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Lu Pingping raised his head to look into Gu Qingyuan's eyes, and also said not to be outdone, that he would naturally not lose face in front of Xia Chenling.

"What are you doing?"

Without waiting for Gu Qingyuan to say anything, Xia Chenling opened his hand and stood in front of Lu Pingping. A beautiful face was wrinkled with layers of wrinkles.

Xia Chenling knew that Gu Qingyuan was very impulsive, and she worried that the man in front of her would suddenly slap Lu Pingping a few times.

"What are you doing in such a hurry? I didn't do anything."

Gu Qingyuan laughed mockingly and looked down at Xia Chenling.


Xia Chenling snorted coldly, hands on hips, looking at Gu Qingyuan very imposingly.

"Go ahead, how do you explain those things?"

Xia Chenling asked aggressively again.

Gu Qingyuan frowned. He didn't expect that the originally so quiet girl, after becoming her object, realized that there would still be such an unreasonable and aggressive side.

"Let's talk to a place where no one is."

After Gu Qingyuan frowned and said something, he stretched out his hand to grab Xia Chenling's arm and walked toward the car.

"Just say it here."

Xia Chenling pouted his ass and dragged back vigorously. Gu Qingyuan's anger was still in his heart. He scolded himself for being stupid. The picture of beating his father is still vivid, and he does not want to have such an intimate behavior with him.

"You let me go and just say it here."

"Quickly let me go."

"Just say it here!"

"Ah! You let me go!"

Suddenly, Xia Chenling exploded, jumped up all of a sudden, and after struggling to break free, he staggered back and forth, and fell directly to the ground.

"Lingling, are you okay?"

Gu Qingyuan stepped forward, trying to help Xia Chenling come, but she didn't expect her to become very excited, and shouted at Gu Qingyuan, "Don't touch me."

He raised his hand in the air and stopped, Gu Qingyuan was stunned, watching Lu Pingping help Xia Chenling up.

This feeling is even more disgusting than eating flies.

"Gu Qingyuan, I didn't make a joke with you, and don't make a hippy smile with me. I'm telling you seriously now, and I'll explain here."

Xia Chenling continued, her eyes were already flushed.

At this time, the passing classmates gathered around one after another. They still like to watch this kind of bloody plot.

Ye Peipei was also standing in the middle of a group of students, tiptoeing, looking carefully at Gu Qingyuan's side.

"There was a fight over there."


"Go and take a look."

I have to say that apart from the auntie in the square, contemporary stinking college students are the most popular group to watch. After hearing the crowds outside the school, the students on campus quickly ran out.

"Sister Xiaoduo, let's go out and have a look." Baolai Novel Network

Yang Huizheng took Shen Xiaoduo's arm and walked towards the east gate. After seeing the crowd onlookers, she took her arm to speed up.

If it was Shen Xiaoduo alone, she might not be interested in watching the excitement, but she was always pulled by Yang Hui. She was very well-tutored, so she couldn't refuse directly, so she had the mentality of taking a look at the past.

Of course, the affair of the young lady she had in front of Gu Qingyuan had only been maddening in front of such an outsider.

"Lu Pingping?"

Yang Hui exclaimed. He didn't expect that it was him who was arguing, but in this school, does anyone dare to provoke Lu Pingping?

So he turned his head to look at the opposite Gu Qingyuan. The man was wearing a well-fitting suit. Although he looked young, he should not be a student at Shengzheng University.

Although the people in the student union are all wearing suits, but the suit on this man seems to be a customized one?Not only can you buy it with money, you need to make an appointment.

How can those in the student union afford such expensive suits?Wait!

Yang Hui looked at Gu Qingyuan with a hint of suspicion.Isn't his body fake?

Shen Xiaoduo lowered his body, and didn't want Gu Qingyuan to see him. Zhang Yushu and Zhang Yuqiang were not here at this time. What if this impulsive violent man finds himself out of anger?

"I was upset when I was broken up. Did you come up to the woman to seek revenge?"

Thinking this way, Shen Xiaoduo turned his head and glanced at Xia Chenling again, casting a look of regret and sympathy at her.

"There are a lot of people here, or find a place where no one is there to talk, okay?"

Gu Qingyuan asked again, and didn't move forward. He also knew Xia Chenling's temper. She was getting angry. It would be better to follow her meaning, otherwise it would blow up again, just like just now.

Noting that there were more and more classmates around, Xia Chenling had red eyes and looked at Gu Qingyuan pitifully, with a few red finger prints on his white arms.

Originally, he wanted to nod and agree, but suddenly, Lu Pingping suddenly stood up, pushing Gu Qingyuan with both hands, suddenly making him back several steps.

"Lao Tzu asked you something, are you hitting all the fucking women?"

Lu Pingping roared, this sentence made him stand on a moral high point.

The classmates showed a suddenly realized expression and looked at Gu Qingyuan with a trace of contempt.


Shen Xiaoduo lowered his head, cursed in a low voice, and frantically supplemented the picture in his mind. Xia Chenling was about to break up with him. Gu Qingyuan disagreed and beat other women. What a scum among men.

"Lu Pingping, don't you!"

Xia Chenling pulled the corner of Lu Lu's flat clothes and said anxiously.

"What are you!"

Suddenly, beside Shen Xiaoduo, there was a female voice, and it was Yang Hui who shouted, and then she squeezed the crowd away, looking inside and walking.

The most important thing is that Yang Hui took Shen Xiaoduo's hand and came to the center of the crowd together. At this time, she reacted and quickly let go of Yang Hui's hand. When she raised her head, she found a pair of cold eyes looking at her. .

So Shen Xiaoduo turned her head and looked around pretendingly, trying to pretend to be someone who is not in the same group as Yang Hui, Lu Pingping, and the rest of her eyes still secretly looking at Gu Qingyuan.

Yang Hui pointed at Gu Qingyuan arrogantly at this time. She was used to being arrogant and domineering in school. Shen Xiaoduo and Lu Pingping were absent at the same time, and she felt more confident in her heart. Therefore, she is even stronger than usual. Be crazy.

Gu Qingyuan didn't say a word, just ignored the woman, but looked at Xia Chenling, wanting to see her attitude.

"Even if it is a breakup, it should be discussed in private." Gu Qingyuan said coldly.


Hearing Gu Qingyuan saying "break up" twice, Xia Chenling finally panicked, without reacting for a while, and the sense of security in her heart disappeared instantly.

If you are very dependent on someone and feel safe with him, you will vent the very bad emotions on him, and he will not leave himself anyway.

Xia Chenling was such a person, but at this moment, she was scared.

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