You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Xia Chenling stayed in place, and tears gradually wetted his eyes. In the blurred vision, only a petite figure was seen taking a step towards Gu Qingyuan.

"What are you?"

Yang Hui couldn't bear the appearance of the man in front of him, ignoring him, stepped forward, raised his arm, and struck Gu Qingyuan hard in the face.


With a cry of pain, Yang Hui's hand was raised in the air, unable to fight it down.

Gu Qingyuan looked at Yang Hui with a cold gaze, his right hand was like a pliers, grabbing her arm, and a little harder, he heard Yang Hui's shout.

"Hit her! Hit her!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Peipei, who was shrinking in the crowd, became extremely excited, clenching her pink fist, and waving it in a small amplitude.

Ye Peipei hated Yang Hui's daughter, including Lu Pingping's group, and at the same time, there was a trace of fear for them.

Therefore, seeing Gu Qingyuan holding Yang Hui's hand and hitting her at any time, my heart became eager.

"Let go of my mother!"

Yang Hui murmured, but as soon as the voice fell off, a solid slap fell on her face covered with foundation.

With a "pop", the powder on his face turned out to be a lot of dust bounced up, and students who stood close could see it, showing how hard it was.

"Cool! Fight again, fight again!"

Ye Peipei waved her fists and clenched her gums, as if she had done it herself. It was very entertaining.

Yang Hui subconsciously stretched out her other hand to touch her red and swollen cheek, but before she could react, Gu Qingyuan greeted her with another slap in the face.

Gu Qingyuan released the hand holding Yang Hui, shaking it back and forth.





After four consecutive slaps, Yang Hui directly sat on the ground, raised her head, looking at Gu Qingyuan with a frightened expression, and hurriedly kicked her legs back a few times.

Why did Lu Pingping and Shen Xiaoduo ignore themselves?Yang Hui first thought of this question, and it was because of the presence of the two of them that she was so proud.

When she turned her head to look at Shen Xiaoduo, she had been standing stupidly, although she was still beside her, it could be seen that her face was pale and her calves were still shaking.

Are you shaking?

Yang Hui couldn't help being a little scared. Maybe the man in front of him was not simple.

And Lu Pingping was already squeezed in the crowd, he still didn't want to have any conflict with this reckless man, if his brain got hot and he did something irreparable, then he would lose out.

For Xia Chenling, including Yang Hui, it's not worth it.

If it was Shen Xiaoduo who was beaten, Lu Pingping would consider going up and fighting, after all, it was the Shen family!

"What's wrong with you!"

Gu Qingyuan's anger also came up, and he lifted his leg and kicked directly on Yang Hui's shoulder. With a "boom", there was a muffled noise.

"Ah! Ah, my shoulder!"

Yang Hui clutched her shoulders and rolled on the ground, and she kept backing away. She didn't expect the man in front of her to attack so hard.

It's just that Yu Guang saw that Gu Qingyuan was still getting closer to him step by step, so why don't you let him go?

"Ah! Don't you come here?"

Yang Hui screamed out loud, her voice no longer hoarse, no more arrogance and domineering a minute ago, and her body trembled.

"It's enough!"

Suddenly, Xia Chenling stepped forward and slapped Gu Qingyuan's face firmly with a slap.

"Are you crazy!"

Xia Chenling screamed, raising his fist and hitting Gu Qingyuan's chest, face, and shoulders continuously, exhausting every effort.360 Literature Network

"All right."

Gu Qingyuan grabbed Xia Chenling's arm and stopped her. When she looked at her, tears already wetted her entire face.

"What? Do you want to hit me even if you hit my dad? You still hit my friend today. Why, do you still want to hit me now?"

Xia Chenling gritted his teeth and said in a choked voice. The voice was so high that the people around could clearly hear it, causing an uproar.


"This person also beats other people's father."

"Is it a pervert?"

"Violent man!"

"That is to say, but that Mercedes-Benz is also his. People are rich."

"It's really rubbish to bully the girls in our school because I have money."


The students around had already pointed at Gu Qingyuan and started cursing. Shen Xiaoduo also sneered when he heard Xia Chenling's hysterical curses just now. Didn't expect this scum to be so bad that he would hit his father?

"I hit her?" Gu Qingyuan sneered, and let go of Xia Chenling's arm. "Did you not see that she just reached out to hit me?"

"But did she hit?"

Xia Chenling questioned, she was very emotional at this time. When she was speaking, her body was still shaking, the hairpin on her head had fallen off, and her black hair was dancing, covering her cheeks on both sides.

At this time, Xia Chenling's appearance made people look a little pity.

"Why is your brain circuit so strange?"

Gu Qingyuan frowned and asked, this kind of attitude completely angered the boys around watching the excitement.

"Damn, let's sell this stuff together."


"Go together!"

At first, a few excited boys yelled, and then a tall man stepped forward and pushed Gu Qingyuan's back. Then, a group of outraged boys swarmed up.


"Kill this beast!"

"Fight to the death!"

All of a sudden, the entrance to the Dongdaemun school became a mess. A group of boys stomped on Gu Qingyuan frantically, and most of them didn't exert much strength. Every click was very painful.

Gu Qingyuan squatted, holding his head in both hands, protecting the key parts.

The moment he was pushed to the ground by the tall boy, two boys touched their heads and mended his feet, and for a moment felt dizzy.

After gritting his teeth, Gu Qingyuan pushed forward hard, and the group of boys who hit him in front rushed to the ground.

Gu Qingyuan stood up quickly, blood stains on his forehead.

After a few steps back and forth, the tall boy who did the first thing rushed up first.

Gu Qingyuan was startled slightly, a familiar face, it was him!

This man was Zhou Zhe in a dormitory of Kang Xiaoyong, and he obviously knew Gu Qingyuan.

The tall figure rushed towards him, Gu Qingyuan didn't have any softness, and quickly punched him directly in the abdomen, exhausting all he could.


Zhou Zhe fell to the ground, knelt on one knee, and punched him tightly, making him sweat and his face pale.

Gu Qingyuan raised his leg again and kicked it on his face, and his nosebleeds flowed out instantly.

"Zhe Zhou, right? Your father remembers you!"

Zhou Zhe held his nose for a moment, but didn't expect that he still knew his name?

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