You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Zhang Zhi, who was in the magic city at this time, has been paying attention to it after OO made an announcement. Although there is no expectation in his heart, he still wants to see what Gu Qingyuan will turn that software into.


Looking at the details of the announcement from OO's official website, Zhang Zhi couldn't help but exclaimed.

With furrowed brows, Zhang Zhi secretly scolded Gu Qingyuan for his death!

Finally, in the advertising promotion of ling520, some users have accumulated. This sudden change of name is not afraid of losing users?

Zhang Zhi also simply scanned the rest of the introduction. After closing the page, he opened the full line of OO, the fat penguin with a red scarf.

After fifteen minutes of experience!


Zhang Zhi stood up at once, stared at the screen inconceivably, opened his mouth slightly, and muttered, "How did he do it?"

That kind of wild imagination, and so many programming settings, how can it be updated overnight!

Has Gu Qingyuan already established an Internet team?

It's impossible?How can such a person with innovative thinking be willing to work under his hands?

With many questions, Zhang Zhi picked up the phone and stared at Gu Qingyuan's name. In the end, he still didn't dial his number.

In Zhang Zhi's heart, there are also unwillingness, unwillingness, and more gratification. These emotions are mixed together and mixed, which makes Zhang Zhi very unhappy.

Reluctant to say that "OICQ" is his own "child," so I gave it to others, and I felt very sad;

What is unwilling is that "OICQ" is a product that no one wants to sell in my own hands, but it shines in the hands of others and becomes a sweet steamed bun;

The good news is that my "child" is not a waste product, but software that is about to become a household name.


In the Beijing North Huaqing, Huang Yu's studio, "Wang Wang" studio, the base is full of love and chat.

"What do you think of my outfit?"

"Wow! Pig, the style is very similar to yours, you know how to match it too."

"Oh, no..."

"Why do your girls wear twice as much clothes as our boys? The male compatriots expressed dissatisfaction."

"Haha, ladies first."

"Aren't men and women equal?"

"I see, this person from'OICQ' should be a girl. See how nice it is to the female compatriots, and the official website is so cute."

"That means, if she is really a woman, then she is my idol."

"Okay, the baby has started to work, and we will try to open another server, and then we will rest today." Huang Yu fights in the group.

"Roger that!"

"Follow the girl!"

"Good sister!"

The employees in the group responded swiftly, and then quickly went to work.

"Husband, what do you think of this'OO' update." Huang Yu asked Chen Guang, who looked aside.

"Unbelievable, really unbelievable!" Chen Guang shook his head, and then said: "It's really unbelievable imagination! I can't think of a word to describe its founder, just like someone from this era."

"It would be great if I could make friends with such a person." Huang Yu nodded, affirming Chen Guang's point of view, "I hope that through Gu Qingyuan, I can get to know the founder of'OICQ'."

Huang Yu believes that the Internet is on the cusp, "OO" is about to ride the wind and waves!

"Then what do you think... the founder of OO and the founder of Ling520 are the most powerful!"

Huang Yu looked at Chen Guang and asked with a smile.

"This..." Chen Guang lowered his head to think, and after a moment, he slowly said: "Or the founder of OO is better, as far as technology is concerned, OO needs to be more involved!"

"Well, I think so too." Huang Yu nodded, then raised Chen Guang's arm, and said: "At that time, I thought the ling520 website was awesome. I didn't expect that there are people outside. We have to work harder. ." Bobo Novels

"Yes, work harder!"

Chen Guang nodded heavily. Originally, he was complacent because of the development of the'King of Ten Thousand', but now it seems that he is nothing.

In the Shen's villa!

Shen Xiaoduo has been in the room since he was beaten, and Zhang Yushu has also developed tempers.

I hate my cousin for so long, and I can't even catch him personally.

"Wow! This suit is so beautiful!"

Suddenly, Shen Xiaoduo's sullen mouth exclaimed cheerfully.

Seeing that the clothes of OO show are more fashionable than those in real life, Shen Xiaoduo can not help admiring it.

Shen Xiaoduo held his chin and looked at the beautiful match in the chat box, his eyes gradually blurred.

Muttered: "I thought the founder of ling520 was good enough, and now I'm out of an OO, I really don't know what these people's minds are, so I am envious!"


At noon, Gu Qingyuan, who was sleeping, was awakened by the sound of a phone call, and his sleepy eyes opened dimly. It was not Xia Chenling, but Huang Yu.

What is this "OO" sacred? Since it was first founded, Huang Yu is the first batch of experiences, and he thinks it is just plain ordinary.But the performance in the last two days is too strong, even people love "OO" more than "ling520".

Many puzzles caused Huang Yu to call. Perhaps Gu Qingyuan knew something about OO's advertisement on Ling520.

As soon as I picked up the phone, I heard Huang Yu quickly say a big tweet, all about OO topics, and Gu Qingyuan's eccentricity, saying that OO's banner ads were too conspicuous.

"They gave double the money."

Gu Qingyuan rubbed his eyes and said wearily.

"That's it." Huang Yu nodded and asked again: "I thought you were partial!"

"How dare you." Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly.

"Then what kind of group of people are they, feel that they are so advanced in the Internet?" Huang Yu asked.

"I and there... can only be regarded as acquaintances, I don't feel that they are not easy to get along with, it's just a cooperative relationship, and there is not too much deep talk.

Gu Qingyuan curled his lips and said, not wanting Huang Yu to inquire too much. This was a disguised rejection.

"That's it, all right. By the way, will you come to Beijing North, I will be the host and invite you to dinner."

Huang Yu changed the subject very cleverly, and already heard that Gu Qingyuan didn't really want to talk about "OO".

"Sure, I look forward to seeing you in the future!"

"Okay, you must contact me when you come to Beijing North." Huang Yu said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Gu Qingyuan said heavily. After hanging up the phone, he lay down on the bed again, and just hit his head on the iron crossbar. He instantly held his head and rolled on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Chenling called again and was already on the train. Together with Su Rong, she didn't want Gu Qingyuan to be too troublesome, so she told him now.

In fact, he was afraid that Gu Qingyuan would scold himself when he smelled his alcohol.

"By the way, Qingyuan, one more thing, that necklace was found."

Xia Chenling whispered.

"Well, there is no barrier, you little Nizi is soft-hearted and careful."

Gu Qingyuan said with a smile.

"No, shall we eat together in the morning?"

Xia Chenling here refers to Song Qingqing.

"Well, then you pay attention to safety all the way, don't answer the phone, go back and call me."

"it is good!"

Xia Chen nodded obediently, and after putting away the phone, Zhang Shuai and the others arrived in the carriage.

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