You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Linzhou City, Jiadi Garden, Xia Chenling's home.

At this time, the three members of the family were all sitting on the sofa, some distance from each other, especially Xia Chenling, sitting alone in the middle of the sofa, Xia Luo and Liu Yun sitting on the left and right, each sitting on the side.

Since Xia Luo confessed last night, the family has become very harmonious. Although there are some difficulties at this time, they are all temporary. They are still full of confidence in Xia Luo, mother and daughter.

The third party of the senior high school is also on holiday today. At noon, Liu Yun had already gone home on holiday. Xia Luo rarely cooked and waited for her. Although there was only simple noodles, it was enough to move Liu Yun.

Therefore, the estrangement between Liu Yun and Xia Luo gradually disappeared, and at night, he told Xia Luo about the fact that Gu Qingyuan and Xia Chenling had been dating.

But who knows, Xia Luo's emotions became abnormally agitated, and he directly grabbed Xia Chenling who was playing games in the room.

System prompt: Boguang Lingling has been disconnected!

Thus, the scene in the previous living room was formed.

"When did you get better with that trash!"

Xia Luo slapped the table, pointed at Xia Chenling, glared and shouted loudly.

"He is not a waste! I forbid you to say that about him!"

Xia Chenling's emotions were more agitated than Xia Luo, saying that her eyes were already flushed, but her momentum was not lost to Xia Luo, and she looked straight at him.

The father and daughter looked at each other, and no one left a point.

Xia Chenling's aggressive performance at this time made both Xia Luo and Liu Yun shocked, and after the couple looked at each other, they had a tacit understanding and made her more determined to break up with Gu Qingyuan.

I think Xia Chenling at this time was confused by Gu Qingyuan's rhetoric and lost the most basic judgment.

As people who came by, how could Xia Chenling and Liu Yun watch their baby daughter jump into the fire pit?

"Lingling, how did you talk to your dad?"

Liu Yun said with a grimace, and at the same time frowning at Xia Chenling, with her hands around her chest, her body was trembling slightly with anger.

"Who asked my father to say that about Gu Qingyuan, he is my target, I should..."

"Fart, what are you talking about!"

Xia Luo directly exploded, and when he heard the word "object" from Xia Chenling's mouth, he was even more angry to the extreme.

Interrupted Xia Chenling directly and yelled at her.

"Maintain him."

Xia Chenling lowered his head, but still stubbornly finished the rest of the words.

Gu Qingyuan's love for her is imprinted in his bones, so how can he be willing to be said of him?

Although Gu Qingyuan may not care about himself, Xia Chenling does!No, no, no one!

"A mathematics test scores nine points, a trash who fails the college entrance examination, how can you fall into him?

Xia Luo gritted her teeth and said, moving her body closer and closer to Xia Chenling's position.

"He is not."

With red eyes, Xia Chenling continued to retort in a low voice. Although the sound was like a mosquito, he would always refute.

"Have you been detained? In the case of Gu Qingyuan, finding a job in the future will be a problem? Have you thought about these issues?"

Liu Yun restrained her anger, analyzed Xia Chenling rationally, and moved her body closer and closer to Xia Chenling.

"Lingling, this is not a child's play. This is your first love. Mom wants you to grow up in it, not get hurt."

Liu Yun was already close to Xia Chenling, gently stroking the black hair on the back of her head.139 Chinese

"Mom, Qingyuan, he won't let me hurt."

Xia Chenling looked at Liu Yun and continued to argue.

"What do you call so close!"

Xia Luo continued to growl. At this time, he was so angry that he couldn't communicate peacefully with Xia Chenling.

It turned out that the calm and steady Xia Luo has become extremely irritable!There is no way to calm down on the matter of my precious daughter.

Xia Chenling shivered, and moved towards Liu Yun, as far as possible from Xia Luo.

In the past, if Xia Luo got angry like this, Xia Chenling would have been scared to death.

But at this time, Xia Chenling had Gu Qingyuan in her heart, that free and easy boy gave her a lot of courage.

"Xia Luo, don't worry, I will communicate with Lingling."

Liu Yun first glanced at Xia Lao, then reprimanded, and went to the ear of Xia Chenling, and continued talking.

"Lingling, first tell your mother the process of getting along with Gu Qingyuan in detail, and I will analyze it for you."

Liu Yun said softly.

"Okay... OK."

Xia Chenling nodded, then turned to look at Xia Luo, who was standing akimbo, and after pursing his lips, he spoke slowly.

Xia Chenling said everything in detail, including his empathy, protecting Hao Ji, how Xia Youyou misunderstood her, and when he was in the streets and alleys, he was born out of it.

When praising Gu Qingyuan, Xia Chenling's eyes narrowed.

No matter how strong he is in stocks, how many people he knows, including gifts.

Xia Chenling proudly raised the watch on his wrist, showing pride.

Hearing this, Xia Luo and Liu Yun invariably raised their heads and looked at each other. They both swallowed and spit, and they could clearly see the other's panic expression.

Xia Luo and Liu Yun felt more fearful than they admired Gu Qingyuan.

Later, I talked about Yang Daming and how Gu Qingyuan helped him out. Xia Chenling raised her eyebrows and her expression was full of pride.

At this time, Xia Luo and Liu Yun were already sweating profusely, and their hearts were full of worry and fear.

Gu Qingyuan, at a young age, why can he know so many people, make so much money, and still be able to smoothly solve Yang Daming's affairs?

How hard it is to make money!

The well-informed Xia Luo didn't think that a student who failed the college entrance examination math test with nine points would create a business miracle in half a year.

What's more, is he still a helpless orphan?

Then Gu Qingyuan is likely to have gone astray and did some detrimental things.With the deepening of Xia Chen's inspiration, she will be pulled into the abyss at any time!

Xia Chenling in love has no ability to judge. How can she see Gu Qingyuan's fangs exposed in the dark when she is immersed in love?

People who go astray are unscrupulous.

Even if he took 10,000 steps back, Gu Qingyuan did not harm Xia Chen's spirit, but how could the two people who walked so close not be implicated?

Xia Luo, who was thinking more and more afraid, had already burst into a cold sweat, goosebumps screamed, sweat on his forehead kept flowing out, dripping onto the glasses, making Xia Chenling's vision more and more blurred.

Liu Yun didn't get any better, her face was pale, her breathing became more and more rapid, she clenched her gums, she didn't know how to enlighten her daughter.

Suddenly, Xia Luo bypassed Xia Chenling and quickly pulled Liu Yun, winking her!

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