You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Dad, yes... what's the matter?"

Seeing Xia Luo frowning and not speaking, Xia Chenling asked in a low voice.


After a long sigh, Xia Luo slowly raised her head and looked at Liu Yun and her daughter.

The facial expressions have been changing, first from the majesty of not anger and majesty, then the unwillingness to bite the gums, to the lowest breath of helplessness.

"I made a mistake at work..."

After thinking for a long time, Xia Luo finally spoke slowly.

"Before using some power, he conspired something with Fang Dahai, that is, the boss of Linzhou No. 1, but he didn't expect that it was a trap. He actually handled all the projects I granted him. It's all garbage!"

"A little while ago... Some time ago..."

With that, Xia Luo's emotions were a little out of control. This tough, deep-seated man was like a helpless child at the moment, looking very fragile!

"It was at the beginning of November that the Linshui Bridge collapsed and killed two children. It was caused by me. I shouldn't have signed the damn document!"

At this time, Xia Luo's emotions became abnormally excited, and she stood up, her pupils widened, and she spit and roared:

"But that bastard lied to me. The remarks based on the construction materials are different from the notes when I signed the documents!"

Charlotte sat on the ground, holding her head and crying. This fragile and helpless side was the first time she had been exposed in front of her family.

"I am tired of everyone! I am tired of everything!"

Xia Luo cried and snarled while pulling her hair.

Liu Yun had already cried into tears, her anger towards Xia Luo had long since vanished, and all that was left was distressed.

How helpless this indomitable man was, he would cry like this.

Liu Yun also reddened her eyes, stood up, and slowly approached him.


Xia Chenling was already crying, and he threw herself into Xia Luo. The father and daughter hugged tightly!

"Lingling, Dad is also sorry for you, I have suffered you during this time."

"I'm sorry, Dad, I'm sorry, I don't know if you are facing such a big problem, you continue to trouble you!"

Liu Yun knelt down and hugged Xia Luo from her back. Tears couldn't stop streaming down, but she couldn't say a word of comfort.

After Xia Luo was investigated, Liu Yun was the first to be implicated. He was suspended for investigation for the first time, and then Zhang Shuai's parents were suspended for investigation.

After that, Xia Zheng of Shengzheng, all his assets were seized.

Fortunately, following the investigation, Xia Zheng earned all these assets in a justifiable way. The properties of Zhang Shuai's parents are also inherited from his ancestors. Liu Yun also resumed work and the title of excellent teacher was returned to her.

But only Xia Luo was expelled because of his dereliction of duty, and decades of hard work were completely vanished.

During this period, a lot of money was spent, and Xia Luo's family had no savings.

What is even worse is Xia Zheng. For various reasons, his business has suffered an unprecedented blow. The partners have terminated their cooperation, and they have sold their property everywhere and are on the verge of bankruptcy.

There were also some cracks between the two brothers Xia Luo and Xia Zheng.

In fact, the two brothers had a conversation before.After getting through, they remained silent, and then Xia Luo hesitated and said sorry.

After Xia Zheng sighed, he hung up the phone.

"Dad, as long as you are okay, our family will work hard together!"

Xia Chenling embraced Xia Luo's arm and comforted.

"When I married you, my family was a rented house. It is better to have such a big house now than it was then."

Liu Yun patted Xia Luo on the back and comforted.Dan Pain Novel Network

But there is something in her words, Liu Yun is a more jealous woman than Xia Chenling.

At this moment, I still remember what Xia Luo said when she scolded herself, nothing would only cause trouble to herself, nothing would help her.

Do you remember the poverty when I married you, have I ever said a complaint?

Thinking of this, Liu Yun was even more aggrieved, and said coldly: "Think about what you said to me at that time."


Xia Luo turned his head and looked at Liu Yun. This was when the two were in love. Xia Luo called Liu Yun, but he never called out since they got married.

Suddenly when I heard it, I was surprised at the same time, but it was more embarrassing. It was embarrassing that the old man’s daughter was still there.

"Okay, it's so cold underground, get up quickly."

Liu Yun hurriedly said again, so as not to be too embarrassed.

In the end, the three of them supported each other, stood up slowly, looked at each other, and grinned again.

Yes, as long as the person is okay, fortunately, Xia Luo stopped the loss in time and did not cause more harm to avoid prison.

Naturally, Dahai from that side was arrested and sentenced to a heavy sentence. As for Linzhou One, it was re-auctioned after being seized and bought by a friend of Fang Dahai.

This matter has finally come to an end.


Late at night.

Just after OO updated the expansion of the internal charge, Gu Qingyuan's phone rang.

It was Zhang Zhi, at this point in time?

Gu Qingyuan frowned slightly, didn't think much, and quickly answered the phone.

"Is this update to expand the memory?"

Zhang Zhi asked eagerly, it sounded like he was in a hurry?


Gu Qingyuan nodded.

"Look at the official web cafe. You can't log in. There should be a BUG. Let's fix it quickly."

Zhang Zhi's voice was very high, and Li Ping, who was sitting beside him, naturally heard clearly.

Without the slightest hesitation, Li Ping directly logged on to the official website. Sure enough, the page was blank after opening.

This was the first time this happened. Gu Qingyuan looked at the blank official website blankly, sweat seeping from his forehead.

This situation should be dealt with, Gu Qingyuan wouldn't he?

"You can start repairing it now, and do it step by step as I said."

Zhang Zhi felt Gu Qingyuan's embarrassment. If this situation is not fixed as soon as possible, the downloads will be greatly delayed, not to mention the new software.

"it is good!"

After Gu Qingyuan nodded his head, he asked Li Ping to hold the phone next to his ear, and quickly tap the keyboard with his fingers.

Because it is a remote command, although Gu Qingyuan can make no mistakes, Zhang Zhi will inevitably make a mistake in his words, so the overall operation seems to be simple, which is very unsuccessful.

One hour, two hours...

Finally, after three hours, the BUG was successfully repaired. After Gu Qingyuan hurriedly opened the official website, the colorful pages appeared again.

Gu Qingyuan took the phone in Li Ping's hand, and the latter's hand fell weakly as if unconscious.

Gu Qingyuan gave him a grateful look, and Li Ping just smiled lightly, with a calm look.

This kind of free and easy feeling, Li Ping has been working hard to learn from Gu Qingyuan, this is also the consequence of blind worship, and I want to learn a simple action!

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