You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Is it clear, do you pay attention to what you say in the future?" Zhang Yushu continued, his expression serious, and he didn't seem to be joking with himself.

Shen Xiaoduo was completely stunned.

First of all, Gu Qingyuan's age is two years younger than him. What kind of thing is Gu Qingyuan, let him call him his brother?

Shen Xiaoduo's anger also came up, and his voice became a little higher, more like a roar: "Zhang Yushu, are you crazy? If you want me to call his brother, he Gu Qingyuan is something."

Realizing the impropriety of this sentence, Zhang Yushu also grinned, Xiaoxing Technology's affairs are so happy, this is the first time that he has been dazzled by joy.

"Oh, Xiaoduo, I don't have to. Qingyuan seems to be younger than you, but you should pay attention to what you say."

As he said, Zhang Yushu's words became cold again, paused, and said solemnly: "That's my brother, don't call him a bitch. I'll talk about it later, cousin, I'm not happy."


Shen Xiaoduo's eyes widened, and she didn't understand that this Zhang Yushu was still in a state of worry and distress in the morning. What happened suddenly?Become so happy, excited and abnormal.

"Cousin, what's wrong with you? Even if Xiaoxing Technology is good for you, you won't be like this."

Shen Xiaoduo asked worriedly, the wrinkles on his face had not been relaxed.

"Well, haha, of course it is good."

Zhang Yushu grinned and said, she had completely opened her heart in front of Shen Xiaoduo. Before He Chaoran, the city still kept herself in front of him, as if telling He Chaoran that such a small matter would not make me gloomy.

At this time, Zhang Yushu was completely lost, even a little crazy.

"What good is it to make you so happy?"

Shen Xiaoduo looked at him disgustingly, and this was the first time she saw her cousin's unsteady appearance.

He curled his lips again, gave him a white look, and said angrily: "Even if there is any good, a 30% increase in a plate like the third board is enough to count. Can that kind of plate be sold at that time? Is it another matter to go?"


Zhang Yushu smiled indifferently, and said, "Xiao Duo, you still underestimate the person Qingyuan. With 30 or 40 profit points, do you think he will be the third best plate?"

"Still underestimated?"

Shen Xiaoduo kept rolling his eyes at Gu Qingyuan, but he didn't say anything bad, but he kept cursing Gu Qingyuan in his heart.

I look down on you, will I look at you head-on?

"This Qingyuan... but he is betting that it will be listed on the A-share market." Zhang Yushu said very proudly, as if he had done something amazing, and looked very proud.

"Ah? What do you mean?" Shen Xiaoduo asked with a frown, hearing it in the mist, could it be that Gu Qingyuan poured him some soul chicken soup again?

"What do you mean?" Zhang Yushu glanced at Shen Xiaoduo with interest, paused briefly, and then said every word: "Xiaoxing Technology is going to be listed on the A-share market!"

After speaking, both of them fell silent, leaving only the sound from the TV in the room.

"To be listed?"

After a long time, Shen Xiaoduo asked very suspiciously, what's the joke, is the stock that you just bought in the morning notified to go public in the evening?


Zhang Yushu nodded affirmatively.

"How did you know?" Fanshu Novel Network

Shen Xiaoduo still didn't believe it, wondering if the truthfulness of what Zhang Yushu said was because Gu Qingyuan deliberately lied to him?

"Girl, what do you mean by this expression, you really think your brother is a fool, it's very easy to deceive."

Zhang Yushu smiled and touched Shen Xiaoduo's black hair affectionately.

"The financial news in the evening is directly reported. Will such news be fake?"


"Silly girl, what I lied to you is true!"

With that, Zhang Yushu got up and said, "I accompany my brother to see Xiaoxing Technology, the news is already overwhelming."


Shen Xiaoduo whispered, stood up, followed Zhang Yushu to the desk.

In fact, even now, Shen Xiaoduo still doesn't believe it.

Until Zhang Yushu could not wait to open Xiaoxing Technology's plate and clearly saw the statement issued by the corporate information, Xiaoxing Technology has made a technological breakthrough, has reached cooperation with many companies, and the time for the A-share listing is also It is marked that it will be listed together with other new shares at the time of the unified new stock listing in half a month.

"I really want to go public!"

Shen Xiaoduo whispered a word, and then said in disbelief, reaching out to hold the mouse, his palm still trembling slightly.

I carefully watched the statement issued by Xiaoxing Technology, and read it back and forth several times.

After a while, I accepted that Xiaoxing Technology was going to go public.

For Shen Xiaoduo, even now, the facts are in front of him, it is still unacceptable.

The main reason was that Gu Qingyuan couldn't accept that person, that bastard, and feint, so why could he be so powerful.

Zhang Yushu is now watching the trend of Xiaoxing Technology's time-sharing line today. If you look at it with hindsight, Gu Qingyuan's operations at that time were too confident and tricky.

It seemed that Gu Qingyuan was 100% sure about the listing of Xiaoxing Technology.


Shen Xiaoduo's face was unbelievable. If that person wasn't Gu Qingyuan, she would definitely be eager to ask him what he thought at the time.

To find out Xiaoxing Technology, and determine that it will be listed, and make such a full-buying operation, and a wonderful game with the dealer, you can imagine how difficult it is!

By accident, Zhang Yushu and Shen Xiaoduo looked at each other again, both showing extremely shocked expressions.

"To be honest, now looking at Xiaoxing Technology's disk, I am less and less convinced. This Qingyuan was purchased at the last time. It is really, really unimaginable, this kind of operation , Really."

Zhang Yushu shook his head, pondering the words, but still couldn't figure out how to describe Gu Qingyuan's evil spirits.

Shen Xiaoduo lowered her head and did not refute. Zhang Yushu completely agreed with what Zhang Yushu said at this time. Even if she hated Gu Qingyuan, she still had to admit that that person was very powerful, not so powerful.

At this time, Zhang Yushu's phone rang, and he slowly took it out. When is the time, it should be He Chaoran that fat man.

It was Gu Qingyuan's name that was shown, and Zhang Yushu suddenly sat upright, becoming excited involuntarily.

"It's Qingyuan!"

After exclaiming with joy, Zhang Yushu quickly answered the phone.

Shen Xiaoduo moved to Zhang Yushu's side, looking serious, full of curiosity to hear what Gu Qingyuan would say.

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