You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!There was only a brief pause in thinking, and he quickly replied: Okay, I see, are you with Su Rong?

Xia Chenling: No, what's the matter?

"It's nothing, just ask casually." Gu Qingyuan quickly replied, and then quickly sent another message to Su Rong.

"Baby, don't talk nonsense when you come, or I will be embarrassed."

Su Rong returned the message almost in seconds: Well, then you have to promise me to smoke less.

Gu Qingyuan grinned, thinking in his heart, palms and backs of hands are all meat, palms and backs of hands are all meat!

After arriving at the hotel, the three of Gu Qingyuan sat in a quiet room. After ordering the food, they laughed and talked.

"Senior Sister Sun, I don't think you have changed at all from the original. Did the old man Time forget you?"

Zhang Zhi smiled and said, his words didn't mean to flatter, if you didn't say age, even Gu Qingyuan would not believe that the woman in front of him was 40 years old.

"Haha, I probably forgot about it. When I walked out with my family, everyone thought I was his daughter."

Sun Yue said, her voice is very gentle, and she feels very warm. It feels like talking to her is a pleasure.

Since then, Zhang Zhi and Sun Yue have been recounting the past most of the time, and Gu Qingyuan’s chat with her is a topic that is not salty or light.

However, Gu Qingyuan didn't find it boring or boring at all. Instead, he was very interested. After listening to the two of them chatting, he found that Sun Yue's work was so interesting.

For example, when he was in college, Sun Yue, a freshman, was already the vice chairman of the student union. When he delivered a testimony about being elected as the vice chairman, he talked freely: "The times are calling, and the classmates of the Party and Huaqing need me, so I am here. ."

At that time, these nonsensical thoughts were not annoying, on the contrary, they appreciated Sun Yue more.

At work, facing the problem of the company's staff turnover, the way to deal with it is also unique.

It is not a single way of increasing salary or rationalization of promotion. On the basis of these, the introduction of high-quality men and women serves as a matchmaker. The rules that prohibit office romances are also gone, but the result is surprisingly good.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the intention.

Looking like Sun Yue’s joking recount, Gu Qingyuan knew that he had introduced the object and acted as a matchmaker. These things must be done because Bai Qiuling had done a lot of homework and understood the true situation of the loss of personnel.

While eating and chatting, Gu Qingyuan also slowly cut into the subject and talked with Sun Yue about recruitment.

Sun Yue's interest in him far exceeded Gu Qingyuan's imagination. After opening the chatterbox, she asked enthusiastically.

Gu Qingyuan smiled and answered casually, giving people a very free and easy feeling.

Listening and listening, an imperceptible light flashed in Sun Yue's eyes, and she said in her heart: "Awesome, his thinking is so tight, and his thinking, like wings, looks like a horse."

After briefly speaking, Gu Qingyuan raised his glass and touched Sun Yue.

"Qingyuan, don't you tell me the details of Xiawei Technology."

Sun Yue gently shook the wine glass and took a sip.

"Okay!" Gu Qingyuan smiled and nodded, drank a little red wine in the glass in one sip, and told her in detail about the company's personnel and financial status.

"That said, I will be the polished commander."

Sun Yue said with a smile, and at the same time gave Zhang Zhi a pretentious look. Before he came here, this kid didn't say that. How could the originally honest young man brag about a company with a huge scale and manage hundreds of people?

Even Gu Qingyuan didn't know that Zhang Zhi's ability to build momentum had reached its peak at this time.

"Haha." Zhang Zhihan laughed and ate big mouthfuls of vegetables, not daring to look at Sun Yue's hot gaze.

"Sister Sun, then let me tell you about the employment and salary?"

Gu Qingyuan said frankly that Sun Yueneng had already fought back here when he came here, and he also wanted to show his sincerity.Qiankun Listening Book Network

"Okay." Bai Qiuling nodded, looking at the boy in front of her, her eyes full of appreciation.

"You are mainly responsible for administration, human resources, and internal audit. Of course, this is also the job of the company with abundant staff. At present, the main job of the school sister is to use your network to get some talents for our company."

Gu Qingyuan spoke lightly, paying attention to Sun Yue's expression. The latter listened with a smile, without seeing the slightest displeasure.

In fact, Zhang Zhi has roughly said to Sun Yue about the situation he said, the reason why he can still come here is the trust in the "OO" product.

The second is because Zhang Zhi, this once extremely confident man was willing to follow so many teenagers who he was younger than him, and he trusted Gu Qingyuan so much, but could it not explain the problem?

Upon seeing this, Gu Qingyuan continued.

"In terms of salary, the previous income of Sister Sun is increasing by one thousand." After speaking, Gu Qingyuan paused, picked up the wine glass on the table and had a drink.

Sun Yue's forehead slightly wrinkled, but she stretched out quickly, and took a sip from the wine glass on the table.

Just salary is not enough to dig Sun Yue from the far north of Beijing.

Gu Qingyuan's drinking action was only a few tens of seconds. Seeing Sun Yue's displeasure flashed by, Gu Qingyuan knew that she was anxious.

This is also what Gu Qingyuan did deliberately, to let her know that although you are very capable, the company is mine, and the distribution of equity is my final say.

"In addition, I can directly give you one percent of the shares to Senior Sister."

Gu Qingyuan spoke lightly, picked up the wine glass and continued to drink, as if what he said was trivial.

"A little handsome!" Zhang Zhixin said.

In his mind, Gu Qingyuan would definitely give Sun Yue shares, but as for how much he would give, 0.5% was more than enough, and he said "one percent" in a chic and cool manner!

Gu Qingyuan is a person who knows how to use people and makes people admire him."

Sun Yue and Zhang Zhi have the same idea, they are satisfied with the 1%, and they are still a little excited!

The boy's chic and unrestrained look is very charming, and her old aunt hates her for having given birth several years earlier.

"Okay! Then, President Gu, I wish us a happy cooperation." Sun Yue raised the glass high, and the two incomes of President Gu had a unique charm.

"Okay, cheers!" Gu Qingyuan and Sun Yue's wine glasses touched each other, making a crisp sound, and then both drank the water in the glasses.

Afterwards, the chat became more relaxed, like a good old friend, chatting about things that have nothing to do with work. Finally, after Gu Qingyuan and Sun Yue talked about coming to the company tomorrow, a few people got up and walked out of the restaurant.

"Sun Yue, where do you plan to live."

Gu Qingyuan asked, after the relationship between the superior and the subordinate is determined, the title sister can no longer be called.As soon as she got off the plane, Gu Qingyuan didn't know if she had settled in Beijing.

"Let's find a hotel tonight. After reporting to the company tomorrow, we will find a place to live." Sun Yue stretched out her hand to stop the taxi and said with a smile.

"Take it tonight first. I have asked Zhang Zhi to rent a house as a staff dormitory. It should be the same two days."

"Okay, don't worry." Stopped a taxi, Sun Yue sat in the co-pilot, stretched her head out, and continued: "Mr. Gu, see you tomorrow!"

"Okay, see you tomorrow!" Gu Qingyuan smiled and waved his hand.

"That's OK, let's withdraw first." Sun Yue said with a fist, slightly mischievous like a 40-year-old.

Watching the taxi go far, Gu Qingyuan turned to look at Zhang Zhi, and said with a smile: "Let's go back."


Back in the car that Zhang Zhi drove, Gu Qingyuan sat in the passenger seat and tapped the glass on the window lightly. Zhang Zhi was accustomed to his actions and knew that he was thinking about new problems again.

It is a matter of the New OTC.

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