not waste the space of the hao321 website, and the original links displayed on the website do not need to be deleted, it is just floating in the blank space!

After clicking on the floating advertisement, the forward-looking, cool homepage URL gives people a sense of convincing, making "Viagra" a sense of loftyness. The price of 99 yuan is not a sales problem, but an advantage.

"Unbelievable, unbelievable, who is this Gu Qingyuan!" Shi Zhigang muttered to himself. Some trembling hands opened OICQ tremblingly, only to find Gu Qingyuan's gloomy portrait, and he was disappointed.

"Ling Ling Ling..." Electronic Chinese Network

At this time, Shi Zhigang's Nokia phone rang, and he was too involved, jumped from his own ring, and jumped out of the chair.

After discovering that his cell phone rang, he smirked like a child again.

Shi Zhigang's mobile phone was a Nokia, which was considered a rare product at the time. Of course, Nokia is very popular in China, and that will be the future.

In case, what happens?


Unknown number, this is the first time Shi Zhigang has received an unfamiliar number after coming to Beijing North!

"Oh, hello, is this Mr. Shi? I am the person in charge of Spring Pharmacy. I saw your advertisement on Ling520 and I want to talk to you about cooperation."

The other party said very politely.

Shi Zhigang was like five thunderstorms, "So efficient?" He couldn't believe it, holding the phone in a daze.

"Hello? Mr. Shi, are you listening? Mr. Shi?"

"Oh, I'm here." Shi Zhigang came back to his senses and let out a long sigh.

Simply agreeing a meeting time, Shi Zhigang is ecstatic, Spring Pharmacy is also a well-known chain pharmacy, if you can negotiate a cooperation, "Viagra" can also be considered a little standing in China.

Shi Zhigang jumped three feet high in the office, cheering like a child. During this time, the promotion of'Viagra' was too depressing. He was either chased or scolded. Now he has finally come to cooperate with him. A large-scale spring pharmacy.

After jumping for a long time, Shi Zhigang, who was tired and paralyzed in the seat, calmed down. When he decided to admire the "Viagra" advertisement again, he found that the floating window of "Viagra" was missing.

The advertisement has been removed from the website at this time, and Gu Qingyuan set the time in advance, not one day, just half a day.

"It seems to be off the shelf." Shi Zhigang opened Gu Qingyuan's gray head in disappointment and decided to wait for Gu Qingyuan to go online.

The'Viagra' advertisement that was just a small show on the ling520 website has attracted the attention of most people. At this time, Gu Qingyuan's OICQ account has been applied for as a friend by more than N people.

Gu Qingyuan, who was asleep, turned over and continued to snore like thunder!


In the evening, Gu Qingyuan received a call from Zhang Yushu about Yang Daming and asked him to sit in the store.

After cleaning up briefly, Gu Qingyuan drove to the Zhangji Western Restaurant. All day today, Gu Qingyuan didn't even eat a bite of rice.

At the quiet dining table on the second floor against the window, Zhang Yushu, He Chaoran, and Lin Nan sat.

"Qingyuan, long time no see!"

Before Gu Qingyuan took his seat, Lin Nan smiled and waved his hand to ask, showing his white teeth, which made people feel very cheerful and easy-going.

"Lin Nan, long time no see."

Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly, and as a response, sat down next to Zhang Yushu.

Of course, this location was specially arranged by Zhang Yushu.

Seeing Gu Qingyuan's tired face, Zhang Yushu frowned slightly and asked, "Qingyuan, why? I didn't rest well."

"I spent the night on the computer." Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly and said insignificantly. The people present at this time don't know how violent Gu Qingyuan has done.

Of course, Lin Nan didn't know about Gu Qingyuan, and he didn't even know about the stock market.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Lin Nan smiled and asked: "What, have you been all night? Which game are you playing?"

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