You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Tick and tick..."

Only the sound of the clock can be heard quietly in the room. Zhang Zhi stared at the screen, if he didn't move the mouse, he would think he was petrified.

After a long time, Zhang Zhi broke out!

"Gu Qingyuan! Ah! Gu Qingyuan!"

Zhang Zhi yelled hysterically in the room, one after another, until he was choked, he stopped amidst his coughing, his face flushed.

How did he do it, and how did he think of it!

This OO update completely broke Zhang Zhi's cognition!That boy named Gu Qingyuan is incredible!

"Phone, my phone?"

Zhang Zhi turned left and looked right, like a headless fly, jumping around in the room, looking for his mobile phone.

He wanted to know the answer, so he couldn't wait to call Gu Qingyuan!

Why, when you need a mobile phone urgently, you will always find it.

Finally found his mobile phone under the bed, Zhang Zhi hurriedly opened the address book, clicked Gu Qingyuan's name, and dialed it.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed is turned off, please try again later..."


Zhang Zhi exploded. He had never been so excited before, even when he was admitted to the US for studying abroad.

With a strong technical expertise, he deeply knows how "OO" will blow up the Internet at this time!

Whether it is video chat or file transfer, they are all products of different eras, and at least they should not appear in China in 1999!

Slowly, Zhang Zhi calmed down, with a smile on his face, and said to himself: "Gu Qingyuan, you really scared me."


At six o'clock in the afternoon!

Internet circles largest forum of an article, causing onlookers vast majority of Internet users, " 'OO' to lead a new chapter in the era of communications services," the authors: aim high.

And the real author of this article is Zhang Zhi, and he is very comfortable in creating momentum, and he can be regarded as an old man.

The "OO", who was already strong, was so powerful by Zhang Zhi, like a tiger with wings, coming from strong!

Chen Guang has read this article many times over and over again. He agrees with some of the points in the article. File transfer and video chat are tantamount to opening a new door to the communications industry. It is not an exaggeration to say that "OO" leads the trend.

"Unimaginable! Unbelievable!" Chen Guang murmured.

"It's really a mountain higher than a mountain. I thought Gu Qingyuan of Ling520's was already very powerful, but it's still too far behind'OO'." Huang Yu said with a smile, and clicked on the file transfer. The good brother-in-law of Modu sent a recent beautiful photo.

"There is no comparability at all!" Chen Guang added in a positive tone, "The founder of'OO' will definitely become a cross-age person."

"Eh, that's right." Huang Yu remembered something, with a smile on his face, he took Chen Guang's arm and shook it gently, and said: "Isn't'OO' always advertising on ling520'? You said, passed Gu Qingyuan may get acquainted with the founder of'OO'."

"But didn't Gu Qingyuan explicitly reject you last time?" Chen Guang shook his head and said.

"You men are all duplicity, right?" Huang Yu curled his lips, still didn't want to give up!

Chen Guang said in a deep voice: "It's probably impossible. You think, we didn't meet Gu Qingyuan when we put on the advertisement for'Wang Wang'. The'OO' side can definitely be the same transaction method as us." 520 Novel

"Sigh." Huang Yu curled his lips, agreeing with Chen Guang's statement.

"Let's be ourselves, at least in the game field, we are still the leader."

Chen Guang patted Huang Yu on the shoulder and cheered.

"Yeah!" Huang Yu nodded and started their own work.

Gu Qingyuan had a very long dream. There was no accident in the dream. His parents were still alive and ordinary throughout his life, marrying a wife and having children, and a harmonious family!

His wife was washing vegetables in the kitchen and preparing for dinner. Gu Qingyuan, who had just returned from get off work, gently stopped his wife from the back, kissed her hair, and said, "Thanks, I will help you wash it."

The wife smiled faintly, turned her head, her beautiful face was so familiar, Xia Chenling!


Gu Qingyuan groaned and slowly opened his eyes, Hao Ji's fat face came into his sight!

"Oh, my spirit,"

Gu Qingyuan stretched out and rubbed his head, and sat up slowly.

At this time Li Ping had already gotten up, sitting at the computer and smiling silly.

"Li Ping, you are so happy that you won the lottery." Gu Qingyuan said with a smile, stretching his waist and doing morning exercises.

"Come here and take a look, you are more happy than winning the lottery. You quickly read the articles in this forum." Li Ping pointed to the computer screen and said excitedly.

"'OO' leads a new chapter in the era of communication services"

Gu Qingyuan smiled. After reading the topic, he lost interest. Forums were all tricks that had been tricky in the last life. Later, with the appearance of software such as scarfs, the forums gradually faded out of people's sight.

Could it be the two predecessors Ma Teng and Zhang Zhi that can create momentum for "OO" so quickly and attract so many reposts?

Gu Qingyuan pulled the article to the top again. After seeing the author's "high ambition", he probably had a judgment in his mind. This article was probably written by Zhang Zhi.

Gu Qingyuan turned around, ignoring Li Ping who was twittering. It was nothing more than the number of registrations that had soared to 5 million, how "OO" led the frenzy and other words, turned and walked to the bathroom to start washing.

After all, the chicken on the side was so hungry that he started to cry.

"Li Ping, you should go and clean up, let's go out for a meal." Gu Qingyuan walked to the bathroom, ready to start washing.

"Wait, wait." Li Ping hurriedly stood up, took Gu Qingyuan's arm, and said anxiously: "Aren't you coming to try'OO'? Is there any need to leave contact information on the official website? There are many organizations that leave messages on the official website to invest."

Gu Qingyuan smiled, pulled Li Ping away, grabbed his hand, and said, "Don't pay attention to this, take a good rest, and do the daily maintenance. I thought that a woman would treat me with such excitement. What about physical appearance? It makes me happy for nothing."

Li Ping, who was left petrified in place, Gu Qingyuan had already washed up with a crackle!

Suddenly, Li Ping's expression became serious. After pondering for a moment, he yelled in the direction of Gu Qingyuan's washing, "Old Gu, I actually have a sister!"

The tone is extraordinarily serious, without the slightest meaning of joking!

"Get out of here!" Gu Qingyuan yelled and slammed the door shut.

Half an hour later, in a shopping mall next door to Regal Building, there are a row of gourmet restaurants on the sixth floor!

Gu Qingyuan, Li Ping and Hao Ji sat in a private room, ordering a table full of meals, and the three of them ate in spite of their image.

And the phone still forgot to turn on!

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