You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Without warning, Ji Tianhao slapped his hand and instantly fell Xia Luo fan to the ground.

For a while, the noisy courtyard quieted down. Everything happened too fast. Just now, Gu Qingyuan only looked at Xia Chenling in astonishment. The next second, he directly poured Xia Luogan on the ground.

Before everyone could react, Ji Tianhao lifted his leg and kicked it directly on the bridge of Xia Luo's nose.

In an instant, blood poured out of his nose and half of his face was dyed red.


Then came the screams of two girls, Xia Chenling and Xia Youyou!

Only then did Gu Qingyuan react, taking Ji Tianhao back several steps, looking at Xia Luo with a sad expression.

This matter...difficult to explain, but seeing Xia Luo look like this, Gu Qingyuan still feels a little bit dark in his heart, this old yin ratio!

Just looking at Xia Chenling's ruddy eyes, Gu Qingyuan's heart seemed to be pulled, and he felt distressed.

"You guys! Why are you hitting people directly?"

Xia Zheng yelled at Gu Qingyuan's side, but he didn't come up with theories either. The middle-aged man was still very rational, unlike the youth club rushing over without hesitation, without considering the consequences.

"Hehe, our boss told me to fight this old guy!"

Ji Tianhao shouted with teeth and claws, Gu Qingyuan only felt that his scalp was numb, and he had the desire to kill this stuff.

Hearing this, Xia Chenling looked over with tears in her eyes, clenched her teeth, and stared at Gu Qingyuan, with that expression as if she was about to break with Gu Qingyuan.

"Fuck Nima!"

Gu Qingyuan shouted in despair, and took two steps forward, trying to explain something.

I saw Xia Luo struggling twice, and stood up with the help of the small table. She didn't even care about covering her nose, letting her nosebleed fall on her white shirt, making her look even more miserable.

A senior official throughout his life has never been subjected to such humiliation. Under the gaze of so many people, he was so humiliated.

What's more, Ji Tianhao's words hurt his heart deeply. It was made by Gu Qingyuan. He is a gangster, a trash who failed the college entrance examination, what kind of thing is he!

Xia Luo stretched out a hand, pointed at Gu Qingyuan, and said word by word: "I tell you Gu Qingyuan, unless it's Lao Tzu who is dead, you don't want to get closer to my daughter."

This sentence contains too much information, and Xia Zheng also understands something.

Gu Qingyuan frowned slightly, didn't say anything, just pulled Ji Tianhao back a few steps.

"You or him...oooooo..."

Ji Tianhao wanted to say something, Gu Qingyuan stretched out and covered his mouth.

"Ha ha."

Xia Luo sneered, walked towards Gu Qingyuan, and stopped after only a few steps.

Xia Chenling hurriedly followed, pulling Xia Luo's arm.

"What? Do you still want to scold, continue to scold!" Xia Luo said loudly, his face covered with blood stains, and he looked very hideous.

"Gu Qingyuan, you don't have to hide it. If you want to beat Lao Tzu, just keep playing. Now pretend to be a wolf with a big tail."

Xia Luo continued to curse, spitting and splashing, clenching his fists, his body still trembling slightly.

As soon as the voice fell, Ji Tianhao raised his leg and kicked again, and kicked directly on Xia Luo’s stomach, causing him to fly out in an instant, hitting a small table, smashing food all over the floor, and beer spilling on Xia Luo’s Body.

"What your mother's dog is, if my brother beats you, he will beat you."

Ji Tianhao shouted aloud, arrogant, if it weren't for Gu Qingyuan to pull it, it would seem like he was about to tear Xia Luo.

The most important thing is that fighting Xia Luo by yourself is really like Gu Qingyuan's order.

"Gu Qingyuan!"

Xia Chenling screamed loudly, her eyes dropped down her cheeks, and her body trembled.Biqugek

"You be quiet for Lao Tzu."

Gu Qingyuan pulled back and let Ji Tianhao sit on the ground.

"Lingling... things are not what you think..."

"Don't call me Lingling!"

Xia Chenling jumped and shouted loudly, how arrogant she was in front of others, and how arrogant she was around Gu Qingyuan.

"Gu Qingyuan, can't you stop being so insidious, you are really a decent person, don't you admit that you instigated someone to beat my father?"

"I...really not." Gu Qingyuan frowned and said with a sad face.

"Can you stop disgusting me, why didn't I realize that you were such a hypocrite before? He kept saying that you let him hit him, didn't he admit it?"

At this time, Xia Chenling did not continue to cry, and frowned at Gu Qingyuan.


Suddenly Xia Luo laughed again, holding on to the ground to get up.


Xia Chenling hurriedly ran over, supported Xia Luo's arm, and slowly pushed him up. He had never seen his father so pitiful before. Originally, he was still an angry face, and his eyes were instantly full again. Water mist.

"Gu Qingyuan, it's worth changing my daughter's sobriety."

With that said, Xia Luo shook off Xia Chenling's arm and walked slowly in front of Gu Qingyuan, the distance was very close, only ten centimeters away.

Leaning to his ear, he said in a voice with only two people: "Wild bastard, whether your parents are dead, or you will be pissed off by you."

Xia Luo said this, without a doubt, just to anger Gu Qingyuan.

As soon as the words fell, Gu Qingyuan did not hesitate at all, grabbed Xia Luo by the neckline, and lifted him up.

"Gu Qingyuan, what are you doing!"

Xia Chenling shouted loudly, took a step forward, and took Gu Qingyuan's arm.She didn't know why Gu Qingyuan was suddenly angry, but she was sure in her heart that Gu Qingyuan would never do anything.

"Hehe, the tail of the fox finally appeared. Didn't you even tell you to instruct it?"

Xia Luo said in a low voice, staring at Gu Qingyuan tightly, and after finishing speaking, he gestured in spoken words: dead bastard!

Only Gu Qingyuan could see it.


Without warning, Gu Qingyuan shook off Xia Chenling's hand, slapped it, and slapped his father in front of Xia Chenling.

At the beginning, it was like a flood that broke the bank, and the anger in my heart could no longer be controlled.

The time you spilled tea, the time you sent someone to beat yourself, the time the family humiliated yourself during the Chinese New Year, what a dog you are!




One slap after another, he slapped it vigorously, and soon his cheeks swelled up. Gu Qingyuan still kept going, changing hands to continue the fight.

The strength of his right hand was greater, Quan Jin dropped, and a tooth in his mouth flew out.

"Gu Qingyuan, Gu Qingyuan, what are you doing?"

Xia Chenling cried and stood in front of Xia Luo. It was the first time she saw Gu Qingyuan's brutal appearance to herself.

At this time, he was already dazzled by the anger, "You get me up!" Gu Qingyuan pulled Xia Chenling away and fell to the ground.

Then there was another set of combo punches, which greeted Xia Luo very hard!

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