You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!When Gu Qingyuan came to Shengzheng University, Xia Chenling was still in class, and it was a holiday tomorrow, and the teacher was doing the final settlement.

After sending text messages with Xia Chenling, Gu Qingyuan walked to the library with a thick stack of books.

At this time, there were an unusually large number of people in the library. Most students only remembered that the books they borrowed had not been returned until the holidays, and they chose to return them at this time.

Gu Qingyuan was holding a thick stack of books and lining up very back. After a while, his hands became sore. After typing on the keyboard for a long time, he was already very tired.

"That... do you need me to help you get it?"

Suddenly, a squeamish voice sounded behind Gu Qingyuan.

Ye Peipei jumped in behind Gu Qingyuan and smiled sweetly at the boy behind him. The boy laughed silly and said nothing about the jump in the line.


Gu Qingyuan glanced back and found that Ye Peipei had a sweet smile and was tilting her head to look at herself, while she was holding only a small thin book in her hand, a magazine from a certain magazine.

"It's okay, it's not a big problem."

Gu Qingyuan nodded, regarded as a response. After speaking in a low voice, he twisted his body.

Gu Qingyuan didn't hate Ye Peipei, but the arrogant attitude when they first met made him feel irritated.

"That one..."

Ye Peipei pulled down the corner of Gu Qingyuan's clothes and whispered, "Do you have time at noon? Can I invite you to dinner as a thank you."

"Maybe later."

Gu Qingyuan said indifferently, just curling his head, then quickly turned around.

It wasn't that Gu Qingyuan was cold. At this time, he was thinking about the upcoming major update of OICQ. He was always disrupted by Ye Peipei behind him, and he was indeed a little irritable.

"Then... I will keep one of your cell phone numbers."

Ye Peipei asked again, speaking softly, looking extra gentle.

"Next time."

Gu Qingyuan frowned slightly, but his thoughts were interrupted by Ye Peipei behind him again.

"Okay... OK."

Ye Peipei nodded slightly, feeling very uncomfortable. Never before has a boy been so indifferent to her.

After that, Ye Peipei also stopped talking, quietly following Gu Qingyuan's back, and slowly moving forward. At this time, the long line of students had already lined up for a full ten meters.

"Xiao Duo! Come here!"

At this moment, in front of Gu Qingyuan, a boy who was separated by four or five classmates shouted and waved to a girl wearing a black frame.

The shout again interrupted Gu Qingyuan's thoughts, frowned, and looked forward.

I saw Shen Xiaoduo holding a thick book, walked straight to the beckoning boy, and jumped into the line in a high-sounding way.


Gu Qingyuan cursed in a low voice, tilted his head and looked forward, with a full-blown appearance.

"The big back who made the jump in the queue, you let your target jump in, you just come out?"

Gu Qingyuan shouted aloud in dissatisfaction.

The noisy team instantly quieted down, and then they all looked at Gu Qingyuan, the look in their eyes was like looking at an idiot.

Who is this stunned green?Which one is from that class?Don’t you know Shen Xiaoduo?

I heard that the Shen family is the major shareholder of Shengzheng University. Why?Don't want your graduation certificate?Don't want to get the degree certificate?

This angered this eldest daughter. When you graduated, you got a little card. Isn't it you who feels uncomfortable?

"I'm talking about you, black-rimmed glasses girl! What does it mean to stand and not speak? So many students are standing in line, so please point your face!"

Seeing that the two of them just glanced at themselves and still stood still, Gu Qingyuan continued to call out very dissatisfiedly.

As a result, everyone's eyes changed from looking at Shabi to worshiping.

This person... Iron Head Baby!

And... it seems familiar?

Of course, although Gu Qingyuan beat Shi Hao, although it was spread, it was only seen by a few classmates. As for what it looked like, the students who met at that time would soon forget it.

What's more, all the people in line at this time were sophomores and above, and the only one who knew Gu Qingyuan was Ye Peipei.Haha Literature Network

"It's you?"

Lu Pingping and Shen Xiaoduo said in the same voice.

After speaking, the two looked at each other suspiciously.

"What are you two looking at? Quickly, come out one, go to the back and line up!"

Gu Qingyuan frowned and said again.

"You're really a Shabi thing!"

Lu Pingping cursed and walked over.

Shen Xiaoduo glared at Empress Gu Qing, and then came over, frowning her eyebrows.

Seeing the two men approaching fiercely, Ye Peipei hurriedly stood on tiptoe, leaned forward with her soft body, and whispered: "Well, Qingyuan, be careful, neither of them is easy to mess with."

The words "Qingyuan" were so squeaky that they made Gu Qingyuan's heart itch for a moment.

Gu Qingyuan turned to look at Ye Peipei, and saw her biting her lip, her eyebrows wrinkled lightly, her delicate face was quite charming.

University...Heaven on earth!

"Sabi stuff, what do you mean?"

Lu Pingping stood beside Gu Qingyuan, glaring at him and shouted loudly.


Only then did Gu Qingyuan recognize this boy with a big back, isn't it the one who gave Xia Chenling flowers?

"Don't spray dung in your mouth, it's reasonable to jump in the queue. Either you go to the back or let the glasses girl go to the back!"

Gu Qingyuan frowned and said, and glanced at Shen Xiaoduo, only to find that the girl with glasses was the girl who had had a dispute with him in the library.

"Give you a face, Shabi stuff!"

Lu Pingping was completely angry. In Shengzheng University, no one dared to talk to himself like this, let alone insult Shen Xiaoduo?

Isn't it a chance to get closer to Shen Xiaoduo now?That's the Shen family!

After shouting, Lu Pingping raised his leg and jumped up!


After a scream, Lu Ping fell to the ground in response, just to meet his face. Gu Qingyuan quickly lifted his foot and kicked him directly on his stomach, kicking him to the ground instantly.


Lu Pingping hugged his stomach and snarled, his face flushed, and the blue veins on his neck burst.

It looks very painful.


Shen Xiaoduo glared at Gu Qingyuan, but he was very clever and didn't swear or do anything. After biting his lip, he leaned down and helped Lu Pingping to sit up.

"Don't talk, let's go."

After Shen Xiaoduo whispered in Lu Pingping's ear, she helped him up again with great difficulty, and the two of them walked to the back of the team without queuing.

"Qing Yuan!"

After the two left, Ye Peipei gave another low voice.


Gu Qingyuan turned his head and looked at him, with a gentle face, no longer the fierce appearance he was at the beginning.

"Well, be careful..."

With that said, Ye Peipei leaned close to Gu Qingyuan again and said, "That Shen Xiaoduo's family background is very strong, so you should be careful."

"Okay, thanks for reminding."

Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly.

"Well, should I leave it to the phone?"

Ye Peipei smiled sweetly and asked.


After remembering Gu Qingyuan's phone call, Ye Peipei smiled triumphantly, and her proud expression was on her face again.

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