You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!A man with short hair pushed open the door, stood at the door and took a look, his face was pale, and said: "Come out for a meeting, think about how to deal with this."

The man who beat him was named Wu Jiang, who was the chief CEO of Xiaoxing Technology. He was originally an honest and stable image. At this time, his mood had already collapsed.

The short-haired man is the person in charge of Xiaoxing's R&D department. He has also lost a lot of this operation, and just now, the investor called and asked to be listed as soon as possible.

As a result, the employees who hold shares in the company will suffer serious losses.


Wu Jiang sighed, turned his head and gave the man in the pool of blood a vicious look, and then strode out with the short-haired man.

"Liu Shuai, does the investor know about this?" Wu Jiang walked quickly toward the conference room, staring at the short-haired man from time to time, waiting for his answer.


Liu Shuai sighed. After taking a look at Wu Jiang, he didn't rush to say anything. He went to the conference room, closed the glass door, and pulled down the sunscreen before speaking in a low voice.

"How can investors not know that Xiaoxing Technology's plates have gone like that, and it will surely cause quite a stir in the future."

"This..." Wu Jiang was embarrassed. After thinking for a while, he asked again: "Will that affect the listing?"

"I don't know. This is exactly what the investors are worried about. Although our technology is okay, what about competing products from other companies? Internet technology is changing with each passing day. What should we do if our proud technology is surpassed..."

"And..." Liu Shuai's eyes became serious as he said.

"And what?" Wu Jiang asked anxiously, his eyes staring like copper bells, and he looked very anxious.

"I'm worried about Fiberhome Technology. They have also made breakthroughs in technology and have already received investment from financial institutions."

After saying this, the conference room of Nuo University became quiet, and only Wu Jiang's breathing became heavier and heavier, and the frown on his forehead became deeper and deeper. After a while, he stretched out suddenly.

Wu Jiang asked helplessly: "Old Liu, what should we do now?"

"We need to go public as soon as possible, and after obtaining financing, increase investment in scientific and technological research and development. It is now simple, just listen to the investors."

Liu Shuai analyzed and said that he was not blaming Wu Jiang for the loss of shares. At this time, he was relatively calm. This may be the difference between technology and ordinary people. He always has a rigorous and calm heart.

Regarding the trading of Xiaoxing Technology, I also acquiesced to it, so there is no need to say anything about failure now. Although there are a lot of losses, the shares that I have at this time are astronomical wealth once they are listed. .

Seeing Wu Jiang, he just nodded slowly and didn't say anything. He looked very heavy.

Liu Shuai patted him on the shoulder, and comforted: "Don't think too much about it, look forward, the ups and downs are now."

"Okay... OK."

Wu Jiang nodded heavily and clenched his fists. This time, he made a lot of determination.

Some money is not something you should earn, so don't think too much about it, otherwise, it's just a waste of money.


At night, in the streets and alleys of Shengzheng, as in the past, people are doing the daily repetitive activities, and there is not much change.

However, such a dull night is destined to be extraordinary for some people.

A press conference that was supposed to be scheduled for this Saturday, Xiaoxing Technology unexpectedly released it in advance, and the time was tonight.

Of course, people still don’t know how much tsunami waves will be caused by Xiaoxing Technology’s press conference this time.

Has caused much sensation in the mouse market.

Of course, all of this has a chain reaction, and it is the higher sensitivity of the mouse that will develop more interesting games.

Shengzheng University.

Shen Xiaoduo, who had nothing to do, thought of Wang Wang's small team, so he made an appointment with Xia Chenling and Liu Shina to meet with the netizens for the first

Under a thick willow tree in the inner lake on the campus, this is also one of the school's iconic buildings.

Shen Xiaoduo widened her eyes and said in surprise: "No, are you two so beautiful?"

Xia Chenling and Liu Shina were more surprised than Shen Xiaoduo, their eyes widened, and they looked at Shen Xiaoduo in disbelief.

The two said in unison: "Are you really Shen Xiaoduo?"

On campus, I have heard a lot of rumors about Shen Xiaoduo. She has always been the top figure in the school flower list. It is rumored that when she takes off her glasses, it is the real shameless flower in the moonlight, and the country is all over.

And her family is rich and wealthy. According to rumors, their Shen family is the largest director of the school.

"Hmm, it's me."

Shen Xiaoduo nodded generously, and the three introduced themselves to each other. They had the foundation of the game, and they quickly got to know each other.

After that, while talking about the game, while chatting about other things, he walked towards the east gate, preparing to have dinner together.

It is not easy for Shen Xiaoduo to come to school once, and people who greet her when walking on campus. Three girls at school level have become a beautiful landscape.

"Xiao Duo, long time no see."

"Qiao Ming, long time no see."

"Huh? Xiaoduo, you came to school tonight."

"Well, Yuanyuan, are you going to study at night?"

"No class tonight, okay, go to the library now."


Along the way, more than a dozen people greeted Shen Xiaoduo, which shows how popular she is in school.

After arriving at a small shop with the hottest business, the three of Shen Xiaoduo and the others found an empty table and sat down. After ordering some dishes, they laughed and chatted about the game.

With the increasing number of topics, the three girls gradually chatted a little more casually, and then asked about their relationship.

"Chen Ling, do you have an object?"

Shen Xiaoduo asked casually, picking up a piece of dried fish and putting it into his mouth.

Liu Shina stunned slightly, and her hand holding the food paused slightly. Since Xia Chenling and Gu Qingyuan had a conflict, it is rare to hear anything about him in the dormitory.

They...two, did they break up?Liu Shina said in her heart that she also had such expectations.


Xia Chenling shook her head bluntly, and when she brought up Gu Qingyuan's topic, she became even more angry. He called him a lot and sent a lot of text messages, but he didn't reply.

Even if there were many conflicts between the two before, he couldn't do this, just disappear.

There is no sense of responsibility.

For an instant, Xia Chenling felt a sense of loss inexplicably.

"Little Duo."

A group of people not far away got closer and closer, and it was Lu Pingping who came over.

There were also several familiar figures, Song Qingqing, Qin Yong, and Yang Hui, all there.

"Sister Xiaoduo."

After Lu Pingping approached, Yang Hui yelled sweetly, and then moved a chair directly, without asking Xia Chenling and the others, she sat next to Shen Xiaoduo.

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