You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Brother Chicken, don't talk to anyone about me."

"Okay, neither my mother nor I said it." Hao Ji grabbed a handful of potato chips, put it in his mouth, and nodded again.

Soon, the car had arrived at the door of Hao Ji's house, and Ma Hao had a little girl in her arms, already waiting at the intersection.


Hao Ji exclaimed with excitement. Before the car stopped, he opened the door and jumped down.

As the soles of the feet were covered with flat snow, it was even slippery. Hao Ji couldn't stand firmly, and fell to the ground.

"Brother Stupid."

Hao Ma hurried over holding Hao Sha, the little girl in her arms squinted and laughed at her brother.

"Get up, it's cold on the ground."

Ma Hao held Hao Ji and pulled him up carefully, her eyes full of dozing.


At this time, Gu Qingyuan also got out of the car and yelled with a smile.

"Qingyuan, Jae Shengzheng, trouble you to take care of..."

"Brother Qingyuan, why are you back with a tank?"

The little girl squeaked and interrupted Hao Ma.


Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly, dragged Hao Sha with both hands to lift him up.

"Oh, Qingyuan is capable."

Ma Hao smiled and patted the blood on Gu Qingyuan's shoulder, which was rubbed by the bottom of the little girl's feet when she lifted Hao Sha.

"Quickly enter the house, Auntie is saving New Year's Eve dinner for you two."

As Hao Ma said, she took Hao Sha again, took Gu Qingyuan's arm, and walked forward with great enthusiasm.

"There is still something to take."

Gu Qingyuan smiled, opened the trunk, and took out the big and small bags.One of them is a plastic bag, and the snacks inside can be clearly seen.

"Wow, snacks!"

Hao Sha yelled in joy, and broke free from Ma Hao's arms, ran to Gu Qingyuan's side, and took the bag with her hands.

"Qingyuan, you kid, what do you say you brought me so many things for."

Ma Hao sighed and said, in fact, in the dark light, her eyes were a little ruddy.

Qingyuan, this child, is alone in his lonely home.

"You have earned some money from a part-time job, don't worry."

Gu Qingyuan smiled and said something, and felt Hao Ma tightly grasping his hand and pushing what was in his hand into the car.

"Brother Chicken, come and get something." Gu Qingyuan wanted to greet him.


Hao Ji nodded and ran over obediently, taking all the things in Gu Qingyuan's hands into his own hands.

"Hao Ji, put things down for Qingyuan."

Ma Hao hammered Hao Ji's shoulder and gave him a wink, but Brother Ji could not understand this.

"Mom, Qingyuan bought these things for me."

Hao Ji said frankly, in his cognition, Gu Qingyuan bought something for him, wouldn't he just give Gu Qingyuan some chili sauce?

As for the complicated matter of extension, Hao Ji would naturally not understand, let alone think about it.

"Auntie, I'll go back."

After Gu Qingyuan smiled and said something, he opened the car door and sat in.Fifth Novel

"Don't leave, Auntie has prepared all the New Year's Eve dinner for you, so stay and have some."

Ma Hao was lying on the car window, her expression excited, she wanted Gu Qingyuan to stay.

"Really no, haven't posted the couplet yet?"

Gu Qingyuan smiled and started the vehicle.

Yes, I haven't posted the couplet yet. After hearing this, Ma Hao felt a little self-blaming. Why did she forget to post the couplet to Gu Qingyuan's family?

"It's getting late, go back first."

After Gu Qingyuan waved his hand, he turned the car and drove towards the house.

At this time, it is almost 12 o'clock, and it is about to visit the small temple, which is also a custom in Linzhou.

As soon as 12 o'clock, people will go to the small temple to offer incense, begging for success in the new year.

There are already some children walking towards the small temple on the street, and from time to time they will throw a firecracker into the distance, which is very naughty.

Gu Qingyuan's car drove very slowly. Although the lights were on and the street lights were on, the sudden emergence of children and slippery roads were a safety hazard.

After all, it's a big Chinese New Year!

Gu Qingyuan smiled and watched the children frolicking. In his previous life, he never came back during the Chinese New Year since he followed Wu Qianhua.

And the scene that appeared at this time was only in memory in the previous life.

The yard of Gu Qingyuan's house is dilapidated, but fortunately it is very wide. A car can stop enough to even turn around.

After stopping the car, Gu Qingyuan got out of the car with a large bag and a small bag. After checking the time, he hurried upstairs.

In less than a minute, Gu Qingyuan took two pairs of couplets downstairs again, first posting them at the entrance of the corridor, and then at the entrance of his own house.

Posting couplets cannot exceed 12 o'clock, but fortunately, they will only arrive in a moment.

Back home, a very thick layer of ash had accumulated on the tables, chairs and benches, so he took out a rag, and Gu Qingyuan gathered it up.

How can you make them dirty for the Chinese New Year?

Outside the window were the lights of Wanjia, and Gu Qingyuan's eyes gradually became red. Although it has been decades for him, the feeling of loneliness at this moment also needs someone to accompany him.


After Su Rong changed into a new dress, she ran to find Xia Chenling and went to the small temple together. The two of them walked on the snowy ground, holding hands, making a squeaking sound.

Xia Luo didn't go to the small temple fair, where the people were mixed, and it was inevitable that he would meet some acquaintances, and people would go to the cold tea room.

Liu Yun didn't go, and stayed at home to accompany Xia Luo. In fact, she had the same concerns as Xia Luo. She was outside, which represented Xia Luo.

Therefore, the matters of Shangxiang making a wish were all left to Xia Chenling.

Snow began to float in the sky again, and Xia Chenling buttoned his hat and shrank, pulling Su Rong away quickly.

After finishing the incense, she wanted to see Gu Qingyuan, so time was very tight.

"Is Gu Qingyuan back?"

Su Rong was dragged by her to a trot and asked breathlessly.

"Well, I just came back tonight, I want to check it out later."

Xia Chenling explained with a smile, and suddenly, pulling Su Rong into a stride, the snowflakes under her feet splashed.

In less than 10 minutes, Xia Chenling took Su Rong to the small temple fair. Although the weather was very cold, sweat dripped from their foreheads.

At this time, it was already full of people, and at the door of the small temple, there were a few familiar figures standing.

Some students, such as Hao Jianyun, Niu Nuannuan, Gao Fei, Wang Qiang, and Zhang Shuai, all smiled and talked at the door. Unlike the past, there is no distinction between excellent students and poor students at this time.

And these boys are smoking cigarettes, including Gao Fei.

"You two are here."

Seeing Xia Chenling and Su Rong, Wang Qiang smiled and asked. He has become the center of this group of people.

"Well, you guys are pretty early."

After Xia Chenling lowered his head and said something, he let go of Su Rong's arm. It was very uninteresting, and he squeezed into the small temple alone.

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