You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Su Rong, Hao Jianyun, and Wang Qiang were not in the same class. They only met briefly, and after greeting with a smile, they also squeezed into the small temple.

After a while, when Xia Chenling came out of the incense, Wang Qiang and the others were still standing there chatting.

This time Xia Chenling didn't say hello anymore, and hurried forward with a hat.

Wang Qiang was very familiar with the direction he ran, frowned slightly, and looked over on his toes. Isn't that the direction to Gu Qingyuan's house?

"Is Gu Qingyuan back?"

Wang Qiang asked suddenly, dangling his cigarette and looking at Zhang Shuai.

"How can I know him."

Zhang Shuai frowned and said, obviously he didn't want to mention his name, and then asked unkindly: "Why are you asking about Gu Qingyuan suddenly?"

"I just seemed to see Xia Chenling running towards Gu Qingyuan's house."


After Zhang Shuai shouted, he didn't even say hello, and strode to Xia Chenling's house.


Gu Qingyuan didn't have the habit of going to the small temple. After a brief tidying, he set aside a small table, set up three pairs of chopsticks and three empty bowls, and put some cooked food bought in advance and a bottle of wine.

Turn on the TV again and watch it while eating it, so that it will have the taste of the New Year.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, there was an urgent knock on the door.

This time?Gu Qingyuan frowned slightly, and looked at the time, 12.30.

After getting up and opening the door, a dark figure wearing a black down jacket suddenly plunged into his arms.

Gu Qingyuan naturally knew who it was with the familiar smell on her body. He stretched out his hand and hugged Xia Chenling firmly.

"What are you up to this paragraph? I rarely call me."

Xia Chenling said softly, still hiding in Gu Qingyuan's arms, unwilling to leave.

"Didn't you tell me to call you less, for fear that your dad will be angry? Now you start to blame me again."

Gu Qingyuan said with a smile.

"Then you don't secretly text me at night."

Xia Chenling raised his head and pouted, making an angry look.

"it is good."

Gu Qingyuan smiled and nodded, touched Xia Chenling's smaller cheeks with both hands, bent down slightly, and kissed him.

The two closed their eyes, and the fireworks outside also rang.

After a while, Xia Chenling pushed Gu Qingyuan away in a panic, the blush on his face reached the base of his ears.

"You have to drink less wine."

Xia Chenling walked to the small dining table and said casually to ease her shy mood.

Seeing the two empty bowls and chopsticks, Xia Chenling understood something, looked up at the two black and white photos, walked over there, and bowed.

"You take two bites with me."

With that, Gu Qingyuan had already walked into the kitchen, took out a pair of bowls and chopsticks, and put them on the small dining table.

"But... well."

Xia Chenling took out his mobile phone and checked the time, but he agreed. The house was deserted, he should be very lonely.

Xia Chen sat beside Gu Qingyuan obediently, dragging his chin with one hand and placing the other on his lap, quietly watching Gu Qingyuan eat.

"Actually, it's better to be busy..."

After taking a sip of the wine, Gu Qingyuan's cheeks turned red. For no reason, the wine tonight was so easy to get on her head.

"Why?" Xia Chenling asked in a low voice.

"When I get busy, I don't remember anything. How could it be like now, it feels..." Dream Island Book Library

As he said, Gu Qingyuan paused, his eyes blurred and a smile on his mouth.

Picking up the wine glass and taking a sip of the wine, he said slowly: "Remember when you asked me why I am not sad, but how can I not be sad?"

Gu Qingyuan asked back, and when he turned to look at Xia Chenling, his eyes were already red.

Xia Chenling opened her mouth slightly, a little surprised.

Holding his hands tightly, he didn't know how to comfort him, comforting this tough man who would swallow in his stomach if his tooth fell out.

"Sometimes it's too sad, and it feels difficult to breathe, so it's better to be busy, there will be no such things."

"So for me now..."

Looking at Xia Chenling, Gu Qingyuan frowned slightly, his eyes flushed, like a big helpless boy.

"I only have you."

Xia Chenling's eyes reddened too, stood up, bent a little more, and kissed him actively.

at this time!

Because they were so surprised when they saw Xia Chenling, the two of them forgot to close the door of the room, and just covered it gently.

Suddenly kicked away very violently, Xia Luo and Liu Yun walked in aggressively. Although Xia Chenling quickly stood upright, the kissing scene was clearly seen by the people who came in.

There are four people in total, Xia Luo, Liu Yun, Zhang Shuai, and Su Rong with a worried face.

Because Su Rong made more wishes and spent a long time in the temple, when she came out, she happened to see Xia Luo and the others hurriedly heading to Gu Qingyuan's house.

Worried about Xia Chenling, he followed.

"Dad..." Xia Chenling shrank and yelled.

"Don't call me Dad!"

Xia Luo shouted angrily, clenched his fists, and looked straight at Gu Qingyuan.

After Gu Qingyuan frowned slightly, he stretched out quickly, with a smile on his face.

"Sit down, I'll wash you some fruit."

After smiling and saying something, Gu Qingyuan took out some fruits from the bag and walked quickly into the kitchen.

The few people in the living room didn't speak, they were a little horrible quietly, and it seemed that Gu Qingyuan was washing fruits with a high voice.

After washing quickly, Gu Qingyuan walked to Liu Yun's side with a plate of exquisite fruits.

"Ms. Liu, eat some fruit."

Liu Yun turned her head and moved her body a little disgustedly, she didn't even want to look at Gu Qingyuan.

"Ha ha."

Gu Qingyuan chuckled helplessly, then walked to Xia Luo's side with the plate.

"Uncle, have some fruit!"


Xia Luo roared loudly with a hideous face, and at the same time slapped the dinner plate in Gu Qingyuan's hand to the ground.

There was a crackling, the plate broke to the ground in an instant, and the fruit rolled down everywhere.

"Xia Chenling, why are you so shameless, run to someone's house by yourself!"

Xia Luo roared loudly, strode to Xia Chenling's side, and slapped Xia Chenling's face with a slap in the face. There were a few red marks on her white face in an instant.

Xia Chenling covered her face, tears flowed out instantly, clenching her teeth, looking at Xia Luo.

This was Xia Luo's first time hitting herself.

Gu Qingyuan frowned, stepped forward and looked at Xia Chenling distressedly. In this case, there was no way.

"Gu Qingyuan, I tell you, if I dare to find Xia Chenling in the future, I will definitely break your leg."

Looking at Gu Qingyuan next to him, Xia Luo yelled, the blue veins around her neck violently, her face flushed.

With another strong kick, the small dining table was kicked to the ground, and the food on it was scattered all over the floor.

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