You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Hello?" Gu Qingyuan asked in a low voice.

"Hello, my'king of kings' will contact me at noon." Huang Yu said with a smile.

"Well, I know, the advertisement of'Wang Wang' has been put on'ling520', are you satisfied?"

Gu Qingyuan asked knowingly, judging from the other's tone that he was satisfied.

"I've seen it and I'm very satisfied." Huang Yu said with a smile.

"Then the contract can be said at noon?"

"Yes, I'll transfer money to you on the online banking in a while."

"Okay, then I will write a contract tomorrow and send it to you. I don't know how to call you yet?"

"My name is Huang Yu, what about you? How do you call it?"

"Gu Qingyuan."

"Good name, by the way, did you create'ling520'?" Huang Yu asked curiously.

"Yes, by chance, it was good luck." Gu Qingyuan said with a smile.

"Mr. Gu is too modest. The floating advertisements you made made me amazed, as if it was not a product of this era, and the thinking was too advanced."

Huang Yu said in admiration that laymen watch the excitement, insiders watch the doorway, and those who don’t understand IT can’t understand how powerful Gu Qingyuan’s design is.

"Huang Yu, thank you. By the way, did you create'Wang Wang'?" Gu Qingyuan asked.

"'Wang Wang' was founded by me and my partner together. It is far worse than your'ling520'."

"Thank you, Ms. Huang, shall I wait to collect the money?"


Huang Yu laughed, but Gu Qingyuan didn’t expect Gu Qingyuan to say that. He thought he was a very interesting person. He pursed his lips and continued, “Sit down and wait for the money.”

Hanging up, Gu Qingyuan strode back to the barbecue stall.

"How's the talk?" Li Ping asked as he raised his head.

"100,000 advertising expenses."

Gu Qingyuan said indifferently, after sitting on the chair, he started to eat.

"100,000? So much?" Li Ping asked in surprise.

"Is it more than 100,000?"

Wang Qiang smiled and shook his head. He picked up the wine glass and drank half a glass of wine. He looked calm and calm and didn't take this matter to heart.

Li Ping swallowed hard and swallowed hardly what he wanted to say.

One hundred thousand!If you sell all the cows in the village, you can't sell that much money!

Gu Qingyuan smiled and said, "Calm down, small scenes, you are not very clear about the business model of the Internet, and you are not very clear about the pricing of advertisements. The maximum number of 100,000 advertisements for'Viagra' and'Wang Wang' is only Enough clicks for a month."

These words stimulated Li Ping again!


Li Ping couldn't believe it, staring at Gu Qingyuan with wide eyes, his mouth opened in surprise, and an apple could be filled.

Is the business model of the Internet so profitable?And Gu Qingyuan looks so young, why is he so stable?

"Okay, don't think too much, drink it!" Gu Qingyuan smiled and raised his glass.

"Come!" Li Ping came back to his senses, clinking his glasses and drinking, looking at Gu Qingyuan's eyes, it was more of worship!

After drinking for three rounds, Gu Qingyuan's cheeks were red, dragging Li Ping to the company.

Along the way, his mouth muttered: "The same stuff as Kang Xiaoyong!"

At night, Li Ping also snored loudly, and he was already very tired after a day of running around.

It's just that the two sleeping people don't know how much shock ling520's floating advertisement has brought to the Internet circle.

in the morning!Good mood literature website

Gu Qingyuan received a call from Xia Chenling, saying that the school was about to have winter vacation, and the library requested that the books be returned.

Early in the morning, Gu Qingyuan came to the streets and alleys, put the books in the car, and drove to Shengzheng University.

As soon as the two talked, Xia Chenling froze, as if there were other things in his mind, Gu Qingyuan didn't ask more on the phone, and when he went to school, he asked the Nizi in person.


Beijing North Huaqing!

"How is it, how many downloads are there now?" Chen Guang asked excitedly.

"It's already thirty thousand." Huang Yu said with a smile.

"It seems that the team has to recruit more people, and it is also a problem not to operate in the next period." Chen Guang said.

"Don't worry about recruiting people, just leave it to me. Looking back, I walked around in the computer department of Yemen school, and a lot of people followed Yemen.

Huang Yu said with a smile, her influence in school is not even a little bit. At this time, the Internet is in a blank period. Huang Yu is so young and has such achievements. .

"By the way, what do you think of Gu Qingyuan?" Chen Guang asked.

"It's just a few words, but I don't know. His understanding of the Internet is much higher than ours. This is the most terrifying."

Huang Yu frowned and said seriously.

"Yes, it can be seen from these advertising designs. For example, we graduated from a prestigious school, studied in a prestigious school, and have contacted many Internet celebrities. We always think that our ideas on the Internet are the latest trend. That Mr. Gu taught a lesson, and it’s a little awkward."

Chen Guang said sincerely, giving Gu Qingyuan a high evaluation.

"Yes, we must continue to work hard. We can't be complacent because of a little achievement. There are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the world." Huang Yu patted Chen Guang lightly, his eyes soft and tender.


Shengzheng University, Department of Computer Science!

A bald teacher wearing glasses and a lattice is giving a passionate speech on the podium, and the picture displayed on the projector is the floating advertisement of Ling520.

"Classmates! Look, these people are the future of our China Internet!"

The bald teacher looked excited and sputtered. Because the voice was too high, he felt a little dizzy.

"We learn to do programming and create software, we must have an innovative heart, these exquisite web design, and the setting of floating ads, this idea is really too advanced!"

Sitting in the first row, Shen Xiaoduo rarely skipped class, holding a notebook, taking notes very seriously.

"Teacher, is this website created by the more famous Sohu website in China?"

A boy wearing black-rimmed glasses raised his hand and asked.

"It's not!"

The bald teacher closed his eyes and shook his head, looking extremely proud, as if the website ling520 was founded by him.

"It was only a few days since its establishment, and it was registered in our Shengzheng area. It is because of such talents that the Internet can flourish!"

"Classmates! Remember!" As he said, the bald teacher's tone increased a bit.

"The future development is definitely centered on the development of the Internet. You are at the forefront of the times! The future is yours!"


After class, Shen Xiaoduo walked to a place where no one was there and dialed Zhang Yushu's phone.

"Cousin!" Shen Xiaoduo exclaimed coquettishly, her lovely appearance has only appeared in front of her family.

"Miss Shen, what's the matter?"

Zhang Yushu sipped the red wine lightly and asked with a smile.

"You help me find someone, I admire him very much and want to get to know him."

"Who is it?"

"The founder of ling520, he is our promotion..."

Zhang Yushu's expression became serious, and he narrowed his eyes, thinking!

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