You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In this era, the most troublesome thing is the inconvenience of life and travel. Yun City is different from Shengzheng City. Even in the middle of the night, there are still taxis coming and going.

I wanted to find a hotel nearby to stay for the night, but in the streets and alleys where I was waiting, where to find it!

The point is that there is no such thing as navigation software at this time.

After walking trembling for a long time, Gu Qingyuan returned to the car again, planning to spend the night in the car. Before going to bed, he glanced at the phone again, and found Zhang Yushu's missed call, so he went back.

"Qingyuan, is something wrong?"

Zhang Yushu called cordially, and Gu Qingyuan felt that the phone rang only once, and he answered it.

"Huh? I saw you call me a few times in the afternoon, so I called you back. That... are you okay?"

Gu Qingyuan whispered, softly speaking, you can clearly hear that his words are full of fatigue.

"Oh, huh, it's okay, just... there is a dinner in the evening, depending on whether you have time."

Zhang Yushu said with a smile, and he felt a little embarrassed about the same excuse He Chaoran had made.

At that time, the call was made to accuse and question Gu Qingyuan. Now that I think about it, I am really ashamed.

"Oh." Gu Qingyuan replied in a low voice. After twisting his neck weakly, he asked again: "If you have a ticket for Xiaoxing Technology, don't care about its rise or fall for now. I don't want to look at its rise. Yes, I bet on the probability that it may be listed on A shares."

After speaking, Gu Qingyuan did not hear Zhang Yushu's answer, but after a few seconds of silence, he heard his laughter.

"Well, Qingyuan, when I watched the financial news tonight, Xiaoxing Technology has announced that it will go public, and it has made great technological breakthroughs."

Zhang Yushu came slowly.

"Huh? So fast?"

Gu Qingyuan just said this lightly, without any surprise or excitement, it gave people a feeling of strategizing.

Zhang Yushu admires this free and easy.

Zhang Yushu and Shen Xiaoduo glanced at each other, both eyes widened. Sure enough, Gu Qingyuan had already judged that this Xiaoxing technology was about to be launched.


"How did you know?"

Zhang Yushu asked the questions he knew, and then asked them dryly, like a child who didn't know anything, asking the teacher some questions that he thought were very difficult to solve.

"It's more troublesome to explain, but I didn't expect it to go public so soon, but it was something unexpected and planned."

Gu Qingyuan briefly said, already yawning in the car.

"Hang up first, a little tired."

Regardless of Zhang Yushu's side, after Gu Qingyuan said another sentence, he hung up the phone.

"This attitude is really arrogant, isn't it just a right guess."

Shen Xiaoduo stood up, said angrily, and after another blank glance at Zhang Yushu, he walked out of the room.

It's late, it's time to go home.

"You girl."

Zhang Yushu shook his head and smiled, knowing that this girl had a hard-mouthed mouth, and didn't want to admit that Gu Qingyuan was great.

He didn't care at all that Gu Qingyuan suddenly hung up, as if he would fall asleep when talking, he should be very tired.

Zhang Yushu smiled, got up and left the office.Food novel


After Lu Pingping sent Xia Chenling and Liu Shina back to the east gate of Shengzheng University, they also drove away.

The latter half of the night was the beginning of the carnival of these rich children.

On the way back, Lu Pingping had been inviting Xia Chenling and Liu Shina to play in the nightclub, but Xia Chenling refused on the pretext that the dormitory could not stay overnight.

What Xia Chenling and Liu Shina didn't expect was that Song Qingqing didn't come back. Instead, they sat in Qin Yong's car and went to the nightclub together.

"This Song Qingqing is really okay."

When she walked to the campus, Liu Shina smiled mockingly and looked in the direction of the car going away.

Xia Chenling didn't speak either, lowered his head, and walked forward next to Liu Shina.

Because of Song Qingqing's broken Three Views, Liu Shina's conversation box was opened and she kept talking about Song Qingqing.

"I didn't expect Song Qingqing to be such a quiet girl, so shameless."

"Lingling, Qin Puppy is okay with Song Qingqing, she delivers breakfast every day, and provides her with hot water every night, and sometimes even packs our hot water."

"It seems that before we broke up, this little dog Qin had already started work-study, saving money to buy a mobile phone for Song Qingqing."

"By the way, Lingling, do you remember that time, Song Qingqing suddenly wanted to eat skewers, the shops around the school were closed, the bus was gone, Qin Puppy just walked a few kilometers to buy it for her. "

"And that thing..."

As Liu Shina said, when he was approaching the dormitory building, Xia Chenling suddenly stopped.

"Um, Sina, you go up first, I think... I want to be alone."

Xia Chenling whispered, in the dark, her eyes were actually red.

She didn't understand why, for such a long time, Gu Qingyuan didn't answer a phone call or send a text message to herself, even if it was a breakup, she should come out and face it.

Is Gu Qingyuan so irresponsible?

And what happened tonight, Xia Chenling desperately wanted to know if it was true or not, as Lu Pingping and Shen Xiaoduo said, deceiving others' money.

Xia Chen was so aggrieved by inspiration, how could you beat my dad, at this time, resisting tears.


Liu Shina nodded, opened her mouth slightly, and wanted to say something. After thinking about it, she still didn't say anything, smiled slightly, and turned to the dormitory.

In Liu Shina's opinion, whether Xia Chenling or Song Qingqing are all too stupid and stupid, she simply thinks that as long as a man loves you, he can lose his temper and kill his patience unscrupulously?

Love is reciprocal, and if you blindly pass away, love will disappear.

Moreover, how did Gu Qingyuan treat you? What else do you Xia Chenling need to doubt? If you have to listen to some ugly words from others, should you doubt him?

Can the millions of cash given to you and those expensive gifts be obtained by kidnapping?

Besides, Shen Xiaoduo is also rich and noble. Gu Qingyuan doesn't have a backing, and being able to associate with them is not enough to show his strength?

Liu Shina didn't want to say these words to Xia Chenling, but she wouldn't add fuel to the fire and say something that would make them break up.

Liu Shina was waiting. If Xia Chenling broke up with Gu Qingyuan, she would definitely rush over and chase a boy for the first time.

After watching Liu Shina walk into the dormitory, Xia Chenling couldn't help it anymore and cried aggrievedly.

Slowly squatted down, and gradually cried.

After a while, Xia Chenling took out his cell phone and dialed Gu Qingyuan's cell phone choked up.

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