You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!On the second day, Sun Miaomiao went on a blind date. Li Ping and Chen Jiangshui didn't know where they went. Only Hao Dashan, Zhang Zhi and Gu Qingyuan were left in the company.

Hao Dashan was maintaining the backstage. Gu Qingyuan frowned and looked at the New Third Board, while Zhang Zhi was sitting leisurely, talking on the phone constantly, and there would be hearty laughter from time to time.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Zhi and Gu Qingyuan walked out of the company and drove to the airport after getting in the car. There is still an important person coming today, Zhang Zhi's senior sister.

Sun Yue lay leisurely on the seat in the high-level cabin of the plane. The texture of the leather seat made people sit very comfortable.Putting down the coffee in his hand, raising his hand to check the time, it is already 4 o'clock, and the plane will arrive in North Beijing in 30 minutes.

Sun Yue is Zhang Zhi’s senior sister, but she is much older than Zhang Zhi. At 40 years old, she can't see the passage of time on her.

Wearing a pure white OL costume, dressed up as a guard, I don't know that I thought it was a young woman returning from overseas. How could I tell that she was the mother of two children.

Gu Qingyuan and Zhang Zhi had already arrived at the pick-up platform and began to wait. The plane still had ten minutes to land. The two chatted about Bai Qiuling.

"Lao Zhang, according to what you said, I really owe you a lot of favor this time. Sun Yue gave up her promotion career, separated from her lover and children, and was moved by your sincerity."

Gu Qingyuan raised his eyebrows and said to Zhang Zhi with a smile.

"Cough cough." Zhang Zhi's face blushed, his right hand clenched his fist to his mouth, coughed slightly, raised his head and smiled, and said shamelessly: "You can say so."

"It's really shameless!" Gu Qingyuan curled his lips and said in his heart: "The environment affects people. When I first met Zhang Zhi, he was an unsmiling and boring person. It's better now, I don't know if I learned from myself. , The shameless kung fu is getting stronger and stronger."

"Please note that all passengers, your flight has arrived, please get off the plane in an orderly manner..."

Don't first class and economy class arrive at the same time?Why would anyone buy first class?Those who buy economy class will not know that although they arrive at the station at the same time, people in first class will get off first.

Sun Yue has a height of 170cm, steps on 7cm high heels, is beautifully dressed, and wears black sunglasses. She will be spotted in a crowded crowd.

Sun Yue stepped forward, "dada da da" walking in the aisle, his aura is stronger than some first-line stars!Zhang Zhi recognized Sun Yue at a glance in the crowd, and her unique queen temperament has not changed for many years.

In Zhang Zhi’s freshman year, the school invited some high-quality and outstanding graduates to come back and give speeches. Before Sun Yue appeared on the scene, every graduate was very calm and told his classmates some inspirational stories. Inspire students.

Although the freshmen in the freshman year listened to admiring these brothers and sisters, they always felt that there was something missing, which made people excited.

It wasn't until Sun Yue started to give a speech, taking a confident step, from the moment he debuted, he attracted the attention of all the students, and the passionate and avant-garde speeches made the students excited!

Until now, Zhang Zhi still remembers Sun Yue's words, "Be confident, my dears, I have come to the best school in China, and I think there is something to do with you, then you go to the next school."

Like other classmates, Zhang Zhi was so excited by this senior sister that he wanted to graduate immediately to change the century.

After the speech, Zhang Zhi took the opportunity to chat with Sun Yue and found that this senior sister was very approachable and easy to get along with. She felt like an old friend who had known Zhang Zhi for a long time, and there were always topics to talk about. With.

After that, Zhang Zhi didn't cut off contact with Bai Qiuling. The letter came to call New Year's greetings, and then he often teased on the "OO" software.

Knowing that Zhang Zhi and Ma Teng sold "OICQ" and the buyer developed it into the current "OO", Sun Yue angrily called Zhang Zhi in the middle of the night and yelled at him as a prodigal thing!

Seeing Sun Yue getting closer and closer, Zhang Zhi pulled back his thoughts, with a brilliant smile on his face.

"Sister Sun!" Zhang Zhi waved his hand and shouted.Daxia Chinese Website

Hearing someone calling her own name, Sun Yue looked over, and she found a familiar face, smiled and trot to Zhang Zhi's side, gave him a big hug, and then walked across the cordon boldly.

"Study... Sister, just take two more steps, there is no need to take the cordon."

Zhang Zhi smiled and said, this senior sister who is already the mother of two children, her heroic friend has not changed at all.

"Haha, I'm so excited, I didn't pay attention." After saying that, Sun Yue looked at Gu Qingyuan's body, looked up and down, then smiled and stretched out her hand, "You are Mr. Gu. Yeah, he looks so handsome."

"I am, Sister Sun Yue, you are also very beautiful. How does this look like a mother of two children? I just asked Zhang Zhi, wondering if he lied to me."

Gu Qingyuan responded with a smile and shook hands with Bai Qiuling.

"Huh?" Sun Yue stared at Zhang Zhi with an angry look, and then curled his lips and said, "When introducing me to others, can you not reveal my age and say that I am single, please?"

"Okay... OK, senior sister, I remember it!"

Zhang Zhi touched his head and said with an embarrassment that she still has such a personality in her speech for many years.

"You can remember!" Sun Yue slapped Zhang Zhi hard on the shoulder twice, still quite blaming in her tone, but this feeling makes people feel very close.

This may be the ability of gold medal headhunting.

Gu Qingyuan smiled happily. This Sun Yue was really humorous and very charming.

"Senior sister, or let's go to the restaurant first." Zhang Zhi suggested, and the airport is crowded with people, so it is better to find a quiet place.

"Okay, let's go." Sun Yue nodded and said. Gu Qingyuan and Zhang Zhiyi walked right and left beside Bai Qiuling, and the three walked out of the airport in large strides.

After getting on the bus, I went to the upscale restaurant Gu Qingyuan had booked in advance.

I didn't go to the chapter to remember. OO is still absolutely confidential. If you expose yourself too much, some venture capital that sees money and unexpected troubles will find yourself.

Sun Yue sat in the back seat, tilted her body and looked at Shengzheng Street through the window, and muttered, "It’s been a long time since Shengzheng has changed. If it weren’t for these iconic buildings, I would not Know it."

"Ha ha."

Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly and drove intently without interrupting in the middle of the car. He quietly listened to Sun Yue and Zhang Zhixu. Through their conversation, they also captured some information.

For example, I didn't expect that the two of them would work together.

Yes, everything has changed dramatically.


It was a text message from Xia Chenling: At noon tomorrow, Su Rong and I will arrive at the train station, remember to pick us up.

Gu Qingyuan frowned tightly!

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