You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Stop running!"

When the time came to 2 a.m., Gu Qingyuan gave instructions. Li Ping nodded, shut down the server, and officially started the update.

Before that, Gu Qingyuan and Li Ping had already prepared the most.

In the company, in addition to the sound of typing on the keyboard, there is also Hao Ji's deafening snoring, which is no different from Gu Qingyuan.

"Next is the point-to-point breakpoint resuming of files." Gu Qingyuan said quietly.

"Okay." Li Ping nodded, his forehead was wet with sweat, and his whole body was gradually soaked.

At this time, Li Ping's programming skills became more and more adept, and he could barely keep up with Gu Qingyuan's rhythm, but occasionally there would be some lag.

The "file transfer" mentioned by Gu Qingyuan is very stressful for Li Ping and it is difficult to understand.

At this time, if netizens want to transfer some files or photos, they use mailboxes to send them. Gu Qingyuan now wants to break these traditional methods and add file transfers to the chat page so that netizens can directly transfer files such as photos. , This kind of thinking makes Li Ping feel a little untrue.

Slowly, Li Ping couldn't keep up with Gu Qingyuan's rhythm at all, stopped typing on the keyboard, looking at Gu Qingyuan with some embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter, it is really difficult for you. I will do the file transfer. You can do the programming of the'video chat' function."

Seeing Li Ping hesitating to speak, Gu Qingyuan spoke first.

"Well, all right."

Li Ping nodded in embarrassment and glanced at Gu Qingyuan embarrassedly. He could only start programming for "video chat".

"Video chat" programming Gu Qingyuan and Li Ping had done a lot of preparations in the afternoon, and most of the content had been programmed.

Of course, most of these updates were finalized by Gu Qingyuan. Li Ping now only needs to do some finishing work. The simple work makes him embarrassed.

Li Ping thought of how to feel like a trash around Gu Qingyuan.

However, Gu Qingyuan is too abnormal. After just a few days of getting along, Li Ping always has a strange feeling that every day, Gu Qingyuan's skills will improve a lot!

Is it an illusion?

Soon, Li Ping had completed all the programming of "video chat", only waiting for Gu Qingyuan to finalize the "file transfer", and this major update was basically completed.

Gu Qingyuan stared at the computer screen without squinting, frowned slightly, and quickly tapped the keyboard with his fingers, so focused that he couldn't even hear Li Ping's voice.

"Old Gu, do you have water? I'll pour you a glass of water?"

"Old Gu? Will you peel an apple?"

"Old Gu..."

Li Ping's voice was getting smaller and smaller, and he was not calling him at all. He quietly stared at Gu Qingyuan's screen, and Li Ping secretly praised him for his fast programming speed.

For one hour, two hours, Gu Qingyuan looked like a machine, staring at the screen and typing on the keyboard without stopping.

Finally at 5:15 in the morning, Gu Qingyuan stopped, turned his head and smiled at Li Ping and said, "It's done."

Li Ping looked at Gu Qingyuan's smiling face, like a throat, unable to speak for a while, why is this young and handsome face so admirable?

"Thank you."

Li Ping said lightly, looking at Gu Qingyuan, who was younger and handsomer than him, with mixed feelings in his heart.Biquge

When "OO" users just broke through 1 million, they can easily speak confident words like "Unexpected, planned". The surface is calm and the work behind it is hardship that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

"You have worked hard, too." Gu Qingyuan stretched out relaxedly, "Hold on again. After the update is on the shelves, you can have a good rest."

"You go to rest first, and I will do the rest." Li Ping said distressedly, looking at Gu Qingyuan's tired face.

"Let's go together, I also want to witness this moment of'OO'."

Gu Qingyuan laughed and smiled plainly like a child. During this period of hard work, it was for this moment.

"Okay!" Li Ping nodded heavily.

The two of them were doing the final finishing work. After a while, they stopped their work and looked at the screen quietly.

On the screen, a chubby penguin is naive, and the red scarf he wears symbolizes that it is as energetic as a student, welcoming every day in the future.The word "OO" under the penguin icon is specially matched with the fat penguin. They are swollen and very cute.

"Go, sleep!"

Gu Qingyuan left a word, and opened the stent bed swiftly.

He took off his clothes, turned off the phone, and got under the covers, all in one go. As soon as he closed his eyes, he snored.

Hao Ji was awakened by Gu Qingyuan's movement, but after turning over, he continued to fall asleep.

Li Ping's eyes never left the screen. He was experiencing the new function of "OO". Slowly, he became more and more excited, and he squatted directly onto the chair!

"File transfer" is simply not too convenient. Some office Word files and photos can be transferred in just a few seconds.

"Video chat" can see friends from far away so easily, I can't believe it, let alone the programming of this software.

Li Ping smiled stupidly, until the outside was all lit up, he felt sleepy coming, and he couldn't resist it anymore!

The dawn slowly opened the curtain of a brand new day, and a brilliant and colorful morning descended on the world with infinite vitality.

Gu Qingyuan and the three of them are still asleep, and what they don't know is that "OO" is about to set off a hurricane wave in the wave of the Internet!

The development trajectory of China Internet has changed accordingly!

Zhang Zhi had the habit of running in the morning and ran for nearly 2 kilometers around Nanshan Park before returning home out of breath.

Pour a cup of warm water in the cup, and the nectar will be a long time in the dry weather. It is very comfortable to drink a sip.

"Ah!" Zhang Zhi sighed comfortably!

Yesterday, I saw an announcement made by OO that there will be a big update at night. Zhang Zhi has been thinking about it. After simply washing his face, he can't wait to get to the computer desk.

In an instant, Zhang Zhi expected, for some reason, he actually looked forward to Gu Qingyuan, which was a very strange feeling.

I look forward to the appearance of a person, breaking the convention, and blowing storms in the ocean of the Internet!

"Don't let me down!"

Zhang Zhi sat down at the computer desk and turned on the computer nervously. The short boot time made Zhang Zhi feel like a century has passed.

I didn't think I was so nervous when I founded OO with Ma Teng. I didn't have much expectation at the time. I was in the mood to try and play, but now I am full of expectations.

What exactly are the video chat and peer-to-peer transmission mentioned on the official website?Zhang Zhi is eager to know!

On the desktop, the fat penguin wearing a red scarf looked at Zhang Zhi, as if he had returned to the innocent age of school, Zhang Zhi couldn't wait to open it.

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