You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Go to the mall to eat something, Fatty's fruit plate is not full."

Gu Qingyuan smiled and said something, and walked forward quickly. Seeing that eager look, he was really hungry.

"Okay, ha ha." Zhang Yushu smiled faintly, and walked side by side with Gu Qingyuan, "Would you like to go to the honorable restaurant to eat?"

"Get closer."

"That's OK, I still have something to tell you."

In a shopping mall building, Gu Qingyuan and Zhang Yushu found a hot pot and sat there. After occupying a small table for two, they chatted while eating.

At the same time, on a street in Shengzheng, a red Ferrari was galloping in the street, occasionally putting a sudden brake, which proved that the owner's car skills are very ordinary.

After another red light, the car stopped on the side of the road.

Shen Xiaoduo took out his cell phone. It turned out that Yang Hui was calling. Without thinking about anything, he answered the phone.

"Xiao Duo, where are you now?"

On the hospital bed, Yang Hui was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding the phone in both hands, and roaring in a low voice.

"Ah? On Dongshan Street, what's wrong?"

Shen Xiaoduo said sternly, Yang Hui's voice was very anxious, making her vaguely uneasy.

"Xiao Duo, you must help me."

With that, Yang Hui was already choking and crying, and in the corridors of the hospital, a faint crying could be heard.

"What's the matter?"

"I...I don't know exactly what the reason is, was suddenly inexplicable today. The Zhang family said that there was a problem with our supply, and then...then we have to hold accountable. What should we do? Xiaoduo, Hurry up, call your cousin, be sure to help me this time, help me!"

"Problem with supply?"

Shen Xiaoduo asked hesitantly, if it is really a supply quality problem, how can he help?

"Yes, my family has been cooperating with Zhang's family for more than ten years, and the supplied materials have been no problem, but today... today suddenly said that there was a problem with the goods, and... and refused to pay us the previous payment. "

"Well, there will be a dedicated team to check whether the supply is qualified, and I have no way now.

Shen Xiaoduo said with some embarrassment, like this kind of business dealings, and it's still the Zhang family, how can I get involved?

"No, Xiaoduo, it's not what you think. The quality of our goods is definitely no problem. We have been cooperating for many years. How could our Yang family beg those petty profits and give Zhang's fake goods? , Isn't that seeking a dead end."

Yang Hui said loudly, because it was too hard to drive the muscles of the face, there would be pain in the bones.


Shen Xiaoduo just muttered in a low voice. In this case, she didn't dare to promise Yang Hui anything.

"In short, this incident happened too strange, and the Zhang family's attitude was very tough, and they didn't give our family any affection at all. Even if there is really something wrong, this is impossible."

Yang Hui continued, speaking very fast, holding the phone tightly in both hands, as if this was the last straw.

"It should be the right thing and the wrong person."

Shen Xiaoduo said lightly, frowning, already thinking about finding an excuse to hang up.

He and Yang Hui are only acquaintances, and there is no friendship between them, and this question also involves Zhang's business, so it is better not to bother yourself.58 reading

"No, Xiaoduo, you have to believe me. The quality of my goods is definitely not a problem. I doubt if it's Gu Qingyuan or whether he has a particularly good relationship with your cousin."

Yang Hui mentioned the man's name again, and at noon, she was still vowing that she would never let him go. At this time, she felt a deep fear in her heart.

"Gu Qingyuan?"

Shen Xiaoduo frowned and repeated the name.

I thought about the details of some things, such as Zhang Yushu deliberately not going to look at his mobile phone tonight, and talking with a project manager, to avoid him.

In the past, Zhang Yushu never shy away from himself.

"Little Duo?"

Yang Hui whispered, Shen Xiaoduo still did not answer, still thinking about this matter, after a long time, he murmured:


Hearing these three words, Yang Hui couldn't help but tremble. It was Gu Qingyuan's words of revenge on him, and his father's decades of hard work were destroyed in his own hands.

When I deal with those people in the circle, I have always been cautious, never offend anyone, even if I say a word, I still have to consider it in my heart.

But why do you want to make it today?People who can spend the holidays with Shen Xiaoduo can still retreat all over, so his strength should not be underestimated.

Thinking of this, Yang Hui raised her fist and hammered herself twice, and tears of regret flowed down again.

"Xiao Duo, is that Gu Qingyuan and your cousin have a particularly good relationship?"


Shen Xiaoduo nodded truthfully, and the guess in his heart probably had a result, and it was very likely that Gu Qingyuan was the cause of it.

Yang Hui's breathing became hurried, and her left hand tugged at the corner of her clothes, begging: "Xiao Duo, what should I do, you must help me."

"Xiao Duo, you have to help me!"

"Help me, I beg you."

"I beg you."

Yang Hui kept begging, and at this time no dignity, tears mixed with her nose and ran down.

At the door of the ward, Yang Hui's father clenched his fists, listening to his daughter's voice just now, his heart was already suffocated.

In his opinion, if the trade-off between the daughter and the family property were to be made, he would choose the latter without hesitation.Only he himself can appreciate the hardships and difficulties of the family business he has earned over decades of hard work.

Outside, he naturally has illegitimate children, so after weighing the pros and cons, Yang Hui no longer matters.

After a while, Shen Xiaoduo nodded lightly and whispered: "Okay, then I'll give it a try."

"Xiao Duo, thank you, thank you so much, you must help me this time."

While talking, Yang Hui was already crying, playing the most pitiful appearance to win sympathy.

"Then wait for my news."

After speaking the last sentence, Shen Xiaoduo hung up, and after a slight pause, he got through to Zhang Yushu.

"Cousin, where are you?" Shen Xiaoduo asked questioningly, obviously with some emotion in it.

At noon today, Gu Qingyuan beat them up, and then used his cousin's ability to engage in other people's homes. If this is the case, it would be too much with Zhang Yushu.

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