You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Su Rong, let's go, next time you invite me to have tofu."

Gu Qingyuan looked at Su Rong, spoke softly, and walked outside the restaurant. The murmurs of the people behind him could still be heard clearly.

"Couldn't, run away."

"Hey, he's a man too, really a bullshit." This was Xue Zhaozhao's voice.

"Humph!" Wang Qiang snorted coldly, his brows furrowed, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Right, Wang Qiang."

When he reached the door, Gu Qingyuan looked into the small restaurant again: "The bags in the car are for you clothes."

It won't be enough to tear your skin, but you will slowly become a passerby in the future... Gu Qingyuan looked indifferent, and strode towards home, still feeling a little unhappy.

Hearing Gu Qingyuan's words, Wang Qiang was stunned for a moment, and his whole body froze in place. After a while, he came back to his senses, but seldom talked to him afterwards.


The portion of tofu that Gu Qingyuan ordered was packaged by Su Rong, and when she walked out of the small restaurant, she heard someone calling her.

"Su Rong, where are you going, I'll give it to you."

A Ben Accord sedan parked on the side of the road, Xue Zhao swaggered down the window, leaned out half of his body, and looked at Su Rong with a smile on his face.

In this small city with the 18th tier, such a car can be regarded as a luxury car among luxury cars. After all, in Linzhou, every household has not even popularized motorcycles.

"No need to."

Su Rong said coldly, shook her head, and walked in the direction of Gu Qingyuan's house. Let him take this tofu with it.


Xue Zhaozhao licked his upper lips with his tongue. After a sneer, he started the car and followed Su Rong.

"Su Rong, come up, I'll see you off."

Xue Zhaozhao asked again, but his tone was stronger than before, and he was slightly impatient.

"No need to!"

Su Rong still shook her head and said coldly.

"haha okay."

Xue Zhaozhao sneered, greed and viciousness flashed in his eyes.

Xue Zhaozhao has done things like strong girls. The girl who was bullied almost committed suicide by jumping off the building. It was his dad who came to solve the funeral. After paying some money, they didn't stop.

Afterwards, I just said lightly: Be careful next time!This made Xue Zhaozhao even more lawless.

Slowly driving the car, Xue Zhaozhao kept following behind Su Rong, and stopped the car after seeing her walking upstairs from an old building.

"Wow, Brother Xue, look at the car in front, it's really domineering."

The yellow hair in the front passenger's seat exclaimed, opened the door and walked down, feeling for the Mercedes-Benz G which was parked there.

Xue Zhaozhao is also a bright spot. He has never seen such a domineering car. It's just a little accident. Why would such a good car park in such a broken community?

After getting out of the car, Xue Zhaozhao took out his mobile phone and took a few photos with the big G. This is also the capital to brag about in the future.

Wang Xiaolu in the back did not get out of the car. He sat in the car with a sad expression, thinking about something.


"Huh? Why are you here?"

After Gu Qingyuan opened the door, he saw that it was Su Rong, looking at herself with black eyes.

"Bring back the dipping tofu for you."

Su Rong picked up the bag in her hand and said with a smile.

"Interesting!" Gu Qingyuan took the bag without any hesitation, "Where is the dip?"

"It's all inside."

"it is good!"

Gu Qingyuan had been thinking about dipping tofu, and forgot to greet Su Rong who was standing at the door. He turned and walked quickly towards the kitchen, poured the food in the bag into the bowl, and walked out again.

I can't wait to put the bowl on the coffee table, pick up a piece and dip some sauce, it is very satisfying to take a big mouthful.

"Um, then I'll go back first."

Su Rong who was standing at the door whispered.

"Huh?" v3 Academy

Gu Qingyuan raised his head, then remembered Su Rong, got up and pulled her into the house, "Help me clean up... No, I will leave after sitting."


Su Rong, who was stunned, was pulled in like this, and she glanced around the house, showing a mess.

"sit down."

Gu Qingyuan smiled and said something, set up a small stool, patted it lightly, and at the same time, his hand dipped in tofu did not stop.

"I... I'd better tidy up for you."

After hesitating for a while, Su Rong spoke very reluctantly.

Gu Qingyuan...Why is this person so weird to behave in the world, is he embarrassed to let his unfamiliar friends clean up for him?Not to mention that I am still a girl.

Thinking about it, Su Rong always thought that Gu Qingyuan had made a slip of the tongue.

"Hey, thank you then."

Gu Qingyuan grinned, and quickly took out the brooms, rags, and the like, while he was lying on the sofa and watching TV leisurely, eating up all the tofu.

Su Rong: "???"

Su Rong frowned, wondering if she should think of an excuse to leave?

"Well, don't you want to pay me back, this whole family cleanup, count you 100, how about it?"

Gu Qingyuan raised an eyebrow and asked, a hippie smile that didn't look right.

"A hundred?"

Su Rong hesitated a little, but she quickly agreed. After a hard day at the western restaurant, she couldn't make so much money.

"Hey, that's hard work."

After speaking, Gu Qingyuan lay flat on the sofa.

As a result, there was a scene of Gu Qingyuan watching TV leisurely and Su Rong sweeping the floor hard.

After a long time, Gu Qingyuan fell asleep on the sofa.

Su Rong finished packing lightly and covered him with a piece of clothing. After turning off the TV, she tiptoed downstairs.

Shrinking herself, Su Rong heard someone calling her just as she walked into the courtyard.

"Su Rong, long time no see."

A tall and thin boy called Su Rong's name, wearing a white down jacket, very suitable for the snowman beside him.

The boy's name is Yang Yuanming, Su Rong's high school classmate.

At this time, beside the boys, there were several men and women who were all Su Rong's high school classmates, but these were poor students sitting in the back row and had a bad relationship with Su Rong.

Three years in high school, there are only a handful of things I have said.

Xue Zhaozhao's car was still parked in the courtyard, and Yang Yuanming was called by him.

"Yang Yuanming, long time no see, why are you all here?"

Su Rong smiled and waved her hand, saying hello.

"Come and find you."

One of the girls spoke arrogantly with hands on hips.

"Find me?"

Su Rong pointed to herself with a face of doubt, how did you know that I was here?

"Let’s go to KTV and sing a song together. It’s been a long time since my old classmates, so you won’t refuse."

Yang Yuanming said with a smile, and suddenly invited to sing, making Su Rong at a loss.


Su Rong murmured with a sad face, and then said apologetically: "Yang Yuanming, sorry, I have been out for too long, I have to go home."

"Oh, let's go together, if you can't, just go and sing a song."

Yang Daming said with a smile, with a modest attitude.

"All right, Su Rong, just go sing a song, so many students are there."

"Okay... OK."

Su Rong nodded embarrassedly and slightly.

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