You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Come on, you continue calling to Lao Tzu."

Qiao Yu let out a sneer, stood high on the coffee table, then bent down, looking at Ji Tianhao, who was already shaking a little.

Although usually arrogant and domineering, facing such a really crazy person, he is still very afraid.

Why is this person so good?Is he crazy?Will you miss me and kill me?

Ji Tianhao was so worried in his heart, this was the first time he felt the threat of death.

"Brother Joe, forget it, it's almost done."

He Chaoqun took a step forward and said with a sad face, that Ji Tianhao had an accident in his store this time, and he couldn't get rid of it, not to mention this Qiao Yu brought it by himself.

"Go away!"

Qiao Yu spit out two words coldly, without turning his head to look at He Chaoqun, his eyes fixed on Ji Tianhao, those fierce eyes, like a lion staring at his prey.

"I will abolish you now, just now."

As Qiao Yu said, his right hand was already spreading his fist, and his fist was fast. Before Ji Tianhao could react, he made a conditioned reflex back movement, and those fists were constantly expanding in his pupils.

"Qiao Yu!"

He Chaoran exclaimed. He was also a little panicked at the moment. With this punch, it is really possible to beat Ji Tianhao to death.

The Ji family is well-known for protecting shortcomings. When the time comes, he will definitely be inseparable.

The electric light flint directly, at the moment Qiao Yu punched, Gu Qingyuan quickly kicked his foot on the sofa, directly at Qiao Yu's temple, and kicked it up.

Qiao Yu flew out in an instant, fell two or three meters away, hit a table beside him, and spilled the drink on the ground.

"It's fine."

Gu Qingyuan whispered, but the punch still didn't hit Ji Tianhao's face.The latter turned his head to look at Gu Qingyuan in surprise, and saw that he did not hesitate for a moment, leaping high, and leaping towards Qiao Yu.

Suddenly jumped to the table next door, and came across a large bottle of wine again, and the crackling sound continued.

Gu Qingyuan sat on Qiao Yu's stomach all of a sudden, and didn't want to give him any reaction time. He waved left and right back and forth, Boom!Boom!Boom!Boom...

Every time I hit a circle, there will be a muffled sound, fists to the flesh, blood is constantly pouring out from the bridge of the nose and the corners of the eyes.

Qiao Yu felt a little dizzy with Gu Qingyuan's kick before. After being beaten with Gu Qingyuan's constant fists, he passed out within a few strokes.

Gu Qingyuan just punched and punched, and Qiao Yu wouldn't be able to move when he got to the back. However, people who practiced fighting since childhood had better resistance to fighting than ordinary people, even though the bridge of the nose and the corner of the eyes Fractures, but there is no danger to life.

After beating for half a minute, Gu Qingyuan stopped breathing heavily. At this moment, there were already people in a circle around him, but they were all a few steps away. Lu watched all this in horror.

Qiao Yu fell in a pool of blood, his face full of blood, looking very hideous, his left and right cheeks just swelled, and his breathing became weak.

Zhang Yushu and the others looked at each other a bit. They didn't expect that the man who seemed haggard and dozed off all day, was so strong?

But only He Chaoran knew that Gu Qingyuan was really powerful.

Ji Tianhao finally turned around, stood up slowly, and glanced at the bodyguard lying on the ground.

"Waste!" ok composition network

He screamed in a low voice, and walked in the direction where Qiao Yu was lying. Ji Tianhao kicked Qiao Yu's body with his toes, without any response he should have.

Looking condescendingly at his swollen face, he said with a smile: "Your mother who really beat me doesn't recognize you anymore."

Turning his head to look at Gu Qingyuan who was sitting on the ground, he walked two steps and squatted beside him.

Ji Tianhao gently put his hand on Gu Qingyuan's shoulder, smiled and said, "Thank you brother."

"Go away, don't get close to Lao Tzu."

Gu Qingyuan breathed heavily, and stretched out his hand to push away Ji Tianhao's hand on his shoulder.

Just a few explosive actions have already made Gu Qingyuan overwhelmed, staying up day and night to do research and development, and long-term accumulation has made Gu Qingyuan's physique very poor.

"Take care of this."

Gu Qingyuan whispered a word, slowly stood up, Ji Tianhao smiled slightly and then stood up.

"Well, it's all monitored, it's easy to deal with. This goods also carried a murder weapon, and almost killed Lao Tzu, grass!"

As he said, Ji Tianhao cursed in a low voice, his eyes became grim, and he looked like a different person from before.

"It should be Wu Qianhua's instigation, otherwise this stupid lack will not start suddenly, it is best to be able to find his head, not to just grab such a husky, it is meaningless."

Ji Tianhao whispered, gnawing his teeth when mentioning Wu Qianhua's name.

But what surprised Gu Qingyuan. Since Ji Tianhao and Wu Qianhua's hatred is so deep, why didn't they have any impression of him in the previous life?

It seems that everything has become different.

Gu Qingyuan didn't say anything, walked to Zhang Yushu's side, said goodbye, and walked towards the door of the nightclub.

"Qingyuan, I will give it to you."

Zhang Yushu said with a smile, pulling Lin Nan and Shen Xiaoduo out of the wave nightclub together.

In the next stall, Zhang Yushu was not going to intervene in it. It was Ji Tianhao and He Chaoqun's business. As for Wu Qianhua's bodyguard, it was just a chess piece.

Wu Qianhua is too cruel, but he probably won't find any substantive evidence.

Zhang Yushu thought as he walked, feeling a little pitiful in his heart He Chaoqun, it is estimated that after tonight, his status in the He family will decline a bit, and that Fatty He's life may be better.

When Gu Qingyuan walked to the entrance of the nightclub, he did not drive away, but walked towards the shopping mall beside him. At this time, he was so hungry that he was ready to eat.

"Where to go?"

Zhang Yushu quickly followed, and walked side by side with Gu Qingyuan.

Lin Nan paused on the spot, but still did not follow. After smiling and greeting Shen Xiaoduo, he drove away alone.

After tonight, the Ji family and the Wu family are completely torn apart. Lin Nan is afraid that following Gu Qingyuan will let Wu Qianhua have chosen the team.

The little Lin family can't stand the toss, so it's better to be farther from both sides.

Shen Xiaoduo naturally didn't want to stay with Gu Qingyuan for a while. In the bloody scene that just happened, although he felt that Gu Qingyuan's action was a very correct thing, he was more afraid of him in his heart.

A completely violent man, you must stay away.

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