You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In the old shop.

Gu Qingyuan walked in with Wang Qiang. Although it was New Year's Day and there was a custom of visiting the New Year, it did not affect the popularity of the store.

"Hadron, here."

Among the sitting crowd, a man waved his hand and shouted, and his face made Gu Qingyuan feel familiar.

It's him?Xue Zhaozhao!Gu Qingyuan finally remembered that it was the one who bullied Hao Ji and used means to detain himself.

"Brother Xue."

Wang Qiang smiled and nodded, walked over quickly, and sat in the only empty seat.

Apart from Wang Qiang, there were two other people sitting with Xue Zhaozhao, all of whom looked familiar.

One of them was Wang Xiaolu, and he and Gu Qingyuan spent several days in the detention center day and night.

After seeing Gu Qingyuan standing there, Wang Xiaolu waved his hands and stood up, grinning at Gu Qingyuan as a greeting.

Gu Qingyuan smiled and nodded in response.

"Old Gu, you can sit on a chair as you please."

Wang Qiang said without turning his head back, picked up a piece of tofu with his chopsticks, dipped it on the secret sauce, put the tofu into his mouth, and immediately showed a contented expression.

The tables in the shop are small tables for four people placed next to the wall. If Gu Qingyuan wants to come and sit, he can only move a chair in the aisle, but it will be very inconvenient for people to come and go.

Xue Zhaozhao and the others just glanced at Gu Qingyuan, and ignored them, but Wang Xiaolu stood up.

"Brother Gu, I'll move you a chair."

With that, Wang Xiaolu took a chair from the dining table next door and put it down next to him.

"haha okay!"

Gu Qingyuan chuckled, nodded in response, walked over and sat down generously.

He could have just shaken his face and left, but Gu Qingyuan became interested and wanted to see. What was the purpose of Wang Qiang calling himself over?

There was no tableware for himself on the dining table, but even if there were, Gu Qingyuan had no plans to eat, lit a cigarette and looked at Wang Qiang with interest.

"Wait a moment, I will bring you a set of cutlery."

Wang Xiaolu said with a smile, got up and walked to the cash register, took a set of tableware and placed it in front of Gu Qingyuan.

After that, Xue Zhaozhao and Wang Qiang talked about some things on the construction site with a smile. It seemed that the two had cooperated and regarded Gu Qingyuan as an air person.

Wang Qiang's voice was loud, and his words were full of ostentation. He glanced at Gu Qingyuan who was smoking from time to time.

Then I talked about the car, what kind of performance and other topics.

In front of Gu Qingyuan, or in front of Xue Zhaozhao, who had conflicts with him, Wang Qiang's purpose became obvious. He wanted to please Xue Zhaozhao.

Slowly, Gu Qingyuan turned his head and looked out the door casually, his eyes full of disdain.

At this time, a familiar figure came from outside the door, it was Su Rong!

There were two other girls walking with Su Rong, who should be her high school classmates.

The table at the door was already full of people. Just as the guest next to Gu Qingyuan had just left, the shop owner was packing the dinner plates.

Upon seeing this, Su Rong took the two girls and walked over quickly, muttering: "Good luck!"

Xue Zhaozhao stopped eating and looked up at Su Rong intently. After she sat down, he shouted to her.

"Su Rong?"


Su Rong unexpectedly turned her head and looked at Xue Zhaozhao suspiciously. How could this person know his name after only meeting with Zhang Shuai a few times?


Su Rong nodded, and quickly turned around, obviously not wanting to deal with a gangster like Xue Zhaozhao.Lihuo Book Bar

Gu Qingyuan was wearing new clothes and kept her back to her, but Su Rong did not realize that he was here.

After ordering a good meal, Su Rong lay on her stomach and chatted with the other two girls. The laughter was refreshing and refreshing for a while.

Xue Zhaozhao straightened up, with a thoughtful expression, from time to time he would look at Su Rong.

"Su Rong, who can eat just one serving of tofu?"

Suddenly, Gu Qingyuan turned his head and looked over, looked at Su Rong and said with a smile.


Su Rong's eyes lit up, she exclaimed with a smile, and happily said, "I didn't see you just now, do you want to eat too?"


Gu Qingyuan smiled and nodded. Since Su Rong said yesterday, the relationship between the two has improved a lot, and now they are more like friends.

"Boss, add another dipping tofu."

Su Rong stood up, waved to the boss and said, only after seeing the boss nodded, she sat down with a smile.

Moved his seat aside and patted the empty stool: "Come and sit down?"

"it is good."

Gu Qingyuan ignored Wang Qiang and the others who were surprised at this time, got up and sat directly beside Su Rong.

"Wait a minute, I'll get you cutlery."

Su Rong passed by Gu Qingyuan, took a set of tableware, and placed it in front of him. She looked a bit like a little servant girl after busying herself.

"You object?"

The girl opposite asked with a smile on her face, secretly looking at Gu Qingyuan, she was very satisfied with her appearance alone.


Su Rong immediately retorted, for some reason, her expression became tense, as if the secret in her heart had been discovered.

"He is the object of my good friend."

Su Rong explained that her heartbeat also accelerated, and she didn't understand why she felt this way.

Thinking of this, Su Rong couldn't help but glanced at Gu Qingyuan secretly, and suddenly realized that his profile was so beautiful.

Suddenly, Wang Qiang looked at Gu Qingyuan, poured a glass of beer, and handed it to Gu Qingyuan.

"Old Gu, you had a holiday with Brother Xue at that time, so take this opportunity and apologize."

"Ha ha…"

Gu Qingyuan grinned lightly, as if watching a joke, looking at the ruddy Wang Qiang.

Disdain: "If you drink too much, talk less, don't spray dung in your mouth."

"What do you mean by TM?"

In front of Xue Zhaozhao, Wang Qiang also had the courage to throw the cup in his hand to the ground, stood up with blushing face and naked ears, and shouted at Gu Qingyuan.

This shouting suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

The lady boss walked over in a hurry, frowning and said: "Children, what are you doing for the New Year, hurry, sit down."

The proprietress pushed Wang Qiang onto the chair again, and said, "Don't worry about it. I remember you two often come here to eat together. It’s not a good relationship."

After speaking, the lady boss picked up the broom and swept up the broken glass.

Hearing this, Wang Qiang was taken aback for a moment, but soon frowned and stared at Gu Qingyuan.

"Ha ha…"

Gu Qingyuan sneered, feeling very ridiculous, and stood up after shaking his head.

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