You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Old Gu, come and have a look! Something big happened!"

Li Ping woke up when he called, and the first thing he did to get up was to check the background data.

In the morning, Li Ping dreamed that the number of OO registrations had reached 500,000, but the data displayed on the screen at this time turned out to be more than in the dream!

Shaking Gu Qingyuan aside, Li Ping's expression was full of excitement and excitement.

"Huh?" Gu Qingyuan slowly turned around and looked at Li Ping, who was a little out of control. He slowly sat on the computer chair and said in a deep voice, "What's wrong? OO contacted an MM?"

"What kind of MM is not a MM? Take a look." Li Ping shook Gu Qingyuan's arm and pointed at the computer screen excitedly.

"The number of registrations has exceeded 1 million, 1 million!" Li Ping pointed to the screen and almost roared.

"Huh? So fast, it was beyond my expectation." Gu Qingyuan said lightly, then got up to pour a cup of coffee, lay leisurely on the single bed, turned on the phone, and played mobile games.

"No...this...'OO'!" Li Ping stammered, staring at the leisurely Gu Qingyuan, not knowing what to say, why is Gu Qingyuan not such a person at all Excited, as if this matter has nothing to do with him.

"Calm down, wash up quickly, and go out for a meal later!" After the greedy god accidentally died, Gu Qingyuan threw the phone on the bed, got up and walked to the bathroom.

"Brother, 1 million, you are not excited!"

Li Ping suddenly roared again, staring at Gu Qingyuan with wide eyes, staring at him firmly, wanting to see a bit of excitement in Gu Qingyuan's expression.

"Brother Ping, don't get excited and relax." Gu Qingyuan raised the corner of his mouth and smiled softly, looking calm and calm.

"I expect that the number of registrations will exceed 1 million in half a month. Now the time is so much ahead of schedule. It is unexpected, but it is also planned, so there is no need to make a fuss."

"A fuss? Is this a fuss? Do you know what this 1 million means?"

Li Ping still said excitedly.

"I know, it means that'OO' will attract more VCs' attention, which means that our background pressure has increased a lot, and that our memory needs to continue to expand.

Gu Qingyuan patted Li Ping on the shoulder, and then said: "Unexpectedly, in the plan, calm down."

Li Ping looked at Gu Qingyuan's back, after a long time he calmed down and began to maintain "OO".

After a long time, staring at the computer screen and burst into laughter, unexpectedly, it was planned!Gu Qingyuan, are you too handsome? I really admire you.


On the train back to Linzhou!

Sun Dabao also returned to Linzhou with Su Rong. He and Xia Chenling and Su Rong's tickets were next to each other. The three of them happened to be sitting in a row, with Xia Chenling at the bottom.

When Ding Shanshan returned, she did not contact Xia Chenling either. Although they were on the same train, they were not in the same carriage.

Zhang Shuai, Hao Jianyun and Niu Nuannuan, the three of them walked into the carriage together, exactly opposite Xia Chenling and the others.

After packing his luggage, Zhang Shuai frowned just as he reached the seat, looking at Xia Chenling, and asked with an unhappy expression.

"Lingling, I heard Hao Jianyun say that you and Gu Qingyuan are getting better?"

Xia Chenling's face flushed as soon as she brushed it, and then looked at Zhang Shuai and nodded affirmatively.


Zhang Shuai cursed and frowned.

"What do you think, is good with Gu Qingyuan? Is he worthy?"

Zhang Shuai shouted loudly. Even if something happened to the Xia family at this time, he still felt that Gu Qingyuan was not worthy of his cousin. He had never attended a university, and had a criminal record. What a thing.

"Worthy! It's getting better anyway, I don't allow you to say this again!"

Suddenly, Xia Chenling started a rare fire and looked at Zhang Shuai with anger.

"Just keep your mouth hard now, I see how you go back and tell your dad."

After that, Zhang Shuai turned his head and ignored Xia Chenling. She was suddenly angry just now, but Zhang Shuai was a little scared.

"Oh, you two can't make a quarrel. Maybe Gu Qingyuan has changed for the better." Love reading

Hao Jianyun patted Zhang Shuai on the shoulder friendly, seeming to adjust the atmosphere of tension between the two brothers and sisters, but actually angering Zhang Shuai.

Hao Jianyun knew Zhang Shuai's easily angry character.

"Just him? Is it better?"

Sure enough, after hearing Hao Jianyun's words, Zhang Shuai yelled again, his face flushed.

"A guy who couldn't get into a university, he was detained on horseback, and he didn't take pictures of himself with pissing to see what he was like."

Zhang Shuai directly yelled at him, and the stars flew far away!

suddenly!"Zi La"!

Xia Chenling smashed the cup to Zhang Shuai's feet, and the glass broke to the ground.

"I tell you Zhang Shuai, I forbid you to say that about Qingyuan!"

Xia Chenling stood up. At this time, in front of her classmates, she ignored her image, and yelled at Zhang Shuai without showing weakness at all.

"Oh, that's all right, you two calm down."

Hao Jianyuan waved his hand and began to come out again to make a round, with the image of a good old man.

"After all, Xia Chenling and Gu Qingyuan have already established a relationship, handsome, it's not appropriate for you to say that now."


Zhang Shuai sighed for the weather, then bent down and picked up the scraps of the cup in a plastic bag.

The scene of Xia Chenling just now was somewhat similar to Xia Youyou who was making trouble without reason.

Thus, a very embarrassing scene was formed.

Although they were classmates who hadn't seen each other for a long time, they both turned their heads and didn't look at each other.

Zhang Shuai called Su Rong to confess before, but after being rejected by Su Rong, he was not in contact.

What's more, Su Rong was still sitting with Sun Dabao, which made Zhang Shuai's mood even worse.

In Xia Luo's accident, his family was naturally implicated. Not to mention his parents' work was stopped, and several properties were sealed.

Bad things are one after another!

"Okay, sit down."

Su Rong took Xia Chenling's arm, told her to sit down, took out an apple from the bag, and handed it to her.

"Eat an apple to calm down!" Su Rong said with a smile.

Xia Chenling reached Su Rong's ear, and the unique body fragrance of the girl invaded Xia Chenling's nose.

"Don't tell our classmate about Gu Qingyuan, please keep it secret." Xia Chenling whispered softly.


Su Rong nodded seriously and didn't ask much. Xia Chenling naturally had her intentions, and Su Rong still supported her unconditionally.

"What are you two talking about?"

Sun Dabao smiled faintly and began to find a topic.

"It's nothing."

Xia Chenling waved his hand.

"Well, that, have you heard of OO software recently?"

Sun Dabao squinted and started talking.

Xia Chenling and Su Rong glanced at each other and shook their heads at the same time!

So, Sun Dabao spoke passionately, the feeling is like the software he created...

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