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Yang Hui looked at Shen Xiaoduo with a smile on her face, and after observing her frowning brows, she smiled and said, "I know Chen Ling and they both, don't you mind."

After that, Yang Hui looked at Xia Chenling again, and her words were modest, making it difficult for people to refuse.

"Well, let's eat together."

Xia Chenling said with a smile, and Liu Shina on the side also smiled and nodded.

"Then let's change a place. I'm afraid this place won't fit so many of us."

Lu Pingping suggested with a smile, his gaze fell on Xia Chenling, trying to look at her, but found that she kept her head down.

During the last meal together, Lu Pingping behaved very well, gentle and generous, and chatted a lot with Xia Chenling, and they were quite familiar with each other.

It stands to reason that she should respond to herself at this time, but she did not expect that she kept her head down and refused to respond to herself.

At this moment, Lu Pingping felt very uncomfortable. She was just a child of an ordinary family. What qualifications did she have to show off.

Like this kind of wealthy children, most of them are domineering, and they always feel superior in their hearts.

But Lu Pingping still restrained his uncomfortable emotions, and asked Xia Chenling with a smile: "Chenling, what's wrong with you, are you uncomfortable?"

"Ah, no, no."

Xia Chenling waved her hand and smiled at Lu Pingping.

The last time he promised Lu Pingping to go out to eat, he was just trying to get angry with Gu Qingyuan, but faced with the hot Lu Pingping, he became worried, but he didn't expect that he still had that idea about himself.

When just bowing his head, Xia Chenling had been thinking that she wanted to clarify something with Lu Pingping.

"Xiao Duo, go to your brother's new hotel to eat. I heard it tastes good."

Lu Pingping asked with a smile.

"Where is my brother?" Shen Xiaoduo rolled his eyes, and just wanted to see what Zhang Yushu was doing. In a good mood, he nodded and agreed.

"Well, then go to my brother."

Shen Xiaoduo smiled and nodded, then stood up, and after greeted the owner of the shop, the group headed to the Ferred Hotel.

Shen Xiaoduo drove a red coupe and took the lead. Song Qingqing looked at the sports car making a huge noise, her heart was extremely shocked, and her eyes were full of envy.

Qin Yong and the others both drove in their cars, but in order to give Lu Pingping and Xia Chenling space to be alone, Yang Hui took Liu Shina and sat in Qin Yong's car with an enthusiastic tone that made it difficult for him to refuse.

Liu Shina and Yang Hui sat in the back row, and after a few small talks at the beginning, they all lost the topic and sat on their own.

Song Qingqing sat in front, her voice pretending to be talking to Qin Yong gently, this feeling made Liu Shina sick.

After showing a mocking smile, he looked out the window.

Unexpectedly, there are some places Song Qingqing has to do more than himself. It seems that he has a quiet appearance, which is unexpected.

Liu Shina was not restrained at all, knocking on Erlang's legs, leaning lazily on the seat, the lights flashing in from the car window, flickering and dimming, those long and cocked legs have a fatal attraction to men.

When Qin Yong was talking with Song Qingqing, he would always look over inadvertently. When his eyes fell on Liu Shina's long legs, his expression was dull.

Yang Hui naturally discovered this and laughed mockingly, and then looked at Song Qingqing who was smiling at this moment meaningfully.

Yang Hui hated this pretentious lady, pretending to be a pure girl, and pretending not to know things she knew was really disgusting.

But looking at Qin Yong's attitude, Song Qingqing's body should not exceed one month.

There will be a good show at that time.Wenxin School

Thinking of this, the smile on Yang Hui's face grew thicker.

Lu Ping's flat car.

Xia Chenling sat quietly in the co-pilot, listening to Lu Pingping saying something she didn't understand.

For example, the car he drives now is the highest grade of BMW. It is not as good as expected. I regret buying it.

Talking about my recent troubles, I lost hundreds of thousands in stocks, but it was all right. I thought it was my own practice.

Xia Chenling always smiled and nodded. After Lu Pingping was quiet for a while, he started talking.

"Lu Pingping, there are some things I want to tell you clearly. I have an object. I hope you can understand what I'm talking about. I'm sorry, I wasted your time."

After speaking, there was a quiet moment in the car.

After that, Lu Pingping smiled slightly and gave Xia Chenling a gentle look, as if he was not angry at all.

After a light cough, he spoke seriously.

"Chen Ling, what is a waste of time? Even if it is rejected by you, then I am happy. At least I have the courage to pursue my happiness."


Xia Chenling raised her head, not expecting Lu Pingping to say that.

"Don't have any psychological burden on you. I won't put pressure on you. My current identity is your friend."

Lu Pingping said affectionately, with a smile still on the corner of his mouth, looking at this serious boy, Xia Chenling suddenly blamed himself.

"I'm sorry." Xia Chenling whispered.

"I'm sorry for what you say, and you can't force it on emotional matters. I asked you to have a meal that day. I also know that you are in a bad mood. I want you to come out to breathe and become happier."


Xia Chenling nodded and was silent for a long time. After a while, she raised her head again and saw Lu Pingping reveal a sweet smile: "Pingping, thank you."

From the name, it has become different.

"It's ok."

Lu Pingping turned his head and glanced at her, the two of them looked at each other and both smiled softly.

Lu Pingping's previous remarks really moved Xia Chenling, but he didn't think about other aspects, but regarded him as a friend.

After the chat, Xia Chenling finally started talking, and it was no longer Lu Pingping alone. The atmosphere was very good.

Soon, the three cars arrived at the Fred Hotel.

At the entrance of the brightly lit hotel, three men in uniform uniforms rushed over and helped open the car door.

The moment Song Qingqing got out of the car with her long skirt, her vanity was greatly satisfied, and she seemed to be the wife of a wealthy family.

At this time, Liu Shina and the others got out of the car. Song Qingqing felt frustrated again after noticing that they were all wearing luxury brand clothes.

Speaking of it, after she confirmed the relationship with Qin Yong, even after handing it over to him for the first time, she hadn't bought herself an expensive dress or bag.

Just took her for a few meals, but it was the first time for a hotel of this size like tonight.

Song Qingqing walked beside Qin Yong, put his arms around his shoulders, lowered his head slightly, and felt inferior again in his heart, even starting to blame his parents.

The moment Xia Chenling got out of the car, Lu Pingping's gentle smile disappeared, and instead clenched his teeth, his expression became hostile.

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