You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At this time, neither Su Rong nor Liu Shina fell asleep either. In the dark dormitory, both looked at Xia Chenling.

The corner of Liu Shina's mouth raised and smiled, a little disdainful, and roughly guessed that after parting with herself, Xia Chenling called Gu Qingyuan to question it, it's so late, and the woman in love is really stupid.

Turning over, Liu Shina didn't think about these things either. In short, she would not tell Xia Chenling what she thought of.

It's just... Liu Shina frowned slightly, always feeling that Gu Qingyuan is hard to get close to.

I made so many calls to him, only received one or two occasionally, and never took the initiative to come back once, is he really busy?This is also the first time that Liu Shina is not confident about herself.

Su Rong pursed her mouth tightly. Gu Qingyuan said that he would call herself today, but she never called and didn't bother him. She simply thought he must be busy.

There is a big difference between Su Rong and Xia Chenling. Once Su Rong falls in love, she will completely believe in each other, and she doesn't have any doubts.

Gu Qingyuan's words, good things, and bad things will be taken seriously, so... Su Rong held the phone in her hand and whispered in a low voice, "Qingyuan, you won't lie to me, will you? "


When Gu Qingyuan woke up, it was already noon.

The sun shone in from the window, making the car very sultry. Gu Qingyuan's forehead was already covered with sweat, and he felt dry pain in his throat.

Gu Qingyuan got up and sat there. After half a minute of slowing down, he gradually recovered. At this time, his head was still dizzy, a little unreal, and he couldn't even figure out where he was.

But I always remembered the words I said with Xia Chenling last night.

"What a fool."

Gu Qingyuan frowned slightly, cursed softly, opened the car door and walked down.

The car was parked in an alley, and people were already coming and going, and the shouting at the door of the restaurant kept ringing.

But just put a tweeter at the door, and after recording the sound in advance, it kept playing back and forth.

Gu Qingyuan found a restaurant with the loudest noise nearby and walked in.

I ordered some meals casually, and after gobbled it up, I walked in again from the Internet cafe.

Although I heard Zhang Yushu said that Xiaoxing Technology is about to stop listing, but the news it sends out, you still need to take a closer look. This is related to the trend of Xiaoxing Technology in A shares.

The current substantive news is also very important. Xiaoxing Technology’s internal market is very small. After the A-share listing, the external market will have to release a lot of shares. So the good news will attract new market makers to operate the external market. .

It is better to have some substantive news, which companies have reached cooperation with, the information similar to Internet +, at this time, it is easier to understand.

"Haha, are you so honest now?"

Looking at the news page of Xiaoxing Technology, Gu Qingyuan raised the corner of his mouth and laughed.

Since Xiaoxing Technology announced that it was going to go public, it has sent more than a dozen pieces of good news. It introduced the company in detail, including the technology developed, the companies it cooperates with, and even the reasons why the previous company suffered losses. Chu.

"Presumably, the details are required by venture capital companies. After all, the stock price in their hands will rise, and they can obtain more intuitive wealth. Now there is no need to hide it."

After reading the news, Gu Qingyuan turned off the computer and walked out. In the near future, there is no need to continue watching the market.

As for the final profit of Xiaoxing Technology, to be honest, Gu Qingyuan doesn't know.

Some professional judgments need to be judged in the market. However, it is not a problem to increase the price of these new stocks by ten times, not to mention Xiaoxing Technology and become a hot new stock in this batch of new stocks.

Because of the influence of software such as OO and ling520, Internet companies are more likely to receive attention.

Some subtle patterns in this world have already changed.

For example, today's young people, who talk about the most, have become OO software.

After getting in the car, Gu Qingyuan drove directly in the direction of Shengzheng. Not long after, it was Xia Chenling's call.80 Novel Network

"When will you come back, make clear what was said yesterday."

Just after answering the phone, Xia Chenling's cold voice came, and she was sitting on the bed in her pajamas, with a thick layer of dark circles on her white cheeks.

When the people in the dormitory were all going to have lunch, Xia Chenling hurriedly called Gu Qingyuan, still full of complaints, why didn't he take the initiative to call me.

"I'm on my way back, I guess I will arrive at that time in the evening."

Gu Qingyuan said, and at the same time couldn't help speeding up the car.

"where are you?"

"I'm in Yunzhou."

"Well, then you come back to me at night and make things clear."


After speaking, before Gu Qingyuan could say something else, Xia Chenling hung up the phone.

Gu Qingyuan gave a wry smile, and after putting down the phone, it rang again. It was Su Rong.

"Hey, Qingyuan, you finally answered the phone."

Su Rong said anxiously, with some grievances in her voice.

"Sorry, these two days have been too busy, so..."

"It's okay, you're fine, just worry about you a little bit."

Su Rong said softly, tearing down a leaf next to her to play with her, her cheeks were slightly ruddy, she wanted to say something numb and tender, but at this moment, she couldn't say anything.

"Can I... see you? I... miss you."

Su Rong said furiously.


Gu Qingyuan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt a little sorry for this docile girl like a lamb.

She didn't expect that after she had that kind of relationship with Su Rong, she would become like this. She seemed to have no principles at all, she just thought of others.

"Su Rong, I'm sorry."

Gu Qingyuan said softly.

"Ah? Why did you suddenly apologize?" Su Rong asked curiously, rolling her big eyes, and then asked again: "Could there be another woman?"

The second half of the sentence was very low, but I could hear that Su Rong was already a little sad.

"What are you thinking in your little head."

Gu Qingyuan cursed with a smile, and then said seriously: "I just ignored you a little, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, you can make so much money, it must be more hard work, so you still have to work hard."

Su Rong said with a smile.

It was at this moment that Gu Qingyuan could no longer feel the fatigue of his body. This feeling of being cared for was really... very good.

It's just that in the last life, after following Wu Qianhua, I never felt it.

The sun shines on the straight highway, and slowly, Gu Qingyuan's speed is getting faster and faster.

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