You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Be careful from now on, don't talk around."

Shen Xiaoduo kept her head down and did not speak. As this topic continued, she could only make Zhang Yushu's situation more embarrassing. Gu Qingyuan frowned and said the last sentence, then turned and left.

Zhang Yushu glanced at Shen Xiaoduo and then walked out of the room. He Chaoran smiled at Shen Xiaoduo, but she was not in the mood to respond either, still keeping a straight face.

When the door was closed, Shen Xiaoduo screamed.


Shen Xiaoduo stretched out his hand and clenched a fist, and roared very uncomfortably!

Gu Qingyuan's aggressiveness just now really scared him, and now he feels that his performance just now is very embarrassing.

"Ah! Gu Qingyuan, you bastard!"

Shen Xiaoduo yelled, already standing up, clenching her fists, and her white cheeks were already flushed.

"And you Zhang Yushu, you turned your elbow out, you just marry Gu Qingyuan directly, anyway, you two also wear a pair of pants."

"He Fatty, why did you laugh at me last? Why? Is that mocking me?"

Even He Chaoran was scolded, so the woman's mind was really strange.


Downstairs, Gu Qingyuan and the others went to the Inspur Hotel in Zhang Yushu's car.

When Gu Qingyuan sat in the passenger seat and turned his head to look past, he found that it was Shi Yong.

"Huh? Why are you here."

Gu Qingyuan asked suspiciously. When introducing him to work, he was asked to follow He Chaoran. How could he be a driver in Zhang Yushu's car?

"Brother Gu."

Shi Yong smiled and nodded.

Zhang Yushu, who was sitting in the back row, paused and began to explain.

"Xiao Shi was here from Fatty. Seeing that he had a calm personality, he arranged for me as a driver."

"oh, I see."

Gu Qingyuan nodded, knowing what Zhang Yushu meant outside of his words, so he stopped talking about it and started chatting with Shi Yong.

"How is Hao Ji?"

Gu Qingyuan lay on the chair, looking out the window with blurred eyes, but he hadn't seen Hao Ji for some days. When he was done with Du Niang, go to school to see him.

"He's fine, and he's fatter again."

Shi Yong sat up straight and answered with a smile. His mood became excited at this time. The man with his eyes closed next to him was his greatest support.

"Okay, when I finish this time, call Hao Ji to have a meal."

Gu Qingyuan said lightly, closing his eyes as if he were asleep.

"it is good!"

Shi Yong nodded heavily, and was inexplicably proud of being able to say such close words to Gu Qingyuan.

Soon, the black Mercedes Benz arrived at the Inspur Nightclub. Zhang Yushu, Gu Qingyuan, and He Chaoran just sat on a deck and did not go to the private room.

In Gu Qingyuan's words, wouldn't it be better to watch your butt twist than in that private room?

After taking a sip of the foreign wine and putting down the glass, Gu Qingyuan finally talked about Xiaoxing Technology.

"As for Xiaoxing Technology, I have read some of its good news. It is all substantive news. For example, it has obtained financing and a joint venture with a large company. And now the Internet sector is very hot. In this way, Its expectations are still very high." 180 Novel

"Then... what is its expected return?"

Zhang Yushu asked in a low voice. If you listen carefully, you can even find that his voice is a little trembling.

Although I have heard of it, the expectation may be more than ten times, but in this case, only Gu Qingyuan can let the hanging heart in his heart fall.

"Expected earnings."

Gu Qingyuan's voice stretched very long, his brows frowned slightly, and he began to think.

After a while, he said lightly, "This way I don't know too much. I can only look at its intraday trend. Twenty times is possible."


Zhang Yushu took a deep breath. Gu Qingyuan's light and fluttering words made his heart upset, and the wine glass he was holding froze.

Now I trust Gu Qingyuan's words very much. If it is twenty times, it has reached 2 billion funds. This astronomical figure, even the Zhang family, is all the belongings.

But this is just a few days, such a thing is too unimaginable.

He Chaoran was already flushed with his fists clenched and buried his head very low. When Gu Qingyuan and Zhang Yushu talked about Xiaoxing Technology, he didn't say a word, so he listened silently. With.

Until I heard 20 times the words, the very special mood in my heart surged uncontrollably.

Regret, annoyance, heartache, envy, jealousy, etc., etc., these emotions occupy He Chaoran's heart.

Afterwards, Gu Qingyuan analyzed some of Xiaoxing Technology's technical board eloquently, with a relaxed and calm look, giving people a free and easy temperament.

Zhang Yushu tried his best to restrain his emotions, but he always showed a dull smirk and looked dull.

"It's like this. There is no need to operate in the near future. When you need to operate Xiaoxing Technology, it will take at least a month. In short, this time is also very good."

After summarizing the last words, Gu Qingyuan stood up and prepared to leave after drinking the last glass of wine.

He was talking all night, Zhang Yushu just smirked and nodded, and He Chaoran's pig face has been strained, such a small gathering is really boring.

In an instant, He Chaoran raised his head, suddenly stretched out his hand, and grabbed Gu Qingyuan's arm.

Slightly opened his mouth and stammered: "Qin...Qinyuan, are there any stocks similar to Xiaoxing Technology in the third board?"

The air froze in an instant, and Gu Qingyuan looked at He Chaoran with a slight astonishment. Even in the previous life, he didn't realize that He Chaoran was so naive.

The fat face that was raised up still looks a little cute.

"What do you want?"

Gu Qingyuan said angrily, and pulled He Chaoran's hand away.


He Chaoran let out a long sigh, it turned out to be a bit vicissitudes.

"Okay, don't let this ghost look anymore. Let's talk about it when you have this opportunity in the future."

Gu Qingyuan comforted, patted his fat shoulder, and walked outside the nightclub.

Zhang Yushu smiled and patted He Chaoran on the shoulder as well, and then quickly chased him.

He Chaoran sat stupidly on the sofa, and the mood to send Gu Qingyuan and Zhang Yushu to them was gone, and the real heart was cut.

When returning home, Zhang Yushu did not call the driver, but took Gu Qingyuan back in person.

Walking on the wide street with an old nostalgic song in the car, Zhang Yushu turned to look at Gu Qingyuan, slightly opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

"Don't say anything." Gu Qingyuan said directly, then closed his eyes and added softly: "If you treat me as a brother, don't say anything."

After speaking, Gu Qingyuan actually snored.

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