You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The next day, Gu Qingyuan, Zhang Zhi, Li Ping, and Li Hong arrived at the airport early in the morning and took a plane to Shengzheng to complete the final purchase of Du Niang.

After arriving in Jingbei in the afternoon, everything went smoothly. After solving everything, Gu Qingyuan took a long sigh of relief, feeling quite relieved.

"What's wrong with you?"

Standing by Gu Qingyuan's side, Zhang Zhi asked curiously when he saw him leaning against the wall showing that look.

I still remember the light-hearted look when the OO farm was developed, but now he has only acquired a small company. I don't understand why this man is so...nervous?

"Just a little nervous."

Gu Qingyuan smiled and said truthfully, at this time it was only him and Zhang Zhi, and it didn't matter if he showed his emotions.

"You still have moments of nervousness." Zhang Zhi smiled, frowned slightly, thought about the question about Du Niang, and then asked: "Do you really like Du Niang so much?"


The corners of Gu Qingyuan's mouth raised, revealing white teeth, looked at Zhang Zhi with a smile, and nodded vigorously.

"It is necessary to build Du Niang into the world's largest search engine, committed to making netizens more convenient to obtain information and find what they are looking for. It is necessary to create a database of hundreds of billions of Chinese web pages so that netizens can find relevant search results instantly."

Gu Qingyuan's eyes were bright at this time, and his expression was particularly serious when he said these words.

Zhang Zhi was stunned for a moment. He didn't know how to pick up this topic. It wasn't that he didn't trust Du Niang software, but he was a little shocked. How could he know the search field so much?

"Zhang Zhi, if you go back, you must set up a department about Du Niang search engine as soon as possible. Of course, I will give you some technical guidance and research and development directions, including advertising slogans. I have all thoughts about it. It is Du Niang, you Just know.

Don’t look at the simple slogan of this slogan. The simpler the advertisement, it will be catchy and remembered..."

Gu Qingyuan talked freely, and the more he talked, the more vigorous he was. The two people stood in a corridor and talked for more than half an hour. Most of the time, he was talking by himself, and Zhang Zhi just coordinated the place. head.

Which Internet companies Du Niang wanted to cooperate with, and which companies he wanted to provide services to, etc., and so on. Zhang Zhi clenched his fists and remembered these things with a high concentration of energy.


After taking the plane and returning to Shengzheng, several people returned to the company directly, and a meeting about Du Niang was about to be held.

Headed by Gu Qingyuan, Zhang Zhi and Sun Yue, all wearing very professional suits, walked in hurriedly from the door of the company, and then walked straight towards the meeting room.

The receptionist at the front desk has already slightly bent down. The group of interns standing not far away is obviously a little panicked. Everyone is holding a stack of thick documents in their hands, but they see the one standing in the first row. After a man lowered his head, the group of people behind also lowered their heads.

When Gu Qingyuan strode past this group of interns, he was still a little regretful. He finally had the opportunity to see the legendary big boss, but he didn't even have the chance to look closely.

After that, Chen Jiangshui and Sun Miaomiao also walked into the meeting room. At their level, some decision-making meetings in the company all need to be attended.Weishu Bar

Without any preparations, Gu Qingyuan stood on the main stage and talked dryly about Du Niang's research and development, but it was organized and well-accepted by Zhang Zhi and others.

It is another group of big investments. According to Gu Qingyuan, Du Niang has a huge situation. The database of those websites alone is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Financing seems a little imminent.

After talking about R&D, technology, direction, cooperation, etc., the meeting basically came to an end. Sun Yue finally seized the opportunity and asked questions about financing.

"As Mr. Gu just said, if this happens, the funds will face a big test. Judging from the current capital flow of Xiawei, Du Niang's research and development must be realized through financing."

Sun Yue raised her hand and said, with a high-pitched tone, fully showing the strong side of the strong woman, and looking at Gu Qingyuan. These problems, as the executive director of the company, need him to solve these problems.

"If you raise money... just wait."

Gu Qingyuan shook his head, but refused to consider financing. Where is Xia Wei’s company’s future ceiling? At this time, even Gu Qingyuan is unimaginable. Therefore, now that financing comes in, those golden shares will really be considered. The cabbage price is sold.

"Wait? When will you wait?"

Sun Yue continued to ask, her tone a bit aggressive for a moment.

She respected Gu Qingyuan very much, and she also admired them in her heart for the development of software day and night.

It's just that it's the right thing and the wrong person. Standing in this position and enjoying the wealth it brings to you, you should raise the company's urgent need to solve the problem.

Fortunately before the acquisition of Du Niang, OO's wealth operation, as long as the investment in research and development is not increased, the capital chain is completely fine.

But just like Gu Qingyuan just said, Du Niang's investment is astronomical.

If you don’t raise funds now, and just focus on research and development blindly, when the capital chain breaks, this new Internet giant is likely to collapse, and competitors in the same industry will step on you. .

Some words sound alarmist, but when they happen, the consequences may be more serious.

"With funds, there is no need to worry about it at the moment. It should be resolved in about a month."

Gu Qingyuan looked at Sun Yue's eyes and answered seriously.

One month later, it is the time for Xiaoxing Technology to sell. Gu Qingyuan estimated its profit at 2 billion, and by that time, the chip in his brain can be upgraded.

At that time, all the issues you are looking at should be different from now.

Sun Yue nodded and withdrew those sharp gazes, but at this time her brows were already frowning, and she was obviously not satisfied with Gu Qingyuan's perfunctory answer.

But it's not easy to say anything at this moment. The chairman's dignity still needs to be upheld, but after the meeting, there are some things, even if they are ugly, that must be said.

After that, the meeting ended after another ten minutes. Except for Sun Miaomiao, Zhang Zhi, and Li Ping, the veteran-level people did not leave. Some employees who looked like new faces to Gu Qingyuan got up and left.

When leaving the meeting room, Gu Qingyuan also wanted to bend down and nod, then gently opened the door and walked out.

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