You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!It was already evening when he returned to Shengzheng, and Gu Qingyuan couldn't open his eyes when the sunset was so swaying. The vehicle was driving in the streets of Shengzheng, slowly moving.

Just after receiving a call from Zhang Zhi, Du Niang’s person in charge, Li Hong, has already arrived at the company. Gu Qingyuan still needs to decide on the final rocker to discuss some details of the acquisition.

Gu Qingyuan didn't hesitate either. After hanging up Zhang Zhi's phone, he sent a text message to Xia Chenling, and then turned around and drove towards the company.

With a "dingdong", Xia Chenling's cell phone rang.

At this time, she was having dinner with Edamame and the others. After seeing the text message from Gu Qingyuan, her beautiful face wrinkled deeply and pouting. The sitting Edamame and the others, both Seeing her mood change.

"what happened?"

Su Rong asked in a low voice, and after noticing the gaze from Edamame, she hurriedly lowered her head to avoid her sight.

Her cheeks were slightly red, Su Rong covered her cheeks with her hands, and a sense of shame surged from her heart.

About the incident between her and Gu Qingyuan, I was afraid that I would never have the courage to confess to Xia Chenling, and even if the two of them broke up, they would not have the courage to appear in front of Xia Chenling hand in hand with Gu Qingyuan.

Su Rong and Xia Chenling grew up together, how could this kind of thing be possible?

Half an hour later, Gu Qingyuan returned to the employee dormitory opposite the company, changed his suit, and returned to the company.

Coming to the company, in just a few days, many new faces were added, and even when Gu Qingyuan first entered the company, he was stopped by a sweet-looking waitress.

"Hello, who are you looking for? Is there an appointment?"

"Look for Zhang Zhi."

Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly, stopped her hurried footsteps, and turned to look at the panicked waitress.

"Is it Mr. Zhang? He is in a meeting. Or sit down and wait a while. After he finishes the meeting, I will let you know."

The waitress pointed to the sofa beside her and asked with a smile.

"Well, then call me Sun Yue."

Gu Qingyuan said, still sitting down where she pointed.

"Sun...Sun Yue?"

The hostess stammered and couldn't help but re-examine Gu Qingyuan, that young, thin and haggard face didn't look like a big leader or something.

However, the expensive suit on his body reflected the master's extraordinaryness.

"Do you have an appointment?"

The waitress asked again, frowning, obviously a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, let me call her."

Gu Qingyuan said flatly, took out the phone and dialed Bai Qiuling's cell phone, only to simply say "I'm at the door" and then hung up.

And the waitress wasn't even sure if the young man in front of her actually called Sun Yue, and she didn't hear the other party's voice.

Just over ten seconds later, an unbelievable scene appeared, and Sun Yue trot all the way to the door of the company.

And it looks flustered?

In her impression, Mr. Sun is a calm and steady woman, and she is also an idol in her heart. How can she ever see this anxious look?

"You are back."

Before reaching Gu Qingyuan's side, Sun Yue said with a smile.


Gu Qingyuan nodded, and walked straight into the company.

The waitress had already noticed something wrong, and at the moment Sun Yue appeared, she slightly bent over to face Gu Qingyuan.Must-Read House

It wasn't until Gu Qingyuan disappeared from her sight that she straightened up and returned to her original position.

But there are already speculations in his heart, he should be the young chairman who rarely shows up, right?The waitress thought so.

But then, a silly smile appeared on his face: "So handsome!"

"What? Don't the new receptionist know you?"

Sun Yue asked, but her brow furrowed slightly, she was a little angry.

"It's okay, but it's the best way, otherwise you will know me. Going to a foot massage with a special service, it will be embarrassing to be recognized, and it will damage the company's reputation."

Gu Qingyuan said with a smile, how could he care about what happened just now.

"Is that why you didn't attend the press conference?"

Sun Yue smiled, and when the two walked to the door of the meeting room, they stopped.

"Mr. Gu, some employees of the company don't even know that Ling520 and OO are the same company? Don't you need to announce it to foreign officials? This will increase our reputation for Xia Wei a lot."

Sun Yue was about to open the door of the meeting room for Gu Qingyuan. After she held her hand on the door handle, she paused slightly and stopped.

"At present, the company does not have the problem of the capital chain, and there is no need to consider financing, popularity, whether it is optional, or not to mention it temporarily, otherwise it will be more troublesome."

Gu Qingyuan nodded and said, Zhang Yushu and the others know that they are the founders of ling520. If they know that OO is also his, shouldn't they bother themselves?

However, these are not the main points. Not wanting to be famous is the real reason. Gu Qingyuan didn't want to live the life under the spotlight.

"it is good."

Sun Yue nodded and helped Gu Qingyuan open the door of the meeting room.

In fact, in Sun Yue's heart, it doesn't matter if she makes public announcements, but she is in this position, and she has to put forward some opinions that are beneficial to the company.

After closing the door, Sun Yue came to the waitress again. Although Gu Qingyuan thought it was a trivial matter, the company's employees did not know the chairman, but it was too unreasonable.


When he walked into the meeting room and looked at the face that he often saw on the TV in his previous life, Gu Qing was still in the same place, slightly surprised.

This sudden feeling is too indescribable.

"This is our President Gu."

Zhang Zhi stood up and introduced that he didn't expect Gu Qingyuan to stand stupidly, didn't he?This man is still nervous.

"Mr Gu, hello!"

The man who called Li Hong stood up, stretched out his hand, and walked to Gu Qingyuan's side.

At this time, OO's momentum is too great. In the Internet circle, seeing its founder is naturally very excited and admired.

"Oh, hello."

Only then did Gu Qingyuan react, smiled and stretched out his hand, holding Li Hong's hand together.

"You are the founder of Du Niang, too powerful."

Gu Qingyuan asked with a smile, and couldn't help being praised.In the last life, I used the software that I used the most, that is, Du Niang's software. If I have nothing to do, I will search for it, what kind of July day.

"Yes, but compared to you, it's too far behind."

Li Hong smiled honestly, and touched his hair embarrassingly, with a simple and honest appearance.

"Then let's sit down and talk."

Gu Qingyuan made a gesture of asking to sit, and after the two of them were seated, it was time to get to the point.

Let's talk about the acquisition of Du Niang.

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