You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At night, in Linzhou City, Jiadi Garden District.

Xia Luo sat on the sofa with a tired face, with a hint of blush on his cheeks. It was not difficult to see that he had drunk some wine.

But you can vaguely see that the corners of Charlotte's mouth rise slightly. Is he in a good mood?

Xia Chenling hid in the room and chatted with Liu Shina.

Since He Chaoran's incident, her attitude towards Xia Chenling has changed drastically. Liu Shina, who has always had a cold personality, is surprisingly enthusiastic towards her at this time.

For projects such as cement and steel bars, the land in Yuliu Lane gave Liu Chunguo a project worth 10 million yuan. This transaction, it is no exaggeration to say, is Liu Chunguo's largest cooperation since he went to sea and started his business.

At this time, Liu Chunguo's career reached its peak!

Although Liu Shina is more jealous, unwilling and envious of Xia Chenling, after weighing the pros and cons, she will make the most correct choice.

This is also the thinking cultivated by living in a merchant's house.

"Lingling, is the whole team waiting for you to go online?"

I just sent a message in the OO chat box. Seeing that Xia Chenling hadn't responded for a long time, I immediately pressed OO's new function, video chat.

After two beeps, Xia Chenling moved the mouse and clicked to confirm. Liu Shina, wearing a purple pajamas, appeared in the video.

"Sina sorry, just poured a glass of water."

Xia Chenling put on the headphones and said with a smile.

"It's okay, get on the number, the whole team is waiting for you."

Liu Shina smiled, and quickly clicked the mouse to control the game character in the King of Kings game.

Soon, Xia Chenling was also on the account. After joining the team, several people in the game set up a chat group to facilitate communication together.

The convenience of the OO communication software has slowly penetrated into the lives of these college students and has become an indispensable part of it.

The leader of the team is also a female character, whose name is also the style of a girl, so that people can tell her gender at a glance.

Character name: A little flower!

A little flower led a few teammates through the task smoothly, and after they brushed up some good equipment, the few people in the game chatted enthusiastically in the chat group.

"Captain mighty!"

A game called "Super Invincible Giant" was the first to tout.

"Just talking, I was stunned by the captain's operation!"

The character named "I will make a bowl of noodles for you" echoed.

"plus 1"

Nana who loves to dance sent.

"plus 1"

Bo Guang Lingling also replied.

At this time in the Shen's villa, Shen Xiaoduo folded his legs high and placed it on the snow-white neck. After sending a grape to his mouth with the other hand, he moved the mouse and squinted at the chat group. Praise yourself.

"No no, your operations are also very good, otherwise it is impossible to kill the boss so quickly."

A little flower replied, tapping on the keyboard with her slender fingers, which looked very beautiful.

Super Invincible Big Mac: Captain, where are you from?

I'll give you something to eat: curious plus 1!

A small flower: I am promoted.

Let me give you something to eat: Shengzheng, the city I have always longed for, are you still a student, captain?

A little flower: Yes, I am currently a junior in Shengzheng University!

"Shengzheng University?"

Nana and Bo Guang Lingling, who love to dance, were typing and asking at the same time.

At this time, Liu Shina and Xia Chenling also showed surprised expressions in front of the computer screen.Tiantian Book Bar

"Huh?" Shen Xiaoduo frowned slightly, revealing a hint of suspicion.

A little flower: how?Are you also from Shengzheng University?

Nana who loves to dance: Hmm!

Bright and bright: Hmm!

Two people type in the chat box at the same time.

A small flower: (surprised expression).

Emoticons are also loved by these universities. At this time, they are still a fashion for chatting, and they will be used for every reply.

A small flower: This is a coincidence, how old are you?Which department?

Bo Guang Ling Ling: We are both in the same class, financial (one), freshman.(Eating melon expression)

Nana who loves to dance: Hello, senior sister!(Good face)

As a result, the scene of three women in one stage reappeared, and the two brothers in the group had already lost their qualifications to talk.

We talked for half an hour. It was eleven o'clock by this time, and Xia Chenling heard the sound of the door opening outside the living room.

Liu Yun should have returned from self-study late.

Bo Guang Ling Ling: I'll stop talking for now, my mother is back, let's go.(Sorry face)

A little flower: Well, go, don’t forget, we will have dinner together after school starts.(Goodbye emoji)

After quickly turning off the computer, Xia Chenling came out of the room.

Liu Yun took a senior third year review class. At this time, the hard-pressed senior third party naturally did not have a holiday. Because of the correction of examination papers, Liu Yun has been busy until now before returning home.

At this time, Xia Luo was still lying in the living room, and all the tea that Xia Chenling poured for him in front of him was cold, and he didn't even take a sip.

With your eyes closed, is it asleep?

Although the winter in Linzhou is very cold, the lowest temperature in the middle of the night can sometimes reach minus 25 degrees, but the heating is fragrant!

Xia Luo, who was only wearing pajamas, didn't feel very cold either.

"came back."

Suddenly, Xia Luo opened his eyes and said in a low voice.


Liu Yun raised her head in astonishment, slightly surprised. This was the first time since Xia Luo had an accident that she had asked herself the first time, and she was calm.

"Why don't you go to sleep in the house, you are not afraid of catching a cold here."

Liu Yun asked while changing his shoes, keeping her head down without going to see Xia Luo. Obviously, she had some emotions towards him.

"Mom, take a sip of water to warm up your body."

At this time, Xia Chenling had poured a cup of hot water from the kitchen and handed it to Liu Yun with a smile.

"Thank you!"

Liu Yun smiled, and after receiving the cup, she took a sip of hot water.

Putting the cup on the coffee table again, Liu Yun glanced at Xia Chenling, but that look was a little weird, with a hint of dissatisfaction in it.

After catching Liu Yun's gaze, Xia Chenling's heart chuckles, and he also guessed about it. It must be Gu Qingyuan and himself, Liu Yun already knew.

Sitting on the free-standing sofa, Liu Yun gently frowned and became worried. Up to now, she hasn't bought any new year goods.

Because of the influence of Charlotte, Liu Yun has been suspended before, and naturally she has no income. Fortunately, half a month ago, she suddenly received a notice that she could continue teaching and class, but the performance bonus for the whole year was gone.

Liu Yun, who has not yet paid her salary, is also the first time she has worried about money.

"Lingling, sit down, too, and I will talk to you two."

Suddenly, Xia Luo said another sentence, with a serious expression, sitting upright.

Hearing this, Xia Chenling immediately sat down, her fists clenched tightly and became tense.

And Liu Yun, who was sitting right across from Xia Luo, bit her lips tightly, and a nervous mood hung on her face.

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