You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"What happened to the ground? Huh? I asked you? What happened to the ground?"

Ji Tianhao yelled drunkly, with a loud voice, which attracted the attention of everyone around him and turned his attention.

Xia Luo and the others were no exception, turning around and looking over.

When she saw Gu Qingyuan's scornful face clearly, Xia Luo couldn't help but frown, and cursed inwardly. He was really a lingering agent, she wouldn't have been following Xia Chenling.

The parental mind of wild guessing rose again. When Xia Luo looked at Xia Chenling, she also happened to look up at her. The moment his eyes met, Xia Chenling quickly buried her head.

Xia Zheng noticed the look in the eyes of the father and daughter, and wondered if it had something to do with the drunken man?

After a glance, she found that Xia Youyou also raised her head, and stared at the drunken person over there, her heart was determined, she must have met.

"What do you mean?"

Opposite the girl in the white dress sat a man in a suit. Seeing that the object he was after was howled like this, he naturally couldn't bear it.

After the man yelled, he didn't glance at the cigar behind him, Gu Qingyuan with a nasty look on his face, his heart sank, still a little afraid.

She stretched out her trembling hand again and supported the glasses hanging under the bridge of her nose.

"You don't understand, I asked what happened to you when you hit it?"

Ji Tianhao grabbed the man with glasses by the neckline and lifted him up, touching his feet on the ground, causing the man with glasses to stand on his toes and his face turned pale.

"Nothing? Right... I'm sorry."

The woman in white stood up quickly, and was no longer the idiot face just now. It seemed that the two men in suits and shoes turned out to be a gangster.

"Sorry? I'm sorry, I have to say sorry to my brother!"

At this time, Ji Tianhao's face was flushed, and the blue veins on the arm of the man holding the glasses burst out, and the prismatic muscles protruded piece by piece. After a roar, he turned his head and looked at Gu Qingyuan who had been watching the show.

It seemed that this matter was caused by Gu Qingyuan, and Ji Tianhao was so angry because of Gu Qingyuan's instructions.

Gu Qingyuan:???

Gu Qingyuan, who originally wanted to watch the show, didn't expect this grandson to come out like this. The quality of this product and wine is not ordinary.

Everyone in the small courtyard looked over. Gu Qingyuan noticed that Ji Tianhao's body moved slightly to the side at this time, and then turned around.

Seeing Ji Tianhao showing a very interesting expression, he said with a serious face: "Brother, what do you say, how to pack this stuff!"

With that, Ji Tianhao grabbed the hand of the man with the glasses, and the loose glasses fell to the ground.

"It's really arrogant and domineering!"

"That is to say, I drink too much and put other people's things on the ground, and I also make trouble for them."

"It was the arrogant man who instructed him to see a dog-like person, and look at the way he smokes, and it's not for good people."

Hearing the accusations from everyone, Gu Qingyuan was full of black lines, and he became a target of criticism for a while.

"Okay, let go."

Gu Qingyuan cursed and pulled back with his arms around Ji Tianhao's shoulders. After struggling for a while, he finally loosened the neckline of the man who was holding the glasses. The neckline had already become loose and the buttons were gone.

"Huh? No, boss, I can't just leave it alone, he dare to confront you."

Ji Tianhao struggled and yelled loudly, his body full of alcohol is actually just two bottles of beer.2k Novel Network

"Grandson, can you shut up."

Gu Qingyuan yelled, took a few hundred Chinese yuan from his pocket and threw it on the table of the woman in white.

"I'm sorry, my friend is going crazy when he drinks too much, and it is causing you trouble. Let this friend buy a new shirt for this friend."

After saying that, Gu Qingyuan wanted to pull Ji Tianhao away from here, but he didn't expect that this guy pouted and refused to leave.

"Where are you going, then drink, why did you persuade me, I drank a little more now."

Ji Tianhao shouted loudly, dragging Gu Qingyuan inside.

Gu Qingyuan really didn't want to continue to be ashamed of following this guy, and wanted to throw him off directly, but Ji Tianhao's hands were like pliers, holding Gu Qingyuan firmly. The key was that his hands were quite strong. There are many red marks on his arm.

Just put this stuff down!After struggling for a long time, but still didn't get rid of Ji Tianhao, Gu Qingyuan thought in his heart that he could just pour him down. It is estimated that he would have almost one more bottle.

So they returned to their original positions with Ji Tianhao and cursed inwardly: What a waste.

After passing by Xia Chenling and the others, she kept her head down, and Gu Qingyuan kept looking at Ji Tianhao, but did not find any of them.

Xia Youyou was sitting aside, and when Gu Qingyuan passed by, the position of her knees accidentally rubbed her back, but she passed by quickly, and Gu Qingyuan didn't care.

Only at the moment of contact, Xia Youyou immediately sat upright, like a panicked little deer, clasping his hands, a blush on his cheeks, but it was not easy to detect under the dim light.

Slightly raised her head to look at Xia Chenling, and found that she hadn't noticed herself, and then let out a long sigh.

At this time, Xia Youyou's heart was extremely entangled, and after having this kind of amusement, he was full of guilt.He shook his fist, hammered his thigh several times, and shook his head vigorously.

Xia Luo kept looking at Gu Qingyuan's side, her eyes were full of hostility without the slightest evasiveness.

Just as Gu Qingyuan helped Ji Tianhao sit firmly, he immediately helped him open the wine bottle and slapped it on the small table.

No matter what, you must put this product down first.

Ji Tianhao turned his head slightly, just to notice Xia Luo's gaze, and the other party stared straight at his side.

"Look at your mother's B!"

Ji Tianhao yelled, and suddenly stood up again.

The sudden yelling made Xia Youyou and Xia Chenling shrink at the same time, and looked over nervously. These two sisters are typical of their sorrowful and cowardly characters.

"Stop meeting."

Gu Qingyuan frowned and said something, then turned his head and looked over, and then showed an expression of extreme astonishment.

How could Xia Luo be gaining integrity, still with Xia Chenling!

Looking at Xia Chenling and seeing her with a melancholy expression, it must be quite embarrassing at this time.

"What do you want to say? You see your mom compares!"

Ji Tianhao shouted again and strode over.

Xia Luo was taken aback for a moment. After lowering her head, she quickly raised her head again. At this moment, I was afraid of this man. Wouldn't it be that he was also afraid of Gu Qingyuan's failure?

Xia Luo suddenly stood up too, looked straight at Ji Tianhao, gritted his teeth and said, "What? Drink some horse urine and don't know who he is?"

Horse urine? Persuaded? This sentence immediately angered Ji Tianhao!

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