You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Brother Zhi, thanks!"

Gu Qingyuan walked into the chairman's office and said in a low voice. With a simple sentence, he could hear his fatigue.

Turning the chair backwards, outside the wide floor-to-ceiling windows, the moon can be seen very clearly. If you hadn't seen the lights and colorful lights on the street, you would have almost forgotten that it would be the New Year.

At this time, what Gu Qingyuan could see was the most prosperous place in Shengzheng City.

"Small things, as long as you can solve them, and... listen to your voice and feel you are tired, so pay more attention to rest."

Zhang Zhi said concerned.

"If you come here earlier, I won't be so tired, Brother Zhi, if you ask like this now, it's a little fake."

As he said, Gu Qingyuan gradually raised the corners of his mouth, and his straight nose looked particularly good-looking against the moonlight.


Zhang Zhi laughed, and after a while, he fell silent again.

"Brother Zhi, the company I established is called Xiawei Technology Co., Ltd., do you know why I call this name?"

Gu Qingyuan asked seriously.

If He Chao and Zhang Yushu were present, he would say without hesitation, it wasn't because of Xia Chenling.

But Zhang Zhi at this time didn't know Xia Chenling.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Zhi still couldn't find a reasonable explanation, so he shook his head and said, "Can't think of it, why?"

"Because... Huaxia is promising!"

Gu Qingyuan said these words sonorously. After speaking, he even got goose bumps.

"In terms of science and technology, China has always lagged behind Western countries, and companies abroad are even more contemptuous. I think you, Zhige, even the top students, those Americans will look down on you."

Gu Qingyuan said, but the following sentence deeply hurt Zhang Zhi.

Yes, even if I am excellent, I have never received real respect there.

"Haha..." After a sneer, Gu Qingyuan continued:

"And our Internet technology has been imitating. I'm imitating! Hahaha..."

Gu Qingyuan suddenly laughed madly, and after a while, the laughter stopped.

Gu Qingyuan stood up from the chair, gritted his teeth, with a tough expression, and said in a straightforward tone: "I have been imitating, but there is no innovation. If there is no innovation, how can I surpass!"

"Isn't your previous OICO imitating? Then sell it at a high price. Is this your goal?"

"So I want to change my name, I want to develop OO into the world's largest communication software, not inferior to any software, I want to take China's Internet to a new height!"

The voice became louder and louder, and Gu Qingyuan almost roared at the end.

With a "tick" sound, the chip in his head started talking.

"You are getting more and more pretending now. Don't forget that I am a system of the god of stock. Although it makes your brain highly developed, don't neglect your business."

The female voice is full of disgust.

"No, hehehe."

In the darkness, Gu Qingyuan grinned.

Soon, his mind became very quiet again.

Zhang Zhizhi stood there blankly, his ambition was rekindled, Gu Qingyuan's words hit the softest part of his heart.

Hearing the other's breathing heavier and heavier, Gu Qingyuan continued. Although Zhang Zhi had promised to come before, long as he didn't come for a moment, there would be variables.

"Brother Zhi, come here quickly, let's change the world together, of course, I can also give you Xia Wei company, 3% of the shares!" Jiujiu Chinese

Three percent of the shares?

Hearing these words, Zhang Zhi's body was already shaking.

Judging from the momentum of the OO and ling520 software at this time, the future development prospects are incalculable. It is also a matter of time to go public.

The wealth of these 3% shares is probably astronomical!

After wiping the sweat stains on his forehead with his cuffs, Zhang Zhi said in a deep voice: "I can go there the day after tomorrow, and I can call some friends over, and a team can be formed quickly."

Zhang Zhi's remarks were already regarded as a disguise to please, to show his ability.

The ability must match that 3% of the shares.

"it is good!"

Gu Qingyuan said excitedly, his eyes brightened, "Brother Zhi, see or leave the day after tomorrow!"

"See you or leave!"

After hanging up the phone, Gu Qingyuan looked down at the beautiful scenery outside the window, his eyes gradually becoming blurred.

The vast starry sky outside the window.

Looking at the sky full of stars, Gu Qingyuan showed a faint smile. He is now very curious that the trajectories of some big people who have influenced the world in the previous life have undergone tremendous changes. Then what will the future be like?

Gu Qingyuan looked forward to it.

I never believed in rebirth, but this happened to me abruptly. If I didn't change something, what's the point of rebirth?

In the darkness, Gu Qingyuan's eyes became more determined, and his grievances with Wu Qianhua seemed to be no longer so important.

But things that Gu Qingyuan would not think of, because of some things, his hatred with Wu Qianhua will only continue to deepen!


This time, Gu Qingyuan slept right into the afternoon. After getting up hungry, Li Ping was looking at the background data, and Hao Ji was still watching Grid's TV series. During this time, this fat man seemed to be addicted to this TV series.

I didn't urge to return to Linzhou anymore. After all, when I got home, there was no computer to let him watch the Grid TV series. At this time, it was only five days before the New Year, which was 2000.

Gu Qingyuan took Li Ping and Hao Ji, and after washing them, he hurried out.

After eating, he was anxious to buy a back-end server, the price of several million, Gu Qingyuan didn't care at all, he still bought it!buy!buy!

Seeing such an inhumane Gu Qingyuan, Li Ping remembered his sister who was far away in the small county.

Li Ping: "Qingyuan, my sister!"

Gu Qingyuan: "Go away!"

After everything was done, the sky was already dark, and Gu Qingyuan led the two of them to stroll around the shopping mall near the company.

Uni-President is all expensive luxury clothes, and Gu Qingyuan bought them a lot of bags.

"Enough, Mr. Gu, if you buy so much for you, I can't wear it either."

Li Ping declined, but when he saw the clothes that Gu Qingyuan had handed over, he still smiled and took it.

If you buy it for Hao Ji, you won't tell him the true price, so as to avoid his psychological pressure.

Although Hao Ji is stupid, his emotions are very delicate.

In short, buying clothes only ask for one thing, it is expensive!

After that, Gu Qingyuan went to the ladies' area again, planning to buy some for Xia Chenling, her small and beautiful face appeared in his mind again.

And Hao Ji's mother, and his lovely sister, Hao Sha, also bought some for them.

What Gu Qingyuan didn't expect was that Xia Chenling was sitting in a tight-knit manner at this time, being severely reprimanded by Xia Luo and Liu Yun.

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